Stupid Celebrities Gossip » Bristol Palin Pregnancy: Is VP Sarah Palin’s 5th Child Really Her Daughters? This is going to dominate the news this weekend. Generally a smear tactic does not go in this direction. The key elements are that there are few pics of Sarah pregnant and her daughter was out of school for an extended period with mono.

Obviously all we need is the birth certificate, a doctor, someone to confirm or deny the story. This could backfire or result in a McCain error in judgment. If you wanted to be a conspiracy theorist you could argue that this story was actually planted by Republicans to be proven false to cast aspersions on the Dems for being heartless since this poor woman is raising a baby with Down’s syndrome and now they are claiming it is not hers. Bastards!

We’ll see how it unfolds. It will be fun to watch either way.

Now being upfront, we have no idea if this story is true but sources say it’s correct. But Media Takeout is reporting that McCain’s vice-presidential pick, Sarah Palin, is said to have pretended her fifth child, Trig Palin, was hers… when actually the baby belonged to her teenage daughter, Bristol Palin.

UPDATE: Further research discovers a slew of fake blogs linking to a phony video linked in China! Here is the current list of fake WP Blogs with posts obviously designed to create a Google bomb. The plot thickens. Something is indeed being orchestrated. Seems amateurish. And apparently those sites try and load a Trojan — BE CAUTIOUS.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #88 – QB

    I’m sure it surface anyway.

  2. cluster says:

    Given that THIS particular pic is from 2006, the poor girl kept the baby in her for two years.

  3. J says:

    # 88 QB

    Oh you mean like Bill Clinton didn’t have to prove he didn’t have an affair?

    We all know how that turned out.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #81 – yarrr

    Here we go again… The blog entry (which is dated April 27, 2008, but entered on April 29.) says “Of course I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote.” Only one tiny little detail… Trig Paxson Van was born on April 18… nine days earlier…

  5. QB says:


    I think the Clinton Lewinsky thing was stupid as hell. Maybe I’m a little biased here since my older brother is mentally handicapped but I think the whole thing stinks.

    This has nothing to do with governance in my mind and I don’t care about the “see how it reflects on her character” opinions. Worst case is if this is true: she protected her daughter and is raising this child. That doesn’t seem all that bad to me.

    Personally, I think her politics are short sighted and if I was American I wouldn’t vote for her. However, I think this is irrelevant.

    But you’re right. We know how these things turn out.

  6. Vpotus says:

    Interesting… The Atlantic is now sniffing around the story.

    Someone wrote the following- don’t know who – but I agree…

    “Option 1: The baby is Governor Palin’s
    In this case, Governor Palin exercised incredibly poor judgement in not having the premature down syndrome baby in Texas. There are world class health care facilities in Dallas. Her extreme lack of concern for the added risks of a flight back to Alaska, and then having the baby in a remote hospital, would be stunning.

    Option 2: The baby is Bristol Palin’s
    In this case, the hypocrisy would be stunning. Her “hero of the pro-life movement” status would be proven to be a well constructed facade to cover her personal shame over her daughter’s teen pregnancy.

    If she were a private citizen, I’d raise my eyebrows. It seems that the child is probably well cared for now, so it would be a personal matter. But she is running to be the VPOTUS, and both scenarios go to her character and integrity.”

  7. J says:

    # 95 QB

    “I think the Clinton Lewinsky thing was stupid as hell”

    It was a witch hunt. But the fact that he lied does show a flaw in his character. Too bad it was more to ruin his legacy than to process him for the job he already had been elected for twice.

    “Maybe I’m a little biased here since my older brother is mentally handicapped but I think the whole thing stinks.”

    I understand. You need to know this is not about the child. This is about the qualifications of a person that will be one heart beat away from holding the most powerful job on the planet. Her judgment and her ethics MUST be scrutinized. Some of that may not be pretty. Some will be down right ugly.

    “This has nothing to do with governance in my mind and I don’t care about the “see how it reflects on her character” opinions. ”

    It absolutely has to do with her governance!!! Her character is all we have to judge. When it is as flawed as it seems to be we want answers. If it is her baby, why the odd judgment while pregnant. If it isn’t, why did she lie? What the hell was going on with her ex brother in law? If she is innocent of these things and has nothing to hide then she better have some good answers backed up by some good proof. If she doesn’t they will bury her in mud so deep she will choke on it.

