Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin faces a getting-to-know-you process as the Republican vice presidential candidate, a USA TODAY-Gallup Poll finds: Most Americans say they’ve never heard of her.

There is also wide uncertainty about whether she’s qualified to be president. In the poll, taken Friday, 39% say she is ready to serve as president if needed, 33% say she isn’t, and 29% have no opinion.

That’s the lowest vote of confidence in a running mate since the elder George Bush chose then-Indiana senator Dan Quayle to join his ticket in 1988. In comparison, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden was seen as qualified by 57%-18% after Democrat Barack Obama chose him as a running mate last week.

Not that I’m being more cynical than usual, you understand.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Since we were hoping to see McCain pick a running mate with economic credentials that might bolster his own, in a race where that seems to be one of his areas of perceived weakness, let’s take a look at what Palin brings to the table economically.

    She is a first-term governor of a state that stands alone among the 50 with neither a sales tax nor a personal state income tax, so she has exactly zero experience in formulating public policy in those two areas. However, she did help to raise taxes on Alaska oil and natural gas company revenues, which helped give her the good fortune as governor of also helping to pass a one-time payment to Alaska residents of an extra $1200 per resident, on top of the already existing large annual payments to Alaskans that come from an oil and natural gas related state trust fund.

    Now the question….. Does this seem like the type of broad economic experience that will translate to a national scope and serve a McCain administration (or God forbid a Palin administration) as they attempt to deal with one of the harshest economic climates we’ve seen in many years?

  2. lynn says:

    Did my ears mishear or did Rush Limbaugh congratulate John McCain for picking a “babe”? Oh, what a great step forward for Republican women. Also – just to be a bit catty – does anyone besides me think she looks like a slightly younger, brunette Cindy McCain? I’m waiting to see the two of them together at the convention.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #22 “Palin is no Hillary Clinton. (Am I repeating myself here?) The women I’ve heard who are talking about this are in turn disturbed about this pick.”

    That’s true. Hillary road on her husbands coat tails to get into the Senate. Palin didn’t, and became a gov. I’ve heard some women say that Palin is more of a feminist than Hill…

  4. god says:

    The vast amount of neocon/fundie/nutball editorializing by the neocon/fundie/nutballs about what a “godsend” she is speaks to their dementia….

  5. god says:

    But, then, that’s what Quayle was supposed to bring.

  6. Brian says:

    She’s totally and completely unqualified to be VP. McCain, at 72, has to answer criticisms about choosing such an inexperienced candidate for nothing more than shock value. His health has to be questioned, and her being a heartbeat away from the presidency is frightening (well almost as frightening as 4 more years of bush regime under mccain).

  7. pierrelarsen says:

    I frankly know very little about Senator Obama. But having been governor for two years of a state, even Alaska, must surely count as more experience than being a junior senator (I have been told of little influence and few or no accomplishments as senator). Senators govern little while governors, it is all in the name, are somehow required to do so.

    So if Governor Palin does not have the experience to be president of the US, then Senator Obama appears to have even less?

    Being an European and having absolutely no say in the American presidential election I hope (I will beg if necessary) a majority of Americans will choose somebody qualified for the position of the most powerful person in the world.

    This must mean a person of proven personal qualities who has been tested by life. Maturity, moderation and some age seem to me to be pretty important.

    Senator Biden and Senator McCain surely are the only ones who qualify?!

    Reading some of the comments here I can’t help think that being the mother of 5 children is also a necessary and very relevant experience 😉

    Finally, is it true that Governor Palin has managed to run Alaska on no income tax and having no fiscal problems? And she has even paid all Alaskans money? If you Americans don’t want her, we do! She would be a mighty fine President of Europe. Easy on the eyes too!

    The position does not really exist yet, but when we come this far, the person elected will not be followed with the guy with the small suitcase and will have no superpowers such as starting wars.

  8. Thomas says:

    How is Obama not also totally and completely unqualified to be President? He has a little over two years experience as a first term Senator and prior to that was a professor and we are not even talking about someone that will be a step removed from the Presidency.

  9. JimD says:

    GOP attract the “Women’s Vote” ??? The party that oppsoed the Equal Rights Amendment, the Equal Pay for Equal Work Law, and is DEAD SET AGAINST The Woman’s Right to Choose ??? ***NEVER HAPPEN*** !!! Do you think they might have a chance with Schlafly or Coulter in the Top Spot ??? They would be “Women Candidates” but could they win ??? NEVER !!!

  10. edwinrogers says:

    Cheney built that office into the most powerful in Washington. Putting a hillbilly in charge of it, probably, isn’t going to be good.

  11. ArianeB says:

    This is the critical flaw right here:

    “But among the critical undecideds, the Palin pick made only 6 percent more likely to vote for McCain; and it made 31 percent less likely to vote for him. 49 percent said it would have no impact, and 15 percent remained unsure. More to the point: among undecideds, 59 percent said Palin was unready to be president. Only 6 percent said she was. If the first criterion for any job is whether you’re ready for it, this is a pretty major indictment of the first act of McCain’s presidential leadership.”

