Without reading the news – who has ever heard of this woman?

McCain picks Palin.

  1. Bastard says:

    I’d like me some of that!

  2. CZen says:

    Looks like the Obama camp is at least wary of this VP Pick if not afraid.

  3. Badcam says:

    Wow. That’s the best photoshoping I’ve seen in months. It’s nothing like reality.

  4. J says:

    # 119 Thomas

    ” but certainly being mayor and governor certainly does.”

    Please tell me how? How does being mayor and then a governor of small populations give you the experience to be the President over 300 Million people.

    “He was governor of Arkansas for over a decade. ”

    Yet you think he was a terrible president don’t you? Nice judgment you have.

    “So was Carter as governor of Georgia. ”

    Oh yeah I bet you think he made a great president don’t you? Your judging criteria seems to be faulty

    “Even GHWB was qualified in that he was head of the CIA and VP.”

    And was a horrible president!!!!!! Although, not as bad as his son. Wow maybe you should start using better judgment

    HEY Lets not forget that GW Bush was Governor of Texas before President and look how good he was!!! LOL

    “Do you not see the trend in experience? ”

    YES I MOST CERTAINLY DO. THEY ALL SUCKED AS PRESIDENT!!!!! Your judgment of what qualifies as experience to be president seems to be very very poor.

    “Military experience makes a BIG difference in that it provides experience leading people. ‘

    Oh ok lets go back to John McCain’s military experience because that seems to be all the Republican party has.

    So judging by that criteria a high school coach has enough experience to lead this country?

    # 120 Thomas

    “A command position means you are in charge of managing group of men and materials. An executive is a person in charge of managing an organization. It is the same skillset. ”

    UH No. It is not at all! It is clear that your business skills are a piss poor as your economic ones. Once again you can’t learn about business from a book Thomas.

    “By your logic, Washington was illsuited to be President because he only had command experience. ”

    Wow that shows you have no knowledge of American History either. Considering he presided over the Philadelphia convention that drafted the Constitution in 1787. Two years before he became president. I would say he was as experience as everyone else at the time.

    “This is an issue of experience managing large groups of people.”

    Wrong!!! It is an issue of leading a country. A president does very little “management” As your buddy GW says “He is the decider”

    “As I mentioned before, it takes about a year for a Senator to make the mental shift to being President.”

    Really? and you know this because of your vast knowledge on such matters?

    # 121 Paddy-O

    “Umm, command means running people as an exec. Time to up your meds…”
    Not in the governmental sense it doesn’t Does that mean you are going with the generic definition?

  5. CZen says:

    J ever heard of “Commander in Chief”. I guess actualy having been in the military that your going to command isn’t a requirement in your book.

  6. Bob West says:

    I think it’s Myra Breckinridge.

  7. JimD says:

    If anyone this this is a “Victory for Women”, they ought to ask if she is for an “Equal Rights Amendment” or even “Equal Pay for Equal Work” – you know basic Women’s Issues !!! How about giving a New Mother a year off to raise her baby, common in many European countries !!!

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #127 “Not in the governmental sense it doesn’t”

    Really? What is the “governmental” definition?


  9. MikeN says:

    I don’t want someone ruling over 300 million people. The president should be doing just that, presiding.

  10. Thomas says:

    Did you actually have some sort of point in all of that ad hominem babble or is that the extent of your intelligence?

  11. geofgibson says:

    #127 – J calls Bullshit on all kinds of definitions of experience.

    OK, can you succinctly define the experience you’d like to see in a candidate?

  12. MaTa says:

    I can’t believe so many of you guys wasted no time jumping right into the misogyny . ..

    lesbian?? wtf – she has like 5 kids?!

    porno secretary look?!? what the heck is she SUPPOSED to wear? something more conservative and you would call her frumpy – more fashionable and she’s a wannabe porn star. IS THERE ANYTHING A WOMAN CAN WEAR THAT YOU GUYS WILL FOCUS ON HER POLITICS AND NOT HER APPEARANCE??

    Comments on the makeup, hair, etc. (ala Katherine Harris slander) yep – check, you got that in there too (even though McCain wears tons of makeup on camera (gotta cover up those age spots), as do most people appearing on TV etc.)

    Even the glasses get a comment. . . wOw, just unbelievable.

    OK – since many of you want to focus on the childish stuff, the adults left here to discuss REAL issues can examine the candidates.

    Personally, I think she’s an obvious pandering ‘tactical’ choice and her pick is clearly not on her personal accomplishments and (lack of) experience. Condi would have been a much more qualified choice but at least it wasn’t Meg ‘feeBay’ Whitman. . . .

  13. J says:

    # 128 CZen

    “J ever heard of “Commander in Chief”.

    That title applies only ONE of his duties as “commander” of the nations military. He is also “The Chief Executive” TWO DIFFERENT TITLES. There are many commanders in the military but they are not executives. Of that there is only one.

    # 131 Paddy-O

    “Really? What is the “governmental” definition?”

    Oh I thought you would never ask. Here.


    Governmental definition

    The person or persons who constitute the executive magistracy of a state

    The generic definition……

    One that exercises administrative or managerial control.

    # 134 Thomas

    “Did you actually have some sort of point in all of that ad hominem babble ”

    Yes! I will put it in big print for you.

