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#205, brm,
I’m going to just repeat some of what’s posted above, but: if you have no idea who Pallin is, you’ve been living under a rock.
Who is Pallin? I guess you stopped by the wrong topic.
Two days ago I had no idea who Sarah Palin was. I also don’t live under a rock.
I also don’t know anything about the current Governors of Rhode Island, North Carolina, Nevada, Washington, or Hawaii, to name just a few. A challenge would be to see how many governors anyone can name without looking them up. If you can name ten then give yourself a pat on the back. Shit, most Americans can’t even name their own Congressman and Senators.
#215 “has decided that they will refuse federal funding to any health care organization that does not hire those opposed to specific women’s health issues.”
Federal funding = my money. Sounds good. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean I want someone taking money out of my wallet to pay for it. If you want to drink I don’t want to pay for it either.
Fund your own vices & I’ll fund my own.
#215 “That is only because Roe v Wade has yet to reappear before the Supreme Court. ”
Not true. There are petitions every year that the
conservative majority at the SCotUS could vote to take up if they wanted.
Nice try. Get an education as to how the Court operates. You’d be more convincing…
Might as well just pin this thread on the top of the main page. The liberals don’t know how to attack this pick properly, but will gladly run the hit count up trying to do so. I say milk ’em.
One thought: This move makes perfect sense both as a winner and as a loser. If the right loses, which I still think is the most likely outcome, Palin only wasted 9 weeks of her life, still has the job she really wants, and becomes a key player on the national seen. Meanwhile, grandpa reestablishes himself as a true wild-card, which will make him look all time more statesmen like when he works with the democratic controlled executive and legislative branches.
Makes you wonder if they really want to win at all, because losing doesn’t sound to bad in that scenario.
wow..218 this a DU record?
oh..Mr Mustard, i stand corrected.
i was recalling a conversation with a
local assemblyman a few back i had and
obviously embellished the memory a bit..
So after all this bluster (and yes you all doth protest WAY too much), the bottom line is that all your negativity and “facts” express nothing more than your hope against hope.
This was exactly the right veep choice, the GOP is all fired up for the right reasons and the Dems are all fired up for the wrong reasons and you’ll have to wait another four years just to get your hopes up again (start sucking up to Hillary). Good luck with that.
McCain/Palin ’08 FTW
So after all so much bluster (and yes you doth protest WAY too much), the bottom line is that all the negativity and “facts” express nothing more than hope against hope.
This was exactly the right veep choice, the GOP is all fired up for the right reasons and the Dems are all fired up for the wrong reasons and they are awakening to the realization that they’ll have to wait another four years just to get their hopes up again (think Hillary 2012). Good luck with that.
#219 “The liberals don’t know how to attack this pick properly, but will gladly run the hit count up trying to do so. I say milk ‘em.”
The vast majority of the 220 plus comments are coming from conservatives attempting to justify this horrible nomination.
If the liberals don’t know how to attack this pick properly it is because they don’t know where to start. I’d start by pointing out her vocal opposition to keep polar bears off the endangered species list. “Everybody loves polar bears, except Sarah”. Start showing up at places where she is speaking in polar bear costumes. It would be great fun.
Check out the Liberal reaction so far to this pick. It is downright epic, almost giddy.
# 222 ArianeB
“It is downright epic…”
Not epic, more like apoplectic.
I take back what I said.
Alaska doesn’t have issues with climate change.
We (I’m speaking as one who lived there) don’t pump natural gas back into oil wells to make them flow. We don’t want a natural gas pipeline to America.
#218, Bull Cow-Paddy,
Not true. There are petitions every year that the conservative majority at the SCotUS could vote to take up if they wanted.
Nice try. Get an education as to how the Court operates. You’d be more convincing…
Geeze, you are easier than Lyin’ Mike. Less intelligent too.
The Supreme Court only hears appeals from the Circuit Courts of Appeal and State Supreme Courts or if the Federal Government or a State Supreme Court directly refers to it. For the first two the Appellant must convince one Justice to accept the case to be referred. That Justice will then submit the case to the Court and at least four Justices must agree to review the case before it is placed upon the docket.
For the third, the Court will hear almost every referral. A fourth, rarely used method is if a State Supreme Court referred a case to the US Supreme Court. To clarify though, The Federal Government and State Supreme Courts don’t refer lower court appeals, they refer “questions”. “Questions” are usually given priority.
Now hot shot, show us ONE abortion case referred to the Court in the past 8 years that was NOT heard.
Earlier you suggested you move in high Republican party ranks, CEOs, entrepreneurs, high Government officials. That is why I am adding the Bull to your Cow-Paddy. Anyone that needs to reference their friends to heighten their own standing is bullshitting the audience. Your friends are more likely on TV “Fox & Friends”.
She is so hot. She can be a really hot president, when mccain dies. Rest assured all males will follow her to the end of the world. Oh my god she is hot.
#227 – john mccain – Rest assured all males will follow her to the end of the world.
Not all, but I’m sure Paddy-O and his friends will do anything for her.