Stupid Celebrities Gossip » Bristol Palin Pregnancy: Is VP Sarah Palin’s 5th Child Really Her Daughters? This is going to dominate the news this weekend. Generally a smear tactic does not go in this direction. The key elements are that there are few pics of Sarah pregnant and her daughter was out of school for an extended period with mono.

Obviously all we need is the birth certificate, a doctor, someone to confirm or deny the story. This could backfire or result in a McCain error in judgment. If you wanted to be a conspiracy theorist you could argue that this story was actually planted by Republicans to be proven false to cast aspersions on the Dems for being heartless since this poor woman is raising a baby with Down’s syndrome and now they are claiming it is not hers. Bastards!

We’ll see how it unfolds. It will be fun to watch either way.

Now being upfront, we have no idea if this story is true but sources say it’s correct. But Media Takeout is reporting that McCain’s vice-presidential pick, Sarah Palin, is said to have pretended her fifth child, Trig Palin, was hers… when actually the baby belonged to her teenage daughter, Bristol Palin.

UPDATE: Further research discovers a slew of fake blogs linking to a phony video linked in China! Here is the current list of fake WP Blogs with posts obviously designed to create a Google bomb. The plot thickens. Something is indeed being orchestrated. Seems amateurish. And apparently those sites try and load a Trojan — BE CAUTIOUS.

  1. Look at the baby bump on Bristol, she is clearly pregnant!

  2. Josh says:

    This story has been going around in Alaska since the invisible pregnancy was announced a few weeks before the child was born. How could McCain’s people have missed it? Wasn’t she vetted? Palin has been presented as pro-life poster woman for having a Downs Syndrome baby when she could have aborted, but in reality, she was really covering up her daughter’s politically embarrasing pregnancy. (she’s a very strong proponent of abstinence only.)

  3. eddie says:

    Yep #60 we would not want a person in that job who knows how to compently fix a messy situation. Or at least IMHO is how I see this story, if true.

  4. I don’t want the GOP in office, but I don’t want this to be the reason that they don’t get there. This would be a sensationalistic exploitation of the kids on a National level.

  5. Orion says:

    Shouldn’t the story really be: Is VP Sarah Palin married to Commander Ricker from the Starship Enterprise? And does that violate the temporal prime directive?

    I looked the relevant case law up and she’s only in trouble if she uses advance knowledge gleaned from their pillow talk to make a killing on the stock market. There are subclauses in there about revealing the ending to the Battlestar Galactica season 4 finale before next summer but those are kind of murky.

  6. AK81 says:

    I was born & raised in Juneau and have been hearing this rumor for months… it’s not some unfounded Chinese blog rumor or whatever the hell this site claims. It’s been the buzz around the Capitol since she “gave birth”. Not saying it’s true, but where there’s smoke…

  7. Orion says:

    Look at the baby bump on Bristol, she is clearly pregnant!

    The photo caption, missing from this hatchet job, says it was taken in summer of 2006. Governor Palin’s baby was born in March of 2008. Do you need this explained to you or did you stay awake through Health Science classes in high school?

  8. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    kanjy: #1—It’s Riker. Seriously, it ruined the whole joke: I sat thinking of who Ricker is insteading of ROFLing.

    Damn….. I hate it when I do that….

  9. Rick Cain says:

    There could be a darker story attached to this one. The unthinkable possibility of INCEST.

  10. bgiltner says:

    John D.,

    I realize you have no control over the quality of your readers and their comments (specifically referring to the ones who mock and deny this story). You could have done a better job of research or at least stayed on top of the latest, posting an update or two).

    The story is definitly true. It will probably expose as such in the next few months.


  11. Jägermeister says:

    #69 – Rick Cain – There could be a darker story attached to this one. The unthinkable possibility of INCEST.

    This thought crossed my mind as well. If true, it explains the kid having Down Syndrome. But then again, the risk of Down Syndrome increases with maternal age. DNA tests would clear the issue of who the parents of the kid really are.

  12. J says:

    # 70 Rick Cain
    “There could be a darker story attached to this one. The unthinkable possibility of INCEST.”

    They are the only two people that don’t have big teeth smiles in the photo. I dated a girl, long ago, whos father sexually abused her. In every family photo they are the only ones that aren’t smiling. All the boys and the wife are. Kind of struck me when I saw this photo this morning.