    Here is the Link.

    If a VP pick cant generate votes among the critical undecideds, even worse repels them, its a very bad pick, no matter what kind of GOP spin you put on it.

  12. QB says:

    edwinrogers said: “Cheney built that office into the most powerful in Washington. Putting a hillbilly in charge of it, probably, isn’t going to be good.”

    Who knows, maybe that hillbilly will tear it down?

  13. jim h says:

    In the future, politicians and officeholders will be 2 separate groups. The parties will run candidates with no political experience, simply people that they think the voters will identify with. The 50th U.S. President will be “Del”, a machinist from Ohio, who knows absolutely nothing about the issues and is openly proud of that fact. He’ll just talk about how this is the greatest god-d@mm country in the world and anyone who doesn’t agree with that can kiss his behind, etc. While in office, he’ll support the troops in whatever action they think is right. Actual legislation will all be written by industry lobbyists, as a free public service.

  14. Kev50027 says:

    Could you be more liberal? Damn it, I don’t come here to hear your poor ass viewpoint on politics. If you want to turn this into a liberal blog, go get a job on public radio.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #46 – Kev50027

    New here?

  16. Pmitchell says:

    the more I see you Libs posting articles bashing Palin the more I know just how scared you are about McCains choice I recall the old Shakespeare line ” me thinks you protest to much “. I see on digg every other article is a hit piece from, she has no experience to the totally repugnant libelous crap that her child is not hers but her daughters. If you Libs weren’t scared to death you would not be on this full court press to trying to discredit her. Every Lib article slamming her just makes me more sure she was the right pick and is going to be the next VP so choke on it LIBS

  17. hhopper says:

    McCain will get most of the MILF vote.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #48 – Pmitchell – libelous crap that her child is not hers but her daughters.

    How hard would it be for her to debunk it?

  19. zionred says:

    she has a hell of a lot more experience and intelligence than Obama has.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Calin,

    resign from the ticket to spend more time with her daughter’s retarded baby.

    And the republicans are the party of hate?

    It takes a lot of love to care for a Downs Baby. Even more when the baby is your grandbaby and you have to pretend the baby is your’s. That doesn’t sound like hate to me. So maybe the Republicans will have a problem with her NOT fitting the mold.


    #31, HannaMontanaGuy,

    The vast amount of liberal editorializing by the liberals about what a disaster she is speaks to their fear….

    #48, Paul,

    the more I see you Libs posting articles bashing Palin the more I know just how scared you are about McCains choice

    I see the wing nut spin is the Democrats are afraid.

    There is no fear of her here. We are making critical judgments about a person that has an opportunity to become the President with but a few twists of fate. Her credentials are minimal.

    Is she more qualified than you? Probably. Is she more qualified than Obama or Biden? Very far from it. And as bad a choice as he is, Palin is even worse than McCain.


    #51, zion,

    she has a hell of a lot more experience and intelligence than Obama has.

    Only we aren’t picking a TV Sportscaster. For intelligence, Obama is recognized as one of the most intelligent people in Congress. Since she is an unknown quantity, I don’t know how you can suggest she is so bright. What has she done that demonstrates her “brilliance”?

  21. Lou Minatti says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  22. TomB says:

    #52, I know wikipedia isn’t the most trusted source of information, but if half if what is in there is true about Palin, I would say she has accomplished way more than that Obamanation. She reduced property taxes by 40% and told the federal gov to take a hike on different subsidies.

    Unfortunately, he desire to increase corporate taxes on various companies, her flip-flopping on the “greenhouse gas/climate change” issues and corporate welfare attitude have irked me.

    The only reason to tax a company and then give it a subsidy is so you can control it. She may look like a small government candidate, but I assure you she isn’t.

    Vote Libertarian.

  23. TomB says:

    #49, Holy Cow!!! Is that really her?

    Hubba, Hubba.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #53, lou,

    the ugly side of the Democrat Party, which is the party of hate.

    No no, the Republicans are the party of hate. One of our resident wing nuts, Calin, points that out in #17.

    I’m not sure what you wrote that caused Ed to pull it. I do know from experience that Ed doesn’t censor something just because it differs from his point of view. Unless you criticize Football (soccer) or Scots. Those are the extent of his bias.

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #56 – Mr. Fusion

    I asked Illuminati to prove it and he couldn’t. The only thing he came up with was links that lead to someone who had made a joke about New Orleans and the republicans.

  26. #49 – hhopper

    Homina homina homina! I might re-think my political affiliation if she agreed to come to my house on the campaign trail! Or maybe we could meet at the fire station, and she could do a pole dance!

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #56 – Mister Mustard

    Time for some bible studies! 😉

  28. #59 – Meister

    She could bring a whole new meaning to the term “holy roller”. Bring on a little hay, and we’re good to go!

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #60 – Mister Mustard

    *LMAO* 😀

  30. MikeN says:

    >How hard would it be for her to debunk it?

    Pretty hard. The guys on this site still think that the 60 Minutes National Guard documents haven’t been debunked.


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