Didn’t the GOP blast Kerry for choosing Edwards as running mate because he didn’t have enough experience to be VP? How soon they forget.

  1. Chucklehead says:

    BOOM goes the dynamite.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Barack Obama’s version of “change” is… dried up old political hack/plagiarist Joe “Hairplug” Biden. I wonder if Joe is rooting for the destruction of New Orleans like so many other Dem leaders?

    Go ahead, delete it. It’s clear that the rules unless it’s a Dvorak post are: Any comments that are critical of The Messiah and his Party of Hate are not allowed, posts that outright slander those to the right of Ted Kennedy are encouraged.

    Go ahead, McCullough.

    [The DU rules are here. – ed.]

  3. emailc says:

    Palin thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written at the time of the Founding Fathers.



  4. McCullough says:

    #2. Lou, you are so far off base as to be laughable. I am not a disciple of either party, no matter what you may think. My question to you is, do you think Palin is a wise choice, I mean really? Is she ready to lead this country? Or are you just a my party right or wrong kind of guy?

  5. Nimby says:

    I may have missed the point of the post/video. Is she not allowed to have had a career prior to politics? I used to flip burgers. Does that make me a less competent physician now? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a supporter of someone whose religious attitudes seem to lie somewhere to the right of Jerry Falwell. But, if we’re going to ctiticize the woman, let’s do it for relevant issues.

  6. lhaas says:

    If McCain’s old butt dies, We would be soooo screwed. What is he thinking, I cannot understand why anyone thinks Philin is a good choice. It could be that McCain’s memory is “Failin”

  7. edwinrogers says:

    Her voice is too squeaky to be a VP. Maybe a Postmaster General, but not a Vice President. Just my opinion.

  8. McCullough says:

    #5. You’re correct, it was pointless. It wasn’t an attack or meant to be criticism in any way. I only posted it because she is newsworthy.

  9. #8 – McC

    >>It wasn’t an attack or meant to be
    >>criticism in any way.

    I didn’t view it as a criticism. If anything, it shows that she can speak in full sentences, without tripping all over her tongue. A skill that seems to have eluded McBush and his inspiration, Dumbya.

    I prefer the Naughty Librarian look to her sportscaster-days Big Hair, though. She has aged well, like a fine wine. Too bad she didn’t pick up any experience along the way that would be useful to being POTUS.

  10. Brian says:

    #2 is the epitome of all right-wingers: you point out a (factual) flaw in their party (in this case the lack of experience in the VP pick), and immediately it becomes ‘well the Dems did THIS!’

    Get lost, Lou, and come back when you can have a debate criticizing your party without invoking the opposition, ok?

  11. MikeN says:

    Edwards had four years as Senator before he started running for President. Palin has a year and a half as governor. Obama has 2 years as Senator. All equally inexperienced.

    As for the video, of course liberals criticize people in lower level jobs.

  12. Lycoming360 says:

    This choice is simply appalling.

    And frightening.

    Getting to know Sarah . . .


    Good luck to us all.


  13. RussG says:

    #10 is the epitome of all left-wingers: you point out a (factual) flaw in their party (in this case the lack of experience in the P pick), and immediately it becomes ‘well the GOP did THIS!’

    Get lost, Brian, and come back when you can have a debate criticizing your party without invoking the opposition, ok?

  14. MikeN says:

    Either way, the country is probably doomed to a lackluster presidency.

    Here are the Executive and Legislative backgrounds of the top 5:

    Washington: Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army
    Lincoln: Member of Congress
    FDR: Governor of New York
    Jefferson: Governor of Virginia; Delegate to the Congress of the Confederation
    TR: Governor of New York

    Here are the backgrounds of the bottom 5:

    Buchanan: U.S Senator
    Harding: U.S. Senator
    Pierce: U.S. Senator; Member of Congress
    Andrew Johnson: Member of Congress; Governor of Tennessee; U.S. Senator
    Fillmore: Member of Congress

  15. Digby says:

    Um hummm…And exactly how much experience did the John F. Kennedy have? Senators don’t RUN anything. Governors do. I think this is a wonderful CHANGE. Oh. Sorry. Was that Barry’s word? The guy who selected a tired old white business as usual dead ass Senator? I thought two senators on a ticket was always a dumb ass choice? I think a new, non-corrupted, down-to-earth, Alaskan woman would make a GREAT President. This left-leaning blog is getting very tiring. If you guys all elect Barama, you will get exactly what you deserve. Sell your Prius’s now, to pay for Mexican health care.