    This story has been out there since BEFORE she gave birth because she acted strangely about the pregnancy and no one in her office or the state thought she looked pregnant.

    I will say The girl was out of school JUST at the right time and for 8 months????? 8 months for mono? A bit unusual wouldn’t you say?

    There are way too many weird issues surrounding Palins behavior during her pregnancy. Also, the recent photo deletion from the governor site. Kind of doesn’t help the matter does it?

    This has legs because there is enough to at least be suspicious. Maybe it is all explainable but I would like to hear the explanation.

  13. Rob says:

    Palin is going to be the Tom Eagleton of the GOP.

    There are lingering doubts about the story she is telling about the birth of her latest child, who has Down’s Syndrome, and who was reportedly born a month prematurely. In reality, it wasn’t Palin herself who had that child, it was her 16 year old daughter.

    Palin didn’t announce that she was preggers to her staffers for several months even though nothing sells in politics, especially in winger land, like motherhood.

    Then eight months pregnant, she says, she flew to an energy conference in Texas, where, during the night, she started leaking amniotic fluid. Her water broke and even though she supposedly knew that the baby was going to have Down’s Syndrome, which also brings with it possible severe complications, she made the speech and then, after getting the okay to FLY FOR 12 HOURS BACK TO ALASKA despite the threat of sepsis, which could have killed both her and the child, she landed in Seattle, talked to the physician, who said it was okay for her to make her connecting flight back to Alaska.

    She arrived in Alaska and gave birth the next morning.

    Now my mother is a former pediatric nurse (retired in 2000 after about 30 years on the job) and she told me this story is “fishier than tuna” and finds it “unbelievable” that a physician would allow her to get back on a plane rather than urging her to immediately seek medical attention. At the very least, Palin acted negligently and my mother thinks that the physician did not tell her to get on that plane.

    Here is likely what really happened:

    At 4 a.m. Texas time, she gets a cellphone call that her daughter’s water had broken. Palin had to keep the story congruent with what was happening to her daughter, so she told everyone her water had broken when that was not the case. She called her daughter’s physician before she got on the plane and flew to Seattle and then called him again before flying on home. The daughter gave birth the next morning.

    Oh, I didn’t mention one thing: Palin’s daughter had been pulled out of school five months before she gave birth, ostensibly for “mono.” In a lot of neighborhoods in America, “mono” is a code word for “I got knocked up” or “I did some time in a correctional facility” among juveniles. How convenient.

    Palin had to maintain this charade because she didn’t want her Christian Right followers to know that her daughter had given birth out of wedlock and sinned. She has thus lied to the media and the American people and she will be greeted like Linda Smith (the murderer) by her evangelical following, who she also lied to, if she is found out.

    The selection of her by McCain also follows a pattern of behavior. He has always been highly impulsive, his native impatience marked by his refusal, for example, to read flight manuals while he was in the Navy. He was protected by his father, a big shot admiral, and could get away with it. He womanized like it was going out of style and crashed at least four airplaces (millions in taxpayer money, also making him a worse pilot turned pol than Bob Dornan) before he was shot down by the North Vietnamese. But even there, he was treated relatively gently compared to the treatment meted out to other and lesser known prisoners.

    His first wife saw him through his convalescence and then he jumped into an affair with his current wife. His impulsiveness raised its head again after meeting Palin just once before naming her his VP nominee.

    Once she is found out and forced to step down, that will make McCain’s presidential bid a Campaign to Nowhere. Neither of these two has the integrity to be the leader of the free world. And the above demonstrates that amply.

    As for the physician, who has backed up Palin’s story, there are one of either two motives at work here: one, he or the medical group he might be a part of didn’t want to lose a high powered client or possible further state business. It will be interesting to see if any Alaska state money ends up in this guy’s bank account for state-related things other than treating Palin.

    Secondly, he could want to be the next Bill Frist and run for office and Palin’s connections could help him a lot there.

    Whatever the case, both her and he are lying, I believe.

  14. Carol says:

    Bristol is the victim in this whole sad thing. What she needs now is support and help with mothering a special needs baby. Instead, she’s forced into lies and shame, all because of her mother’s political ambitions — which are obviously more important than family OR country.

