McCain lying about his vote on investigating the levee failures.

During his press conference today in Baton Rouge, John McCain declared in strong terms that he’s voted for every investigation of Hurricane Katrina.

The only problem is, as the DNC has been pointing out to reporters, he voted twice against Democratic proposals to investigate the levee failures.

Full Story

  1. Gwendle says:

    I do not want him in office. I do not want Obama in office either. Is there a third non whacko option?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Funny thing how people like Glenn Beck and Ted Nugent are trying to sell this idiot to the masses but obviously keeping things like this one hush-hush.

  3. Fair Trade says:

    McCain is either senile or a liar – neither is ideal qualities for a president.

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    Awesome. This guy is 72 years old. He couldn’t hold a job as manager at McDonald’s, but the leader of the free world he could do with ease. It is quite likely that we could have a soccer mom fighting the war on terror. hmmm, maybe that is what we need to shake our abusive affair with the Saudi circus.

  5. soundwash says:

    um, maybe he should up his Fish Oil intake
    to help with that memory problem of his.

    in his defense, he’s just practicing his sworn political duty to lie thru his teeth, just like every other politician on the no surprises there..


  6. Bill says:

    Let’s hold the election now and get this over with!

    McCain obviously doesn’t want to win this thing!

  7. deowll says:

    Now, now, don’t get all huffy just because the guy had a senior moment.

    If he didn’t he’d know better than to tell a lie on film.

  8. JimR says:

    A president of the USA that tells lies to his country for his own desperate selfish gain. He puts on a good dog and pony show though.

    Falling for his antics is like being a sucker for the press releases of a bad penny stock.

  9. Shubee says:

    It’s not exactly a lie to vote against pork, even if one provision in a proposed bill is for something good.

  10. After the dead-cat bounce in McBush interest after he picked that Naughty Librarian/ beauty queen to be his running mate, watch for McBush to slide back into the irrelevance that he so richly deserves.

    If anyone thinks he is anything other than a sad follow-on to Dumbya, they need to up their fish oil and ginko biloba intake.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “It’s not exactly a lie to vote against pork,”

    There was pork in a bill to investigate Katrina?

  12. JimR says:

    Being a liar is by far the worst personality trait of an elected official. I’d rather have an honest thief (in retrospect), than a slimy manipulative liar as a leader.

  13. JimR says:

    #10, Right on!. Mr. M, we poke at each other on that other topic, but I do appreciate intelligence and whit of your posts overall. You often give me a chuckle.

    The Forlorn Atheist

  14. Shubee says:

    #11 – There was pork in a bill to investigate Katrina?

    Yes – It’s the usual game that Congress plays. No matter how good a proposed bill might be, costly pork and completely irrelevant provisions can be added to it.

  15. Paddy-O says:


    Oh, so the game is to offer a bill on an “investigation”, load with crap the taxpayers don’t want and then threaten to go after the legislators who won’t vote for the pork by saying they are blocking an investigation. Wow!

    Hey, Mark Perkel, did you know about this?

  16. #13 – JimR

    See? Rodney King’s dream has become reality. We CAN all just get along!!

  17. JohnMcC says:

    George taught me how to lie!
    I learned from the best!

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    I vote that we don’t spend another dime on New Orleans, a city destroyed by corrupt Democrat hacks.

  19. #18 – Lou-Mi

    Destroyed by corrupt democratic hacks?


    Dumbya, his puppetmasters, and his incompetent underlings destroyed New Orleans.

    They should be jailed.

  20. bobbo says:

    Nice discreet issues reveal the political hacks on this blog. Katrina was an act of God in judgment on the homosexuals infesting New Orleans–that and the jazz music, and crawdad stew.

    Inadequate levee structure was a product of dems and pubs, fed and state.

    Political posts on this subject???? Hah! Gustave hit Cat 5 this morning. Should drive the stake in all floodplain development is “politics” doesn’t step in to pander once again.

  21. Dallas says:

    Speaking of hurricanes and storms, the GOP marketeers will need to do some brainstorming on this Gustav thing.

    Memories of Katrina with floating American bodies and Bush abandoning a major city that’s under water is not the greatest of convention kickoff event.

    Could this be God playing a role here? I mean God DID NOT make it rain on the DNC convention as hoped for.

    I am so happy to be on God’s side on this election. WHY, WHY are Republicans against God’s wishes?

  22. R.O.P. says:

    I live in Minneapolis, MN. The RNC is going to postpone the convention if Gustav hits New Orleans. We will see if it’s because they want to help NO & LA or if it’s just a ploy to avoid sharing the headlines with a hurricane. I am willing to wait before making judgment. It also means all the folks the Mpls/St Paul police have arrested and houses they are boarding up will have to suffer another attack, so the cops can keep them jailed for the duration of the convention (although they won’t have the benefit of a national holiday to extend the jail stays).

  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> bobbo said,
    >> Inadequate levee structure was a product of dems and pubs, fed and state.

    You and McCain have a similar grip on the facts:

    >> In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.

  24. qsabe says:

    Where oh where is a viable third part candidate when we need one.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    Ron Paul, but everybody has put him in the extremist wacko candidate checkbox because he wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve, get rid of the income tax, get the usa out of foreign wars, stop funding terrorism and dictators, and bring jobs back to the usa.

    What a nut case!

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Rick,

    Ron Paul is an extreme wacko candidate.


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