Stupid Celebrities Gossip » Bristol Palin Pregnancy: Is VP Sarah Palin’s 5th Child Really Her Daughters? This is going to dominate the news this weekend. Generally a smear tactic does not go in this direction. The key elements are that there are few pics of Sarah pregnant and her daughter was out of school for an extended period with mono.

Obviously all we need is the birth certificate, a doctor, someone to confirm or deny the story. This could backfire or result in a McCain error in judgment. If you wanted to be a conspiracy theorist you could argue that this story was actually planted by Republicans to be proven false to cast aspersions on the Dems for being heartless since this poor woman is raising a baby with Down’s syndrome and now they are claiming it is not hers. Bastards!

We’ll see how it unfolds. It will be fun to watch either way.

Now being upfront, we have no idea if this story is true but sources say it’s correct. But Media Takeout is reporting that McCain’s vice-presidential pick, Sarah Palin, is said to have pretended her fifth child, Trig Palin, was hers… when actually the baby belonged to her teenage daughter, Bristol Palin.

UPDATE: Further research discovers a slew of fake blogs linking to a phony video linked in China! Here is the current list of fake WP Blogs with posts obviously designed to create a Google bomb. The plot thickens. Something is indeed being orchestrated. Seems amateurish. And apparently those sites try and load a Trojan — BE CAUTIOUS.

  1. Meg says:

    Don’t care who Twig’s mom is, but it annoys me that the same people who were in moral outrage that a grown man got a BJ think a knocked up teen is just fine. A child is a lifetime responsibility.

  2. G-Florida says:

    What a message to send to the teens in America!! An unmarried teen in the White House!! How much longer will we accept the hypocrisy of the so called Evangelical Christians!! Is it okay to have unprotected sex, as a minor, and out of wedlock, while proclaiming to stand on the belief of abstinence? I guess so, if you believe, status and money places you above those less economically priveledged teens. If Palin was so proud of her daughter, why didn’t she announce her daughter’s engagement, when she accepted to run with McCain, she certainly didn’t miss a beat telling America, how proud she was about her son’s upcoming deployment to Iraq!!
    Are we willing to live with another obvious hypocritical lier in the oval office?
    Forcing a youngwoman into marriage for selfish reasons isn’t a sign of being a strong self-sufficient woman!! This was not immaculate conception, therefore you can’t expect this young girl to accept a marriage she maynot be ready for!!, “You Sarah Palin needs to see what you are doing to your child!!””

  3. Julian Nicholls says:

    I had really bad Mono a few years ago. I was ill for three weeks, not 5 months.

    Bristol isn’t pregnant any more, the last kid’s hers. Dvorak hits the nail on the head once again.

  4. Responsible Decisions says:

    Children not only learn what they live, they live what they learn. This child apparently has been given the responsibility of parenting her sibling as her mother’s responsibility of politics overshadows her own parenting responsibility. Bristol Palin should have no qualms about becoming a parent to her own biological child as her responsibilities for her brother(?) Trig, which should have been her mother’s responsibility, makes it alright for her to be a parent instead of being a teen.

    A mother who states that she is proud to be a grandparent when her teen daughter is pregnant, is in denial that something went wrong. It appears that she endorses the premature marriage of this young couple. Statistics show that young marriages tend to end up in divorce. Really, the values of family are muddled in politics.

    Sure her mother is anti-abortion, but being pro-responsibility is a stronger value, as that includes prevention (including abstinence as an option) and responsible decision making. When this value is upheld, the issue of abortion is moot. What do pro-life groups do beyond protesting abortion and encouraging the destruction of family planning clinics and physicians. Regarding the parents who are not ready, willing or able to support and parent their children and end up abusing or neglecting their children, how much energy is placed by pro life people on the care of these existing lives. Leave it to the government? I suppose if that is the case, then the government should control the morals and individual rights of citizens.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #105 “Ignore the mother after the birth except to blame her.”

    I didn’t ignore Bobbo’s mother. It was her choice to give birth to him, even after she knew he was retarded.

  6. bobbo says:

    #125–Now Paddy==why draw me in obliquely when I constantly disagree with you so directly?

    Mom did have an abortion but it was my older brother. Birth defect and with another brother dying at one year of age, she didn’t want to face another sick child. So, had she not aborted my brother, I wouldn’t be here.

    She is still sad these many years later about the abortion. She would make those statistics trumped up about how abortion is regretted by the poor women who get tricked into it.

    If she was faced with the same decision, she would make it the same, and be sad the same.

    Abortion is not a happy decision. Most often, bringing defective babies into the world is even worse.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #125, Cow-Paddy,

    #105 “Ignore the mother after the birth except to blame her.”

    I didn’t ignore Bobbo’s mother. It was her choice to give birth to him, even after she knew he was retarded.

    You probably think your little quip is cute. It isn’t.

    The standard practice of the right wing nut evangelical Republican anti-abortion crowd is to talk the mother out of having an abortion. If the baby is to be blue eyed and blond, hell, one of them will adopt the baby. (They won’t adopt other babies because they are all going to China to adopt) They will even drop in on you during your pregnancy to make sure you don’t change your mind. Then once you give birth, you don’t count. You are a loose woman with bad morals. You and your baby are forever castigated.

    On the other hand, the father is seldom condemned. Especially if his parents are solid members of the community.

    You and James Hill make a lovely pair.

  8. bobbo says:

    Fusion==you know whats “interesting?”

    Assuming Paddy read/reads this thread==he continues to post as if the human issues in deciding abortion “are the whims of men who really should be killing adults.”

    Its mindboggling the dogma and talking points that are constantly regurgitating==and as Obama said with a smile: “and they are even proud of being so stupid.”

    Amen, and make those sutures water tight!

  9. the wizard says:

    When an event is alleged that has an extremely low probability of having occurred and when the person alleging that the event occurred also will reap great personal benefit from the fact of the events occurance then you may conclude with a high degree of certainty that the event in question did not in fact occur.

    Therefore –
    The baby belongs to Bristol.
    The baby does not have Down Syndrome.
    Bristol is not 5 months pregnant.
    Sarah is an extremely calculating and manipulative deceiver who cares more about her
    own political ass than about truth and ethics or own her daughters emotional well being.

    If John McCain did not know this when he
    chose her he certainly will very shortly.

    If she continues on the ticket then we may
    conclude that he is also inolved in that fraud
    and deceit.

    If you can’t figure this out yourself then
    you deserve the kind of government that their
    election will bring.

  10. GlorK says:

    Governor Palin, there has been call for you to do the most important work in the world and it is not part of any political ticket. Please model the courage and the influence that will make you remembered as a true female leader for generations to come. Now is the time to withdraw with dignity and be there for the family that you created and who clearly, so desperately, is in need of your many gifts. You can return to politics in 10 or 20 years; but your children need you now.Be the mother that is more than being a Vice President will ever be or could ever mean. Now, THAT is power!


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