  16. MikeN says:

    Truman and Kennedy rate high as Senators, so maybe there’s still some hope.

  17. McCullough says:

    #15. So Sarah Palin will make a GREAT President and you base this on what? The next President will have to go head to head with Putin, thanks to the idiot that currently resides in the WH. Do you think she is up to the task or Obama for that matter? Are you for real? It’s comments like this that just leave me shaking my head.

    Lets see, if I were a betting man, and we are entering a cold war (again, thanks to asshole) I’m thinking I need foreign policy experience and as much as I dislike Biden, I have to make an intelligent decision. The worst of two evils, I will have to choose. I don’t know who I will vote for this November, But McCain isn’t even on the Radar at this point. If that makes me a lefty, so be it.

  18. Stars & Bars says:

    You’d think the Democrats would be glad to have this woman as McCain’s running mate. As bad as they claim she is. In reality, they know Obama just lost the Hillary’s supporters and the election. Looks like it’s four more years. Obama couldn’t win even if he dropped Bidden and picked up Hillary.

    The Democrats better start backing Bob Barr.

  19. Stars & Bars says:

    Great video, she wrote her own copy and kept it straight. She’s better then Katie Couric.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – Stars & Bars

    Obama leads McCain 49-41 percent. Let’s have a look in a week or two when the initial reactions over Sarah Palin are over and reality sets in.

  21. Montanaguy says:

    Let’s see… governors in recent history that became president of the U.S. … Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter…. you could argue about whether a governor has foreign policy experience, but there’s certainly a strong, recent precedent for this. At least she’s run something, as opposed to Obama who has been a ward heeler in the corrupt cesspool of Chicago politics for 20 years. Oh, I’m sorry… I meant ‘Community Organizer’ of course, kind of like the fact that secretaries are now called ‘administrative assistants’ and janitors are now ‘engineers’. A ward heelers job in Chicago, if you’ve never been there is to strong-arm voters and hand out political favors and money. In return for that 20 year service, you get bumped up to be an Illinois senator. Any questions?
    If you look at the frantic blogging on the liberal left about this (see Huffington Post), you can see that the lefties are terrified that there is a vp candidate out there that mainstream americans will identify with and like – a lot. Joe Biden is Nobama’s corpse tribute to the political machine, once again. He’s just slightly more likeable than Muskie.

  22. James Hill says:

    Another attempted attack, and another failure. The left has lost its touch.

    As soon as someone can point out something the Great Black Hope or his mentor have run that’s larger than Alaska you’ll have an argument. Until then, you’re fucked.

  23. #21 – Hannah

    >>kind of like the fact that secretaries are
    >>now called ‘administrative assistants’ and
    >>janitors are now ‘engineers’.

    Don’t forget the computer programmers. They’re now called ‘engineers’ as well.

    >>Obama who has been a ward heeler in the
    >>corrupt cesspool of Chicago politics for 20

    Uh, he was a “ward heeler” (actually working for a church-based community organization) for THREE years. Not twenty. Twenty years ago he was just entering Harvard Law School, from which he graduated magna cum laude in 1991.

    If you want to Swift-Boat the guy, at least get your facts straight.

  24. McCullough says:

    #22. So Hill, President Palin sound good to you?

  25. Greg Allen says:

    If the Republicans REALLY cared about experience, they never would have chosen a VP with no experience.

  26. bforst says:

    well at least she can read copy without stumbling. that alone is an improvement over the last few years….

  27. QB says:

    Lou, you are bitter little hobbit, aren’t you?

  28. RTaylor says:

    I was alive during the JFK era, and it wasn’t a great administration. It’s all legend now, so truth doesn’t matter. His inexperience resulted in something called the Bay of Pigs. Experience in politics gives you the ability to cut through the bullshit. Guess what, the CIA and Pentagon aren’t always right. If you take the brass as gospel, a lot of people will be screwed.

  29. Cursor_ says:

    It doesn’t matter who gets in.

    The country changed over 75 years ago and our government has not kept up.

    We need to scrap it and start over.

    This is like trying to repair a broken roof with bent hammers and rusty saws. It is not going to go well.


  30. Stars & Bars says:

    #20 Jägermeister – Historically, the numbers for the Democrats are always highest after the convention. The pole to which you reference was taken prior to the announcement of Palin.

    From your link, “Obama leads McCain 49-41 percent in the most recent Gallup Poll daily tracking survey, which measured voter sentiment during a three-day period ending Aug. 28.”


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