Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin faces a getting-to-know-you process as the Republican vice presidential candidate, a USA TODAY-Gallup Poll finds: Most Americans say they’ve never heard of her.
There is also wide uncertainty about whether she’s qualified to be president. In the poll, taken Friday, 39% say she is ready to serve as president if needed, 33% say she isn’t, and 29% have no opinion.
That’s the lowest vote of confidence in a running mate since the elder George Bush chose then-Indiana senator Dan Quayle to join his ticket in 1988. In comparison, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden was seen as qualified by 57%-18% after Democrat Barack Obama chose him as a running mate last week.
Not that I’m being more cynical than usual, you understand.
Hopefully, most Americans will see through the obvious sham of this VP choice. While I agree this Hail Mary pass by the GOP to win at all cost is clever, it may backfire big time.
Palin’s overt plea for low hanging fruit women vote is over-the-top. More importantly, this irrational decision by McCain, while marketed as a “maverick”, shows he is truly and other Bush:
– winning is paramount, country is second
– Karl Rove lives on in the Whitehouse basement
– screw the data, go with the gut
– I too will fly solo in decision-making
This is a second historic sham of how presidents will be elected. The first being the use of sliming, swift-boating. Both a product of Karl Rove.
Dan Quayle in 1988 had more experience than Barack Obama today.
Who won the 1998 election?
Dammit, 1988. I pulled an Obama.
No, your subconscious had it right. John Edwards won his election in 1998, and 6 years later was the vice presidential nominee(and he tried to get on the ticket with Al Gore after 2 years in the Senate). Base don recent history, I guess Obama has the experience to be vice-president.
Bush gives his approval.
Eric, pretty astute. Teddy Roosevelt is John McCain’s hero – along with all self righteous anger.
Here’s a pretty good article on how Palin was chosen.
#8 – QB
Very good article. Thanks.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Clearly, if experience was important to McCain, he would not have appointed someone with no experience.
So, he’s lost that card against Obama.
On the positive side:
1) She’s a bona fide, gun clutching, anti-choice Evangelical Christian.
This is huge.
2) She more than halves the average age of the ticket and more than doubles the beauty.
This is also huge.
As for me: I’m not sure she is such a bad choice. It really depends on how it plays out, and that you can’t predict.
#10 – Illuminati
Prove it.
Well, the media is right on top of this. “This Week” with the Dem oriented Stephanopoulis (sp) seriously asked Cindy McCain why she went to Georgia. Earlier he accepted her answer as to what Palin’s international experience was and she answered she lives in Alaska which is right next to Russia.
You can’t make this shit up.
#11 – Greg Allen – She more than halves the average age of the ticket…
Care to share your calculation?
…more than doubles the beauty
Being visually appealing has very little to do with her abilities.
Now, take off your rose colored glasses and let us know what you see.
McCain will end doing a Harriet Miers with Palin. As her inexperienceand intelligence becomes more of a liability, she will voluntarily (ya right) resign from the ticket to spend more time with her daughter’s retarded baby. She will be replaced by Kay Hutchinson.
By that time it will be far too late and McCain will lose by one of the largest margins in history. I could be wrong about that; McCain could lose by THE largest amount in history.
#13 – Bobbo – …she lives in Alaska which is right next to Russia.
resign from the ticket to spend more time with her daughter’s retarded baby.
And the republicans are the party of hate?
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
>She more than halves the average age of the ticket
Easy Jager, with her on the ticket the average age is now more than half of what it used to be!
I think THIS link explains why McCain chose Sarah Palin
#18 – Illuminati
Oh, that really proved… I’m so convinced now… Seriously, Illuminati… Remember this one:
They were all JOKING. Get yourself a fucking sense of humor.
TrooperGate is likely to blow up in McCain’s face. Who the hell vetted her?
She could go down worse than Eagleton did in ’72.
Palin is no Hillary Clinton. (Am I repeating myself here?) The women I’ve heard who are talking about this are in turn disturbed about this pick.
And I’m well aware of how Ferraro was thought of by some Democrats back in ’84, and I can’t see how Republicans are going to be any nicer to Palin, certainly not the voters (the politicians are whores anyway).
According to the UK Times, “Counterbalancing McCain’s reputation as a political dinosaur, Palin smoked pot when it was legal in Alaska, admitting, “I can’t claim a Bill Clinton and say I never inhaled”.”
The more I see about this girl, the more I like.
#19 – MikeN – with her on the ticket the average age is now more than half of what it used to be!
I guess I’m slow today… Here are their ages:
* McCain – 72
* Palin – 44
I would have assumed (72+44)/2, which turns out to be 58… And how is that half of “what it used to be”? Show me the formula you guys are using.
(From #19)
> Easy Jager, with her on
> the ticket the average age
> is now more than half of
> what it used to be!
It is a play on words. The mean age now is greater than 1/2 the mean age previously. Thus you have:
(72+44)/2 > (0.5 * 72)
58 > 36
Wow, you Americans really hate each other. 😉
BTW Lou. There are idiots off all political stripes who say hateful and despicable things. I like the Michael Moore reference though, he is Ann Coulter’s soul mate.
Back on topic, we’ll so how Palin plays out over the next few weeks but one thing is certain: her pick has energized Republicans right when they needed it. I think she will spend most of her time campaigning in the rust belt where her appeal will be highest. I also think it’s gotten McCain’s “maverick” hat back on.
Downside, this could hurt them in urban environments but those aren’t really in play for the Republicans anyway.
The biggest plus: 12 hours after Obama delivered one hell of a speech to a huge audience everyone is talking about the Republicans.
Technically, she’s is a really crappy choice (come on, let’s be honest). Emotionally she is a great choice and that’s where most elections are won. This has become one hell of a race.
#25 – Thomas
Thanks for the explanation. Republican math at its best, I guess. 😉
Doesn’t really matter, seems highly improbable that she’ll make it to office. Unless the republicans get ‘lucky’ and there’s another 9-11. Seems a shame to compare her to Quayle, though. That’s pretty harsh.
A joke Jager. GregAllen’s original intended claim is impossible.
So a first term governor of Alaska doesn’t have the experience to be vice-president, but a first-term Senator(just two years) has the experience to be president?
The vast amount of liberal editorializing by the liberals about what a disaster she is speaks to their fear….