  8. im1096 says:

    In case no one has mentioned it yet – a birth certificate will prove nothing if Palin and her husband have adopted the child.

    Although my son has since met his birth mother, only *I* have a copy of his original birth certificate. When I adopted him I officially became his mother and *my* name is on his birth certificate.

  9. me says:

    Hey morons the Picture up top is from 2006.

  10. bdog says:

    You Republicans are fuckin’ hipacrites.

  11. J says:

    # 99 me

    “Hey morons the Picture up top is from 2006.”

    You mean the girl had 2 babies? LOL

    Seriously though

    Well there is a bit of question about that. There seems to be a bit of data altering done by the Palin camp, especially on her sites. BUT there are photos out there of Palin at 7 months and she doesn’t look the least bit pregnant unlike when she was pregnant with here previous children.

  12. NYC_Chic says:

    Run away from this story. Another commenter said it best. This stinks to high hell of Rathergate. The republicans are going to let this thing keep going and going until November 2nd when suddenly 100 pictures of Sarah Palin actually giving birth appear, proving how biased the “liberal” media is and how she must be a true conservative if she’s being so viciously attacked thereby energizing their base.

    Drudge is linking to the dailyKOS blog for a reason. Stay away from this one…

  13. teacher says:

    The brilliant and eloquent British author Doris Lessing wrote a novel called The Fifth Child. In it, she identifies that a fifth child, whether yours or your daughter’s, is doomed for excessive behavior, unwonted and uncontrollable mood swings. Like a great deal of emotional thinkers.

    Doris Lessing had the perspicacity to see all that in the 1960s. Please let go of the emotional constraints to which you want to adhere. Realize that a break from those constraints is okay. It’s not about emotion; it’s about logic, reason, and progress.


  14. bobbo says:

    #103–teacher==give this lesson again. How does your post relate to the qualifications/pick of Palin as VP candidate. Unless Ms Palin herself if the fifth child of her parents, isn’t your post completely irrelevant?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, bg,

    I realize you have no control over the quality of your readers and their comments

    So that is how you got in.


    #72, jag,

    the risk of Down Syndrome increases with maternal age.

    Not necessarily true. While older women have a higher risk, through sheer numbers of births 80% of Down Syndrome children have younger mothers. DO NOT use Lyin’ Mike’s math formula to calculate the probability.


    #77, Cow-Paddy,

    #39 “Having defective babies is not good.”

    Tell your mother, not us.

    That is the typical wing nut response. Don’t teach birth control in school. Don’t allow abortions. Ignore the mother after the birth except to blame her.


    #82, ahek,

    What a stupid bunch of lies. Sad. Anyone who believes tyhe child is really Bristol’s needs mental help

    Do you have anything to add? Anything constructive, not ad hominem.


    #89, QB,

    I’m no fan of the Republican Party but Gov Palin doesn’t have to prove anything.

    Well, if she is caught in a lie, she does. If she can’t trusted on this, what can she trusted on.

    Years ago homosexuals weren’t allowed to work in top government circles. Not because they were gay, but because it was believed they could be blackmailed by someone threatening to out them. As in this case, it isn’t the lie that hurts, it’s the cover-up.

  16. QB says:

    Mr Fusion, yes the lying is always the worst.

    Maybe my personal feelings about this are off base but this story doesn’t bother me. Her crazy views on gay rights and teaching religion in biology class does bother me. Her possible involvement in the firing of her ex brother in law would bother me.

    Because of the political climate in the US she would feel a need to lie. Just like Bill Clinton felt a need to lie.

    George Bush lying about intelligence in Iraq is a different matter. Richard Nixon lying about the Watergate is a different matter. That’s where I personally draw the line but maybe it’s off base.

  17. Christopher says:

    If the story turns out to be true, and I honestly think it will, then the only problem I have with it is that it means she lied repeatedly to her constituents. This isn’t the 19th century. We don’t need to send unmarried women away to have babies any longer. As far as the age vs. downs syndrome goes, my mom had me when she was 45 (not a common thing in 1967) and I turned out ok. One of my sisters, on the other hand, had a child with downs syndrome when she was 25. Downs isn’t limited to any particular age group.

  18. w555 says:

    Rumor back in Juneau has it that Bristol started smoking oxy off tin foil with the other douchebag kids there.
    Some kid named DILLON KOLVIG got her pregnant.

