Without reading the news – who has ever heard of this woman?

McCain picks Palin.

  1. J says:

    # 88 Joe

    That’s funny but I find that people who comment on other people’s grammar and spelling on a blog, usually have no argument of their own.

    You want me to refute your stupid statement fine.

    Lets start with the fact that he has lived over seas. SHE HAS NOT!!

    He is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. As a member, Senator Obama has visited many spots around the world vital to U.S. interests including Russia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Israel among others. SHE HAS NOT!!!

    His 2006 trip to Africa!! SHE HAS NEVER BEEN THERE!!!! Look it up dumbass because you apparently need to learn how to research before you open your trap!

    I won’t bother with the number of foreign policy positions he has taken and supported because SHE HASN”T TAKEN ANY!!!

    So the next time you want to open your trap and talk nonsense about things you are clearly uneducated about, you ought to think twice.

  2. mannylarson says:

    I believe she was on conservative talk radio couple weeks ago. She wanted to drill for oil in Alaska… I like her and she’s a journalist.

  3. J says:

    # 90 Thomas

    “That still gives her FAR more executive experience than Obama or Biden. At least McCain was in the military and in charge a large groups of people. ”

    FAR more??????? 1 1/2 years?? Over a State with just over 1/2 million people. My city has more people than that, as do many. That isn’t the kind of experience you should be bragging about.

    Just when I though you had said the dumbest thing possible you follow up with that.

    Large groups of people? A command squadren? You call that large. If that is all you need then I guess any high school coach is experienced enough to be president. Pffft!!

    She has more experience in the executive than McCain. FACE IT!!!! If you want to use that argument you have to take the truth with it!!!!

  4. MikeN says:

    Wow J, that’s wonderful foreign policy experience there. He’s lived overseas!

    >Perhaps you don’t get out much or are a little slow. You need to do a little research about topics you don’t seem to have NO knowledge of.

    I agree Joe seems to have knowledge on these topics.

  5. slightlycrankygeek says:

    The number of comments on this blog, and the childishness of them, is beginning to remind me of Digg! Execpt that we can see the non-Obamabot comments as well without changing any settings. Maybe Dvorak should turn this site into a digg clone. Dvigg?

  6. J says:

    # 96 MikeN

    “Wow J, that’s wonderful foreign policy experience there. He’s lived overseas!”

    Just like a dumbass. You see what you want. Did you miss the rest of that post? He is a member of the Foreign relations committee (John McCain is not) and has traveled and had meetings with politicians from MANY other countries. She has not. Lest we bring up Joe Biden’s experience in these matters where John McCain’s VP HAS NONE!!!! Not to mention. The rest of the world seems to like him quite a bit. They don’t care for McCain too much because he stinks of Bush.

    Since you want to be a dick and comment on my grammar mistakes I will point out one you made. “He’s lived overseas!” He’s is He is not He has. You made the mistake of thinking that I don’t know how to use good grammar and spelling. Foolish mistake my friend and I will make an example of you and Joe if you stoop that low again.

  7. SPC mxpwr03 says:

    #97 – Ummm childish comments have been the corner stone of for since its inception.

  8. wiglebot says:

    #39 — Sounds Like a Female Bush

  9. Thomas says:

    Clearly we know the other six letters of your name. McCain at least has experience managing people. He retired as a Navy Captain. You don’t get to that rank without the ability to lead. Yes, Palin has FAR more *executive* experience than Biden and Obama who both have ZERO. She has about four years of executive experience (mayor and governor).

    The ideal experience for a Presidential candidate either has military experience and was promoted to high rank like Colonel or General (Captain, or Admiral in the Navy) or as governor of a State. In both cases, the more people the better obviously.

  10. Dallas says:

    “..this will be a distraction for Bill Clinton..”

    You may have a point. According to Ed Rollings (Republican Strategist) interview on CNN, two of her better qualities is she won Miss Congeniality and she plays the flute.

    He did not elaborate what type of flute but Clinton would be impressed. Clearly, having TWO first lady’s vs one for Obama is a GOP trump card.

  11. Joe says:

    #98 J

    Ok Seriously, all grammar jibes and ad hominem aside, we’re thinking people and we just disagree. In my view, I don’t see how the case can be made that the top of the ticket here is any comparison regarding experience so I wonder why that would be the tactic of choice but to each his own. It’s a great country and God bless us for the choice and ability to speak out on it. Frankly I wish they would do what was suggested ala Lincoln-Douglas style debates and travel the country together discussing the issues. It’s important for all of us.

  12. Can’t we just all get along?

  13. J says:

    # 101 Thomas

    McCain ALSO has ZERO executive experience. I don’t give a shit about his military experience.

    “You don’t get to that rank without the ability to lead. ”

    You must have never been in the military!! LOL What a load of bullshit!!!

    “She has about four years of executive experience (mayor and governor).”

    1 1/2 as governor. Mayor now??? You think being a mayor of 5000 people and governor of just over 1/2 a million is the kind of experience you need to be president? LOL you must be a pushover.

    “The ideal experience for a Presidential candidate either has military experience and was promoted to high rank like Colonel or General (Captain, or Admiral in the Navy) or as governor of a State.”

    Really I thought the ideal candidate would be wise, thoughtful, confident, intelligent and of sound mind and health. Guess which ones McCain doesn’t fit.

    Does this mean you think Clinton was the ideal candidate for President?

