Without reading the news – who has ever heard of this woman?

McCain picks Palin.

  1. geofgibson says:

    #153 – to pick up after an errant keystroke …

    – What the duties of an executive in the government definition are,
    – How this differentiates from the generic definition,
    – How these duties differ from one who is in command?

  2. brendal says:

    She’s Aquarius w/lots of Aries…just did her chart…she’s a FORCE.

  3. #1 – 154

    This “candidate” is just sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    If Sarah Palin looked like Dick Cheney, even the most rabid McBush supporters would be coughing up into their chawin’ tabakky tins.

    This woman was a lightweight even as gubner of East Bumf&ck. To think that when McBush strokes out, she’s going to be POTUS?

    Not even a right wingnut could think she’s a viable candidate for POTUS.

    Obama’s lead is widening even as we bloviate.

  4. brendal says:

    Here it is…pretty fascinating:

    Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn

    This astrological combination points to a very strong personality with the resources for success and possible eminence in the field you choose. To any business or professional undertaking you bring shrewdness, reliability, and perseverance. Your mind has a subtle quality that allows you to grasp and deal with complex issues and important undertakings without being overawed by the burden of responsibilities.

    Much about you is hidden. You conduct your affairs under a cloak of diplomacy and reserve. But you are thoroughly ambitious and desire to reach great heights. There is, however, one pitfall to be avoided: soberness is a virtue, but you should avoid being too severe.

    The key to a more harmonious existence lies in avoiding solitude and counteracting your tendency to be overly independent. Express your nature within society and avoid letting your determined and self-sufficient personality inhibit your functioning among friends and associates.

    Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the Seventh House

    At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aquarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Uranus is located in the seventh house.

    You were born with a natural disposition to be humane, sympathetic, original and refined in your dealings with others. Among your features is the ability to understand human nature in a sympathetic manner. Unfortunately, you do not always act upon your intuitions and may become rationalistic at times when swift and prompt determination is required.

    The common Aquarian is good and kindly, but usually led astray by eccentric and bizarre companions.

    Your tastes are refined and your discrimination keen. You have a natural inclination toward the esoteric and mystical side of life and you could develop some clairvoyant abilities. Basically you are a lover of freedom; in the realization of this desire you may go to extremes.

    Although changeable in appearance, your life is guided by very definite and fixed principles, one of which is a constant demand for personal freedom. In love you are a strange character. You can easily be emotionally attracted to one person and yet unpredictably terminate relationships.

    As an inventor you have no rival; your problem is that sometimes you lack the practical ability to implement your creations. Professionally you will be successful in any of the following fields of activity: modern science, electrical work, photography, archaeology, astrology, radio etc.

    This position indicates that you are extroverted in your behavior. You thrust yourself forward to meet people. You will have many unpredictable romantic liaisons in which you will behave impulsively and irrationally. Your partner may be an uncommon person with a flash of genius.

    It is not going to be easy to maintain happiness in your relationship. If you can exert some effort to better comprehend your partner and obtain the same co-operation, then your relationship will last throughout your life. Otherwise there is danger of separation.

    Sun in the First House

    The Sun is in the first house. You are by nature energetic, proud and self-assertive. You project yourself enthusiastically and energetically into all situations. Your naturally outgoing disposition and personable manner usually make a good impression on people.

    Your heightened self-perception puts you in touch with a strong sense of will, and you can manipulate your will to suit your aims and desires in life. This position of the Sun gives the capacity for leadership, for you tend to attract people and to have a strong influence on them when they are with you.

    You do not like to depend on others, but you hold on to your friends, for they are usually pleased to help you when you need it. You are willing to help close friends who are deserving, but only if you know that your efforts will be appreciated.

    You often prefer to work alone. However, this is not your only choice, for you adapt well to working with people as long as you are free to express yourself. With a first-house Sun, there is a tendency to overestimate your own worth, but through repeated contacts with others you will inevitably come to a more realistic appraisal of your abilities and potential.