    YOUR CRITERIA FOR QUALIFICATION IS VERY VERY POOR. The examples you used are some of the worst presidents in history.

    # 135 geofgibson

    “J calls Bullshit on all kinds of definitions of experience.”

    No we are talking about EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. Not just experience. By the governmental definition only on candidate has “Executive experience” PALIN! NOT BIDEN NOT OBAMA AND NOT MCCAIN.

  14. bobbo says:

    You know, the experience requirements to be President are set forth in the Constitution. Everything other than that is blather.

    That said, NO ONE is qualified by experience to be President. It is unique. Without 9/11 all BushCo would have probably given us was bloated government and tax cuts for the rich. It took outside events to show us what a bozo he is.

    When there is no agreement on what a good president even “should do” it is propaganda only to proclaim who is and who isn’t qualified to be president.

    Vote your prejudice, and hope for the best.

  15. J says:

    # 138 bobbo

    “You know, the experience requirements to be President are set forth in the Constitution. Everything other than that is blather.”

    I agree.

    “That said, NO ONE is qualified by experience to be President.”

    I agree again

  16. geofgibson says:

    #137 – J said, “Executive.

    Governmental definition

    The person or persons who constitute the executive magistracy of a state”

    That is a totally circular definition, essentially saying the government definition of executive is the executive of a State.

    Then we get, “The generic definition……

    One that exercises administrative or managerial control.”

    OK, now this is more concrete. So, if the government definition of what an executive does is not the same as the generic definition, then what does a governmental executive do?

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #137 ““Really? What is the “governmental” definition?”
    Oh I thought you would never ask. Here.”

    Nice try at the partial definition. LOL!

  18. J says:

    # 140 geofgibson

    “That is a totally circular definition, ”

    They are using the adjective form to help define the noun form. it is not circular.

    # 141 Paddy-O

    Apparently neither one of you “morans” understand the difference. I will try again

    If you want to define it as simply

    “One that exercises administrative or managerial control”

    Then they all have EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. If you define it as
    “The person or persons who constitute the executive magistracy of a state”


  19. Dallas says:


    This Hail Mary pass by McCain to win over Hillary voters will hopefully backfire. It is SCARY to see this irrational choice for the sake of winning. The future of politics is bleak indeed. The first GOP VP choice was really Dan Quail and we know this was pretty bad.

    Folks, I just saw Palin responded to the question “are you ready to lead”? Her response was “yup, yup”. Oh my God. We are screwed.

  20. geofgibson says:

    #131 – Paddy, I think he should reconcile this definition with the rest of his rant: “COMMAND, v.i. To have or to exercise supreme authority; to possess the chief power; to govern; as, the general commands with dignity and humanity. What general commands in Canada?”

    Also from

  21. Dallas says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  22. baremauler says:

    I spent my best 25 years in Alaska. They have a unique Constitution in that the State owns the mineral/oil rights underground. It means that the oil belongs to every resident. The State and the Feds split the income from the wells in the state. That income is the source of the “permanent fund”.
    Located to the left of most US maps, the state appears like a tiny sister, but it is huge.
    I don’t live there anymore, but I suggest that in the recent past we (when I was a resident) re-elected Wally Hickle as governor, who ran on the Alaska Independence ticket.
    Wally got fired from the Nixon administration for opposing the Vietnam War.
    Just because you come from Alaska, doesn’t mean that you don’t know politics.
    Coming from Alaska may in fact require you to know just a little bit about oil politics and also global warming, witness the number of native towns that have to be relocated.
    This is a big concern in Alaska.
    This is not a stupid woman.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #144 “Paddy, I think he should reconcile this definition with the rest of his rant:”

    Sorry. They came and took him back to his “room”.
    Too much excitement for one day…

  24. J says:

    # 144 geofgibson

    Hey dipshit

    The term “commander” and “executive” have very distinct differences especially in the military. You however are to stupid to realize that.

    Many commanders think they have supreme authority but the fact is only one does and he is the Commander in Chief. Hence the name! All other commanders answer to Him. So your definition by default is false.

  25. J says:

    Also did you notice that your definition comes out of a dictonary from 1823.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #149 “Also did you notice that your definition comes out of a dictonary[sic] from 1823.”

    Yes, and yours from 1774…

    executive n (1774) 1 : the executive branch of a government; also : the person or persons who constitute the executive magistracy of a state

  27. Thomas says:

    Then let me be equally clear, of all of the current candidates, only McCain and Palin have experience remotely akin to that of the greatest Presidents in history.


    I disagree. Other than VP, being governor, especially of a large State is as close as you can get to experience that is directly applicable to being President. Of the past 18 Presidents including Bush, six were former VP and six were former governors. All of them had executive experience except for Harding.

    > Then ONLY ONE

    Exactly our point.

  28. OvenMaster says:

    Schoolteacher type with glasses? Rrroowwrr!

    Make mine Republican! 😀 (I’m joking!) But no matter how you slice it, in 2009 we’re either gonna have a Black president or a woman vice-president. Who’d have thunk it?

  29. geofgibson says:

    #148 – J said, “Hey dipshit”
    Brilliant! Must be a member of MoveOn or Huff Post, or both.

    You still have failed to provide your working definition for:


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