    # 103 Joe

    “Ok Seriously, all grammar jibes and ad hominem aside”

    Ok fine. I admit my use of grammar and spelling is appalling on blogs.

    “we’re thinking people and we just disagree.”

    Well ok if you say so but the FACT is you made FALSE statements. That to me is more than a disagreement.

    “I don’t see how the case can be made that the top of the ticket here is any comparison regarding experience so I wonder why that would be the tactic of choice but to each his own. ”

    What make the experience that John McCain has any better?

    I think judgment is what is more important. John McCain has very little and it is failing at that. Barack Obama has enough experience combined with excellent judgment and Joe Biden has more experience than both of the republican candidates combined.

  14. brian t says:

    Any relation to Michael Palin, I wonder? The Democratic Campaign already looks like a Flying Circus to me…

  15. KevinL says:

    John (#43), Like Mr. Mustard (#77) said, the Dems are not panicking. They simply have no idea what they are up against, like normal. I predict they will end up staying away from the polls like in 2000 and 2004 when they thought the election was over. Reguardless of the politics, that is the single biggest reason to hate the dem party. When their foot isn’t in their mouth, there’re shooting it.

  16. Joe says:

    It’s true, I think it’s my own lack of experience (participating on blogs) that leads me to now just shrug. I’ll go back to my corner and observe for a bit whilst I work up more passion. Adieu mon ami

  17. slightlycrankygeek says:

    Somehow I was afraid that was the case. 🙂 But the sheer number of comments is still pretty impressive for a blog.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #67 “Just normal salt of the earth twenty somethings. Some are professionals (such as myself),”

    Oh, these people weren’t even alive then. That explains it.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #73 “And who has more senior exec experience, Obama or Palin? You wrote that with a straight face? Oh my! ”

    So, list Obama’s SENIOR exec experience… And no, being a South Chi activist ain’t it… Waiting…

  20. J says:

    # 111 Paddy-O

    So, list Obama’s SENIOR exec experience

    List McCains exec experience.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #95 “FAR more??????? 1 1/2 years??”

    1 1/2 years is how many time more than ZERO?

    Infinitely more in other words. LOL

  22. smartalix says:

    The egg is supposed to be opened from the SMALL end!

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #112 “List McCains exec experience.”

    He climbed to the rank of O6 in the navy. This is command rank. You command many service personnel.
    It is purely an exec position….

  24. J says:

    # 115 Paddy-O

    Let’s be clear that executive is defined in the governmental sense. If you wish define it more broadly then they all have executive experience. Be carful because if you open up that definition you will lose.

    “This is command rank.”

    That is right it is a COMMAND position. Not an executive one.

    “You command many service personnel.”

    Big deal! A squadron? High school principles have more experience than that!

    “It is purely an exec position….”

    It is nothing of the sort!!! It is a command position not an executive one. He did not decide on his own what he should do. He was told what to do and passed it down. Just like now and since about 4 years ago with the Republican party telling him what to do. Maverick my ass

    What big “executive” decisions did he make as a captain? NAME ONE!!!

    AGAIN Please list John McCain’s executive experience.

  25. edcasati says:

    Today Sen. McCain announced his choice of running mate for the office of President of the United States: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.

    Is this some kind of joke? Surely he can not be serious.

  26. J says:

    Oh did I mention she is a creationist!! LOL

  27. Thomas says:

    RE: Mayor
    Being mayor alone would not be sufficient experience, but certainly being mayor and governor certainly does.

    > Does this mean you think
    > Clinton was the ideal
    > candidate for President?

    Was Clinton ideally *qualified* to be President, absolutely. He was governor of Arkansas for over a decade. So was Carter as governor of Georgia. Even GHWB was qualified in that he was head of the CIA and VP. Do you not see the trend in experience? All of them had experience managing an organization. Military experience makes a BIG difference in that it provides experience leading people. You have to go back to 1920 (Harding) to find a President that had no executive experience.

    I have a problem with all the candidates in this election in that none of them are particularly qualified to be President. However, of the four people involved, Palin at least has some experience as an execute and so does McCain through his military experience where as Obama and Biden have none.

  28. Thomas says:

    > That is right it is a
    > COMMAND position. Not
    > an executive one.

    That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have heard. A command position means you are in charge of managing group of men and materials. An executive is a person in charge of managing an organization. It is the same skillset. By your logic, Washington was illsuited to be President because he only had command experience.

    > High school principles
    > have more experience

    Than Obama and Biden? I agree.

    If OBiden had some experience, this wouldn’t even be brought up. If they had been a CEO, held a cabinet position, had some military experience, ran a Boy Scout Troop…something. This is an issue of experience managing large groups of people.

    Look, it may not matter that OBiden has no management experience. They may turn out to be great managers. However, it *will* make it harder for them to adjust if elected. As I mentioned before, it takes about a year for a Senator to make the mental shift to being President.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #116 “That is right it is a COMMAND position. Not an executive one.”

    Umm, command means running people as an exec. Time to up your meds…

  30. Dallas says:

    #120 Your arguments are already outdated as your rhetoric on experience is soooo 2 weeks ago.
    In his very first executive decision – to appoint a VP running mate, he has thrown out the experience argument out the door. The GOP spin machine needs to start allover.

    The best one liner assessment comes from Ed Rollins, GOP strategist. And I quote: “This is a McCain Hail Mary pass” . What does this say? It’s about the party, winning – not about who is the best VP for the country. The hope is that Americans will be disgusted at this obvious irrational choice.


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