  19. bobbo says:

    There are several posts herein proving that America’s drive towards religiosity really is dumbing down the population.

    As Susan Jacoby is saying now on Book TV–its not that remarkable that USA ranks 14th out of 20 western states in math performance but that so many in USA have the baseless notion that “USA is #1.”—HAH!

    Well, just google (downs “risk factors”) and the first entry is:

    The occurrence of downs syndrome babies in women over the age of 35 are 1 in 350. Moreover, this risk increases to 1 in 25 for women giving birth pass the age of 45.

    If you are ignorant of such things when you wake up in the morning, there is no reason not to google it before you post.

    Silly Hoomans.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #105 – Mr. Fusion – the risk of Down Syndrome increases with maternal age.

    Not necessarily true. While older women have a higher risk, through sheer numbers of births 80% of Down Syndrome children have younger mothers. DO NOT use Lyin’ Mike’s math formula to calculate the probability.

    bobbo answered it for me (#109):

    The occurrence of downs syndrome babies in women over the age of 35 are 1 in 350. Moreover, this risk increases to 1 in 25 for women giving birth pass the age of 45.

  21. Gina says:

    All you small minded people who are crucifying Governor Palin over the question of her fifth child, are just fueling a vicious smear campaign. Besides, if you want to exhibit your holier-than-thou attitude … why don’t you get even more angry at Obama, Michelle, and their children, for spending 20 years in an anti-American racist church, as well as associations with Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc.. These facts are much more relevant to the next administration, than the possibility of a loving mother taking the heat to protect her child and grandchild.

  22. mionjohnson says:

    This is some country bullshit, now the daughter is preggo per CNN, what a coincidence???? All the rumors about baby TRIGG, and now they are saying the daughter is preggo AGAIN and she plans to marry the BABY DADDY. I heard that the childs father is black part eskimo like the father!!!! We do not need this shit going on in the white house. This is some bull…..The daughter will have 2 babies running around that are biologically hers. WHAT A MESS……OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT.

  23. Anon says:

    If you are on MacOS X you ARE NOT SAFE from the video attack. It downloads a .dmg file.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #112 – Announced

    Looks like there was some smoke under that fire after all, huh? It will be interesting to see how the “social conservatives” respond to teen pregnancy, sexual activity outside the bonds of holy matrimony, etc.

    The Caucus | A New York Times Blog
    September 1, 2008, 12:25 pm
    Palin’s 17-Year-Old Daughter Is Pregnant
    By Katharine Q. Seelye

    ST. PAUL — The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, is five months pregnant, Senator McCain’s campaign advisers announced today.

    The daughter, Bristol, plans to marry the father, the campaign said.

    In a statement, Mrs. Palin said: “Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows that she has our unconditional love and support.”

    The announcement was intended to counter rumors by liberal bloggers that Mrs. Palin had claimed to have given birth to her fifth child in April when, according to the rumors, the child was her daughter’s.

    Groups that oppose abortion rights had been thrilled with Mr. McCain’s selection of Mrs. Palin, the governor of Alaska, as his running mate, partly because of her opposition to abortion. It is not clear how social conservatives will respond to the latest news.

    The campaign intends to cast this as the kind of situation that ordinary American families face.

    The McCain campaign says it was aware of her daughter’s pregnancy before it named her as the running mate on Friday.

    The family’s statement said: “Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media, respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

  25. Paddy-O says:

    Well, at least the daughter will be able to use the Secret Service as baby sitters!

  26. penmightier says:

    The family talks about 5 children. Where are the other two in this picture? Moose hunting?

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #115 – Mister Mustard

    It’s an attempt to make it sound like Trig couldn’t be Bristol’s kid. Don’t be too surprised if Bristol has “a miscarriage” or delivers the baby late. This whole thing smells republican damage control.

  28. vpotus says:

    Isn’t this interesting… Bristol IS pregnant. 1st time or second time?

    I agree with Jagermeister. This admission from the republicans could be a distraction from the real story:

    Bristol is Trig’s mother. It is time for the trustworthy media to ask questions now!

  29. Lizr1021 says:

    Nice to know that Mama Palin is willing to throw her child under a bigger bus to salvage what’s left of her reputation.

    Where’s Mitt Romney when you need him?


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