Welcome to the McCain Age

Police raided a rental hall used by a group organizing protests at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday.

The RNC Welcoming Committee, which describes itself as “anarchist/anti-authoritarian,” accused St. Paul police of trying to disrupt their protest planned for Monday, the day the GOP convention is set to begin.

While no one was arrested, the group said police temporarily detained and photographed at least 50 people who were inside the building.

St. Paul Police spokesman Tom Walsh said they were executing a search warrant. “The cause for the search warrant is not public at this time,” Walsh said.

As many as 30 police officers entered with guns drawn, according to witnesses in the building.

No bombs or infernal devices were found. Just people exercising their constitutional rights. Oh!

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “While no one was arrested,…”

    At least they aren’t pushing reporters into oncoming traffic like the Dems. LOL

  2. Calin says:

    In all fairness…I think any group that refers to themselves as “anarchists” deserves a little looking after.

  3. doug says:

    #2. Yes, people who distrust government are downright un-American.

  4. Buzz says:


    We are the Republican Party. We have your best interest at heart.


  5. Digby says:

    I suppose you also support the tree sitters in Berkeley. These jerk anarchists are a royal pain in everyone’s butt. Perhaps if you had a few living next door, you would love them even more. I live in San Francisco, and I have to put up with these idiots on a daily basis, since I am a news photographer. I think the cops should spray these creeps with something really good, like super glue mixed with cow turds.

  6. Malcolm says:

    Four more years of deceit, blatant constitutional violations, expanding government, and vastly reduced international security. McShame has it all!

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #7 “Four more years of deceit, blatant constitutional violations, expanding government, and vastly reduced international security.”

    Don’t worry. Obama’s chance is less than 50%.

  8. MikeN says:

    1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power

    2: a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order

  9. MikeN says:

    I don’t think the purpose of protests should be to be violent and harass people. Be loud only, don’t get in the way.

  10. James Hill says:

    Hack editors trying to mock the GOP for the same things done by the left during their vacation renders their opinion meaningless.

    Not that I haven’t already been destroying your opinion for years. Once things even out here a bit I’ll gladly stop, but until then enjoy your servitude.

  11. brendal says:

    Hey…the very fact that this post exists with the piccy proves a lot about our freedoms. Not that anyone in the U.S. would notice something like that. Besides, the whole story’s not in…yet.

  12. James Hill says:

    #13 – Good point, but it is well accepted that the “I can’t believe what’s happening to America” crowd isn’t really complaining about the condition of the nation, but their inability to do anything about it.

    That tells you why BHO is framed as the Great Black Hope.

  13. RTaylor says:

    Can we please put a cork in the NAZI and fascist allusions. It doesn’t help arguments. It’s an insult to those that greatly suffered from these regimes. There’s plenty of legitimate arguments against any current political party. Be vigilant against abuse, but keep perspective in all things.

  14. Gwendle says:

    I live in Minnesota. This really does not surprise me from the police we have here.

  15. gquaglia says:

    Because we know this things would never happen with the Democrats.


    And all this guy was doing was taking pictures.

  16. deowll says:

    I deny the Republicans got a head start. We have already seen the film of the Dems getting the head start.

    The Republicans are merely trying to catch up with the Dems.

  17. Freyar says:


    Why did you suddenly manage to force Tim Curry into my head? Yeesh…


    We’ll have to wait and see if they release the details about the warrant, and the reasoning behind photographing the people in the long run.


    “It’s an insult to those that greatly suffered from these regimes.”

    I’m still having trouble understanding why the allusions are an “insult”, considering that we’re seeing an increase in government control. I don’t have a problem making references to anything, just ignoring something because it is “insulting to the survivors” is insulting to me.

    These problems are here, and are alluding to something similar (albeit not exactly the same).

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #21 “I’m still having trouble understanding why the allusions are an “insult”, considering that we’re seeing an increase in government control.”

    Good thing the Dems are all about reduced gov’t control. LOL

  19. nauc says:

    proof the elite are evil

    what dont they say what the search warrant was for?

    theyre just trying to sweep it under the carpet, hoping tomorrow is a new day and Americans will have some new news to chew on and forget about this news story.


  20. R.O.P. says:

    So, MikeN, if you lived in the 60’s you clearly would have been against the civil rights movement. Those civil disobedience protesters certainly “got in the way” of all those white folk trying to get to get home on the bus, their kid’s little league games, and KKK meetings.

  21. Nimby says:

    Dear Eideard. Your politics are well known around here but please learn to read, The article states: “Police raided a rental hall ” That’s POLICE not Republicans. I’m sure the St Paul Police would love to know you are equating them with fascists.

    Give us a break from your prejudice, please.

  22. R.O.P. says:

    Nimby, you really think that Chief Fletcher’s squad of storm troopers are somehow innocent? Chief Fletcher’s best man at his wedding has been found guilty of stealing money from a drug bust in spite of his best attempts to protect him. Maybe Fletcher should do preemptive raids on murders, rapists, and car jackers instead of people ready to exercise their right to free speech. Innocent until proven guilty is a mainstay of our civil rights.

  23. Rick Cain says:

    lets put the blame where it lies….at the feet of the ultra-rich that control both parties. the reporter wouldn’t have been pushed into the street if he wasn’t investigating how rich people were hanging out with the political elites.

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    Aw, shucks! In my day anti-protester police raids usually involved guns, attack dogs, bombs, tear gas and the extra special billy clubs called riot sticks, carried by row upon row of big, angry and armored “peace” officers. These raids were almost genteel in comparison. Still going for the chilling effect, though, no doubt about that.

    Of course, we’ll see how things go once the convention actually starts.

    And, since I kept losing (note: ONE ‘o’) track of the topic of discussion,



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