    Sun Conjunct Ascendant

    The Sun conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have a great desire for recognition and are creative in finding ways to gain attention. In general you are uncompromising. You have great faith in your ability to rise above any of life’s negative circumstances. You know how to use your vast creative resources in a direct assault against any adversary, and you believe that eventually you will succeed. Most often you do, but when challenged by stiff competition you will resort to brute force to demonstrate that you do not give in without a fight. You know how to win friends and influence people, and you use this talent effectively.

    To be truly comfortable in your profession, you need to have a position of some authority over others.

    Venus in the First House

    Venus is in the first house. This is a strong position for Venus, for it adds charm to your personality and gives you an amiable and pleasant disposition.

    You concentrate a great deal on your appearance and even if you are not especially beautiful or handsome, you have a quality of softness and friendliness, which endears you to many.

    You like to keep beauty and grace around you as much as possible. You have a strong affinity with nature and prefer the quiet life of the country to the plastic constructions of city life.

    It is likely that you grew up in an atmosphere of warmth and congeniality. Now it is easy for you to project these same feelings to family and friends, and others often count on you to restore peace in difficult situations.

    You have strong inclinations toward music, art and drama and you may wish to cultivate a form of artistic expression.

    You work very hard to get along with others, and you usually try to win arguments with diplomacy rather than force. You must learn to be self-assertive when necessary and to stand up for your own rights, forcefully if need be. Otherwise, people will not have much respect for you.

    Relationships are important to you, and you often go out of your way to initiate them. It is vital that your associations remain harmonious, because quarrels and disputes affect you adversely.

    Mars Conjunct Ascendant

    Mars conjunct the Ascendant gives you an inexhaustible supply of energy. You are constantly in motion, but sometimes it is motion without meaning. Lacking self-discipline, you take daring and unnecessary risks when challenged. You want most of all for people to recognize your superiority.

    The image you present hides a persistent inferiority complex. You probably win your arguments by making the most noise and wearing out your opponents with unceasing harassment. But you do not need to waste energy this way, because you have enormous creative ability that merely needs to be harnessed to an objective. When you do this, no one can succeed as easily as you can, and with energy to spare.

    On the positive side, you are independent and self-confident. You know how to mobilize people and their resources to achieve your objectives.

    Saturn in the First House

    Saturn is in the first house. Saturn’s placement here gives you a conservative, sometimes gloomy and self-denying outlook on life. Because every contact is of great importance, you tend to be rather detached and even aloof so that you can be sure exactly where you stand. You can be self-conscious and may feel awkward and prudish with others who appear to take things more lightly. The depth with which you look at yourself is characteristic of the way you relate to others.

    You were taught very early in life to be self-reliant, and you were often given more responsibility than usual for your age.

    Your intellect is constant and usually unfettered by momentary feelings and whims. Logic plays an important role in your thinking processes. Grandiose schemes and theories have little interest for you.

    Once you accept your own limitations and face up to your challenges and responsibilities with a sense of purpose, you will be able to succeed in whatever field you decide on. Your health is generally good, so long as you exercise sufficiently to relieve tension.

    Saturn Conjunct Ascendant

    Saturn conjunct the Ascendant indicates that you are conservative and self-disciplined. You tend to be shy about asserting yourself, so people may assume you are indifferent to them.

    Your lack of self-confidence will eventually be replaced by self-assurance as you learn through experience to understand yourself. You do not have the kind of aggressive drive that impresses people on first meeting, but you show reliability, and they learn to depend on you.

    You are efficient in mobilizing your resources and are sure to realize your goals, but you underestimate your abilities.

    Responsible to a fault, you will never let anyone down who depends on you. Learn to love yourself more, so you can feel you deserve the good things in life that you work for so diligently. You can be victimized by people who take advantage of your unwillingness to fight for your rights, but you never forget such incidents.

    Moon in the Twelfth House

    The Moon was in your twelfth house at the time of birth. Secretly, you enjoy a love of romance and adventure that lends a bit of excitement to your daydreaming.

    It is possible that the little popularity that you may enjoy in this life will be from some very reserved and secretive circles where your merits are recognized.

    It can be expected that you will be successful in positions that call for solitude or remote locations.