  15. natefrog says:


    Hmm, when I posted that, I could have sworn it said “Posted by Marc Perkel”. I guess I had multiple articles open and misparsed ’em. I stand corrected, although I still stand by the gist of my argument.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #39 “Having defective babies is not good.”

    Tell your mother, not us.

  17. Drew says:


    That’s the sound of me unsubscribing to anything related to John Dvorak.

    Recycling this crap just goes to show what an ass hole you are.

  18. Awake says:

    The whole concept of a woman that is 8 months pregnant (not due for several weeks) having her ‘water break’ and them proceeding to give a political speech, and then traveling a whole day back to Alaska to give birth is ridiculous. Premature babies need all the help they can get, waiting around is possibly ‘child abuse’.
    If it is true, it shows deep irresponsibility. And I’m afraid that if it is true, it also has much deeper implications: the possibility that Palin wanted her child to die in the womb, since he was known to be genetically defective, while still avoiding the ‘abortion’ problem. Palin might have tried to kill her baby by not getting the necessary medical attention in a timely matter,… think about it.
    The possibility that it is actually Palin’s daughter’s child is appearing to be more and more likely (I once dated a 25 year old woman with a 4 year old Mongolic girl, it happens), but even if it isn’t, the ‘official’ story of the child’s birth is creepy in the extreme.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #74 – Rob

    Good post.

    #76 – natefrog – Hmm, when I posted that, I could have sworn it said “Posted by Marc Perkel”. I guess I had multiple articles open and misparsed ‘em.

    I noticed your post as well, and it was JCD. No big deal.

    #78 – Drew – That’s the sound of me unsubscribing to anything related to John Dvorak.

    Try getting a refund! 😉

    #79 – Awake – Palin might have tried to kill her baby by not getting the necessary medical attention in a timely matter,… think about it.

    Good observation. This whole story needs be investigated… before the election.

  20. yarrr says:

    Here’s someone she met right before she gave birth… you can’t see the stomach in the picture though.

  21. ahek1 says:

    What a stupid bunch of lies. Sad. Anyone who believes tyhe child is really Bristol’s needs mental help

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #81 – yarrr

    This video allegedly was shot one week before the person in your article allegedly met her in an airport.

    And here’s shots of Sarah Palin in a previous pregnancy.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #82 – myself

    Should have been “This video was allegedly shot one week”…

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #81 – yarrr

    Hmmm… I did some digging… And there’s some interesting info in the Google cache. Here are the dates for some of the articles on the website that were written in April (your link has been made bold)…

    /node/3943 – 11 Aug 2008 00:29:40 GMT
    /node/3944 – 31 Aug 2008 02:16:58 GMT
    /node/3945 – 10 Aug 2008 18:00:52 GMT
    /node/3946 – 10 Aug 2008 23:51:08 GMT
    /node/3947 – 10 Aug 2008 23:51:08 GMT

    All these articles were cached in early August, except for the Sarah Palin being pregnant page… It was most recently cached on Aug 31, 2008 @ 02:16:58 GMT, which is Aug 30, 2008 @ 22:16:58 EST (~20 hours ago). Something obviously triggered Google to cache it again. Another interesting thing is that all the sites that links to the article, did it after Google had the Sarah being pregnant page cache updated. The oldest page was 19 hours ago.

    As a comparison, the first post in this thread was on August 30th, 2008 at 10:28 (that’s AM).

    If you ask me, this web page got updated and therefor cached again by Google. I get a feeling – unless a credible older cached version of the page emerges – that the page had the info on how pregnant Sarah looked and then someone planted it in the blogosphere and now it’s taken on a life of its own.

    Please, prove me wrong.

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #84 – myself – … August 30th, 2008 at 10:28…

    That’s 14:28 EST.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #84 – myself

    My link didn’t turn out… so here’s a tiny URL instead.

  27. Pat says:

    Gov Palin can prove the baby is hers via a DNA test!!

  28. QB says:


    I’m no fan of the Republican Party but Gov Palin doesn’t have to prove anything.

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #87 – Pat

    Nice… I mentioned that in #72 … So… Has it been done?


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