    Astrological Data used for Short Report – Personal Portrait
    for Sarah (female)
    born on 11 Feb 1964 local time 7:06 am
    in Sandpoint, ID (US) U.T. 15:06
    116w33, 48n17 sid. time 16:42:40

    Planetary positions
    planet sign degree motion
    Sun Aquarius 21°55’24 in house 1 direct
    Moon Capricorn 29°10’56 in house 12 direct
    Mercury Aquarius 1°02’48 in house 12 direct
    Venus Aries 0°53’36 in house 1 direct
    Mars Aquarius 23°08’01 in house 1 direct
    Jupiter Aries 16°38’12 end of house 1 direct
    Saturn Aquarius 25°08’51 in house 1 direct
    Uranus Virgo 8°42’36 in house 7 retrograde
    Neptune Scorpio 17°49’22 in house 8 direct
    Pluto Virgo 13°27’59 in house 7 retrograde
    True Node Cancer 10°41’38 in house 5 retrograde
    Planets at the end of a house are interpreted in the next house.

    House positions (Placidus)
    Ascendant Aquarius 21°43’09
    2nd House Aries 17°03’03
    3rd House Taurus 20°08’28
    Imum Coeli Gemini 12°09’32
    5th House Cancer 0°53’17
    6th House Cancer 21°12’24
    Descendant Leo 21°43’09
    8th House Libra 17°03’03
    9th House Scorpio 20°08’28
    Medium Coeli Sagittarius 12°09’32
    11th House Capricorn 0°53’17
    12th House Capricorn 21°12’24

    Major aspects
    Sun Conjunction Mars 1°13
    Sun Sextile Jupiter 5°17
    Sun Conjunction Saturn 3°13
    Sun Square Neptune 4°06
    Sun Conjunction Ascendant 0°12
    Moon Conjunction Mercury 1°52
    Moon Sextile Venus 1°43
    Mercury Sextile Venus 0°09
    Mars Conjunction Saturn 2°01
    Mars Square Neptune 5°19
    Mars Conjunction Ascendant 1°25
    Jupiter Quincunx Neptune 1°11
    Jupiter Sextile Ascendant 5°05
    Saturn Conjunction Ascendant 3°26
    Uranus Conjunction Pluto 4°45
    Neptune Sextile Pluto 4°21
    Neptune Square Ascendant 3°54
    Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #156 “This “candidate” is just sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    Are you talking about Obama?

    Nice to see you jump in though. A political debate without you would be pretty sterile. 🙂

  6. #158 – O’Furniture

    Of course not, and you know it. I’m talking about Miss Congeniality, Miss Wasilla, runner-up for Miss Alaska. Hockey mom.

    When they publish the next edition of dictionaries, she’s going to be included in the definition of “lightweight”.

    As I say, if Sarah Palin looked like Dick Cheney, even the most rabid McBush supporters would be coughing up into their chawin’ tabakky tins.

  7. Mister Ketchup says:

    #157 – Wow, impressive! I mooned some people on several occasions.

  8. QB says:

    Wow, a fundamentalist Aquarius! Now that’s worth voting for.

  9. jack f. says:

    baremauler, your chain of logic doesn’t work. None of it speaks to the intelligence level of Sarah Palin. Only to the seriousness of Alaska’s concerns. Just thought I’d mention that.

    As for many of the rest of the posts, I’m an Obama supporter… and do happen to think this was a bad choice for McCain… which I’m happy about, given who I’d like to see win in November.

    However… someone’s got to say… you can disagree with Ms. Palin as a VP… and you can take her to task over her record as a politician… but to attack her for her gender, talk about her sexual habits, use derogatory gender-based terminology… all of that is out of line.

    I mean c’mon people, what the hell?

    If you’re supporting her and talking that way, you’re doing a terrible job of it. If you’re deriding her because you favor the other candidate, well then… you don’t quite understand what the other candidate stands for.

    Palin has as much right to be respected or not respected based strictly on her qualifications. Leave gender out of the discussion.

  10. SuperBK says:

    Great choice for McCain. Go GOP!

  11. MikeN says:

    Funny how people mention Palin’s lack of experience, which is true, while trumpeting Obama.

  12. Mister Ketchup says:

    #164 – I don’t know Mustard, I think this is one bush I could get behind.

  13. #166 – Ketchy

    Me too. She may be shit as far as a national leader, but I’ll bet she’s hotter than chili pepper behind the green door.


  14. Jägermeister says:

    #167 – Mister Ketchup

    Let’s print that one and show up at one of their gatherings… 😀

  15. J says:

    # 150 Paddy-O

    Yes except they haven’t updated mine where as the definition for command has been update in Webster’s.

    # 151 Thomas

    “Then let me be equally clear, of all of the current candidates, only McCain and Palin have experience remotely akin to that of the greatest Presidents in history. ”

    And the worst presidents in history. So I guess it really isn’t the best method for judgment.

    “I disagree. Other than VP, being governor, especially of a large State is as close as you can get to experience that is directly applicable to being President. ”

    It is only a large state in physical area. It is rather small economically and population wise.

    Of the past 18 Presidents including Bush, six were former VP and six were former governors.

    Yes but how many sucked at being president? Again not a good judgment for the highest office in the land.
    “Exactly our point.”

    So you agree? McCain has no Executive experience?

    # 153 geofgibson

    “Brilliant! Must be a member of MoveOn or Huff Post, or both.”

    Nope. Do they agree you are a dipshit?

    “You still have failed to provide your working definition for:”

    For? For what? I gave you the definition and explained the difference but you are too much a dolt to understand.

    # 154 geofgibson

    Oh I see.

    “What the duties of an executive in the government definition are,”

    Many, but an irrelevant question. To make a point I will say they are close to the same duties that an executive of a company has except it is over governmental affairs. Simple enough for you?

    “How this differentiates from the generic definition”


    Why? because each and every person that is a candidate for the highest offices in our country have EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE when you define it as “one that exercises administrative or managerial control” Only one has EXECUTIVE OFFICE EXPERIENCE. That is Sarah Palin. John McCain Has NO EXECUTIVE OFFICE EXPERIENCE. NONE!!!

    “How these duties differ from one who is in command?”

    BECAUSE A COMMANDER DOES NOT HOLD AN EXECUTIVE OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That office is held by the President. A commander can not make a decision on his own that falls outside the commands he is given from above. The president can. He is the executive! He makes the final decision! No commander, NOT ONE!, makes the final decision That is the difference. A commander is nothing more than middle management! Sarah Palin had that kind of executive authority as governor. John McCain has NEVER held that kind of authority.

    Clear enough for you????????

    If you can’t understand the difference then you are a perfect example of why our country is so fucked up right now.

  16. James Hill says:

    Note: This is post 170 in the thread. If you don’t think her involvement in the next 9 weeks of national politics isn’t a big deal, get your head out of the sand.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #159 “Of course not, and you know it. I’m talking about Miss Congeniality, Miss Wasilla, runner-up for Miss Alaska. Hockey mom.”

    Yes, that’s what the repubs are aiming for.

    How do you think this will play with the Hillary crowd?

  18. scadragon says:

    Duties of the President?
    Why, nothing more or less than the custodian of our nation, a position that is constitutionally required .
    It really requires NO experience, which is as the founding fathers INTENDED.

    As for the selection of the Palin person from Alaska?
    A woman who can raise 5 kids in ALASKA , and run for public office: MORE THAN QUALIFIED.

    Soundness of the strategy in picking her for VP?? BRILLIANT

  19. J says:

    # 172 Paddy-O

    “How do you think this will play with the Hillary crowd?”

    So you are aware her only qualification is that she is a trophy. I think after a day or two euphoric surprise people will realize the only reason she was picked was she is a woman that fits the right wing definition of what a woman should be.

    Don’t kid yourself that the disenfranchised Hillary voters will fall for it. I have heard many on the news today saying they feel insulted by the Republicans thinking just because she is a woman they will vote for her. The reason the are upset about Hillary was that she was a QUALIFIED female candidate. Not just a woman.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    I guess someone explained to Sarah about the VP job…

  21. J says:

    # 175 Jägermeister

    Great find. LOL She is perfect for the job LOL.

  22. geofgibson says:

    #170 – J,
    In spite of your insistence on juvenile discourse, I think we have gotten somewhere.

    “A commander can not make a decision on his own that falls outside the commands he is given from above.”

    That is patently absurd. On 3 July 1988, USS Vincennes, under the command of Captain William C. Rogers III, shot down an Iran Air Airbus A300B2 over the Strait of Hormuz, killing all 290 aboard. Now, Capt. Rogers was operating under standing orders which technically would come from the President as the top of the chain of command, but, in reality, would have come from the Admiral in charge of the fleet under which Vincennes was operating. While these standing orders may have included, “protect the Strait of Hormuz,” I am nearly certain that “shoot down an Iranian airliner” was not. Capt. Rogers made the EXECUTIVE decision which led to the deaths of 290 civilians.
    The President did not issue any such order. This executive decision was made independently and outside of the chain of command. This was a mistake which cost the US taxpayer $61.8 million. If $61.8 million in damages and loss of 290 lives does not constitute an executive, then, perhaps a 2006 source, Random House Unabridged Dictionary would reinforce?

    13 results for: command

    “3. to have or exercise authority or control over; be master of; have at one’s bidding or disposal”

    “13. the possession or exercise of controlling authority”

  23. Lou Minatti says:

    It’s amusing to read the comments about Vice President Palin. You leftards are going insane. Go ahead, keep making your sexist comments. Type your comments in ALL CAPS and be sure to post them to every message board you can find. You are mighty warriors for Obama! Make sure you spend plenty of time in the echo chamber known as Daily Kos. Congratulate yourself for your political wisdom in bashing a smart woman.

    Heh. I thought you Obamatards were all about “change”. Obama/Biden are Washington business-as-usual insiders. Palin is an outsider who actually does bring change.

  24. bobbo says:

    #178–lou==what change does Palin bring?

  25. geofgibson says:

    #178 – Lou said, “Heh. I thought you Obamatards were all about “change”. ”

    See my post #55 with an extended quote from Jimmy Carter in 1976 that reads like yesterday’s speech by (write my own speeches) BHO.

  26. $178 – Liza Minelli

    >>It’s amusing to read the comments about
    >>Vice President Palin.

    You meant Vice President Biden, I hope.

    There’s nfw that trophy VPILF brings anything to the table except a cute ass. And that’s going to be a big problem for McBush.

  27. J says:

    # 177 geofgibson

    “While these standing orders may have included, “protect the Strait of Hormuz,” I am nearly certain that “shoot down an Iranian airliner” was not.”

    So you admit you don’t know what the orders were but you are nearly certain that it didn’t include shoot down an Iranian airliner.

    Do you realize how patently absurd that is?

    “Capt. Rogers made the EXECUTIVE decision which led to the deaths of 290 civilians.”

    No! Capt. Rogers mad a command decision UNDER FIRE!!!!!!!! that was based on faulty information. He believed he was under attack from an F-14. The ROE allow for lethal force to be used if you are under attack. He as commander did not set those rules. He followed them and made a judgment call under fire. Was it the right call. I will not judge because I was not the one being shot at.


    “This executive decision was made independently and outside of the chain of command. ”

    No. It was in his command authority to defend his ship. It doesn’t require an executive decision. It is part of the ROE

    Your complete ignorance of military command, governmental structure, and American history is stunning.

    Nice try but your ignorance of these matters is pathetic.

  28. bobbo says:

    Who is Ms Palin? We know she is staunchly anti-abortion to the point she would give birth to a baby with down’s syndrome. So, she is a true believer.

    The other three I would say have not demonstrated any rock solid morality==they are politicians waving in the wind.

    But do we elect “leaders” to govern under the constitution and laws or to whipsaw the country back and forth by imposing their own personal values on others while their term of office continues?

    I wouldn’t do it, but if someone else wants to bring defective babies into the world that for them is fine and dandy, but why would anyone want a leader who would substitute their opinion for yours on such personal issues? Why can’t politicians stay out of the personal lives of people?

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #183 “but why would anyone want a leader who would substitute their opinion for yours on such personal issues?”

    I don’t, but that’s not a decision a Pres OR VP gets to make for us… Why do you ask?


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