Without reading the news – who has ever heard of this woman?

McCain picks Palin.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #58 “Paddy-O, that one is a bit of a stretch for me. ”

    So no senior exec experience vs. Senior Exec of a State is less exec experience?


  2. MikeN says:

    >he is a sysop who posts once in a while

    You mean when Hillary wins a primary?

  3. MikeN says:

    Feminists won’t be happy since she didn’t abort her baby with Downs Syndrome.

  4. MikeN says:

    Dan Quayle won his election over a longtime Senator, because the top of the ticket was a liberal vs a conservative that conservatives didn’t like.

  5. Steven Long says:

    @ 38 Paddy-O

    Just normal salt of the earth twenty somethings. Some are professionals (such as myself), some are still in school, some are still in those high school jobs.

    I do interact with some high up attorneys, but we don’t generally talk politics.

  6. Scamp says:

    We get the news late here in the great state of Alaska. I can tell you people are SHOCKED. Mainly because they can’t understand why an ex-mayor of a small town in the state, elected 20 months ago to replace the most hated governor in state history by one of the reddest states in the country, would be someone we would want to be the person following McCain into the white house. Really, serving on the PTA and a city counsel does not make for national policy credentials!

  7. nrgdemon says:

    Love her on 30 Rock. Now this.

  8. JimD says:

    “McCain introduced Palin as the political partner “who can best help me shake up Washington and make it start working again for the people who are counting on us.””

    Which “People” ??? The American People or the Billionaires and Millionaires and the Corporations that “W” said were the Republican Party’s “Base” ???

    This is what Americans are TIRED OF !!! That’s why I believe it will be Obama by a LANDSLIDE !!!

  9. Balbas says:

    Ah, yes … the Pollyanna Principle:

  10. Angus says:

    It’s interesting to now see how much ageism and sexism is coming out the the Democratic side now. And it’s not a good idea to complain about experience now either. 6 years as mayor vs. 6 years as an Illinois state senator is as wash, as is 2 years as a governor vs. 2 years as a US senator.

    I just hope we can start talking about issues, and what they think, rather than who they are.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >> 0Paddy-O said,
    >> And who has more senior exec experience, Obama or Palin?

    You wrote that with a straight face? Oh my!

    You realize, don’t you, that Alaska is about the same size as Stockton, California? You think the mayor of Stockton would be “ready on day one” to lead the US military?

    By the way: Who has more foreign policy expedience: Biden or Palin?

  12. Todd Peterson says:

    Really good move by McCain – Hillary must be pissed.

    Get ready for President McCain!

  13. J says:

    # 53 Joe

    “Mr. Obama’s foreign policy experience?”

    Perhaps you don’t get out much or are a little slow. You need to do a little research about topics you don’t seem to have NO knowledge of.

    # 54 Paddy-O
    “And who has more senior exec experience, Obama or Palin?”

    Yeah she has more senior exec experience than McCain too. So what! Alaska only has a little over 1/2 million people in it. It isn’t the same as the experience of running a country of 300 million that has to interact with a planet of 6 billion. SHE HAS NO I REPEAT NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!

    Also she is under investigation in her own state for ethics. She switched her story on the matter more than once. Does that mean she lied? Haven’t we all had enough of politicians that use an office as their own personal power structure. It is recorded ON TAPE!!!! She had her little minions including her HUSBAND!!!! Call to have her sisters ex husband fired!!!! When they refused. She fired them for not doing what she said. Nice ethics there. For more years of George Bush and Dick Cheney on the way.

    Bravo for John McCain for picking a woman for the office of the VP. Too bad he picked the wrong one. There are many women in the Republican party that are far better qualified than Palin. The problem with them is they arn’t as pretty.

  14. Said says:

    At any moment I expect McCain to start drooling and going to the bathroom in his pants.

  15. #43 – JCD

    >>It will be fun to watch the Dems panic
    >>over this.

    As has been pointed out, the Dems are NOT panicking. They’re laughing into their napkins.

    Once the “oh-she’s-so-hot” MILF fascination wears off (and her dirty laundry starts hitting the clothesline), Sarah’s going to become the laughingstock of the election.

  16. Oh No says:

    this will be a distraction for Bill Clinton

  17. Dallas says:

    The only logical response is for Biden to wear a dress. Your move, McCain!

  18. J says:

    # 78 Oh No

    LOL. She is too good looking for him.

  19. erm says:

    Well look at the glasses! She must be clever!

  20. GigG says:

    She has more governmental executive branch experience than Obama.

    And she is kinda hot.

  21. J says:

    That girl, which is the picture at the top of this thread, is Sabine Ehrenfeld.

    Not to take anything away from Mrs. Palin but she isn’t nearly as hot as Sabine.

    # 82 GigG

    “She has more governmental executive branch experience than Obama.”

    She has more than McCain too!!!!!!

    Weak argument. Nice try but lets compare apples to apples.

  22. Said says:

    Apparently she has a retarded child with Down’s syndrome named James Hill.

  23. chris says:

    This is an amazing choice on so many levels. Wow! Top marks. Usually surprises in politics are disappointing.


  24. J says:

    # 84 Said

    Ok that’s not cool. I don’t like her nor do I like James Hill but that is not cool!!!

  25. Stunned says:

    Harriet Myers redux…

  26. Joe says:

    #74 J
    “Perhaps you don’t get out much or are a little slow. You need to do a little research about topics you don’t seem to have NO knowledge of.”

    Sounds like an O speech, no substance in your reply, just empty name calling. How about some sort of actual rebuttal with an example and try not to end with a preposition. Have a Nice Day 😀

  27. Thomas says:

    That still gives her FAR more executive experience than Obama or Biden. At least McCain was in the military and in charge a large groups of people.

    > Obama choosing Biden inspires
    > confidence… McCain choosing
    > Palin inspires questions.

    Completely disagree. Biden has ZERO executive experience and is a DC crony. When running on a ticket of change, Biden’s nomination is truly a head scratcher. Palin on the other hand is a firebrand and has executive experience. She will take the disenfranchised Hillary supporters and much of the west outside of CA.

    It is a brilliant move on McCain’s part. It ends the age angle and the discrimination angle and really throws Obama’s “change” platform on its ear.

    It is not a wash. Being governor provides experience that is directly applicable to the job of President or Vice-President. Being a Senator is VERY different as Senators are driven towards compromise whereas executives are driven towards leadership. It is like the difference between being on the Board of Directors and being the CEO. It generally takes a Senator about a year in office to really *get* being President.

  28. SPC mxpwr03 says:

    No need to get pissy because Karl Rove has hit another home run.

  29. Mr Diesel says:

    #84 The child has Downes Syndrome. Similar to what most of the whining liberals suffer from on this site.

  30. James Hill says:

    Look at how pathetic the liberals are in this thread. They realize they’re fucked. Maybe I was too quick in saying this is still BHO’s race to lose.

    #43 – I guess that long hair is pretty easy to split.

    #64 – LMAO!

    #78 – He’s been trying to get behind women for years.

    #84 – Your worship is noted. Besides, just because that kid is destined to become the greatest political prop in the history of mankind is no reason to get pissy.

    #86 – You don’t like winners? That’s pretty telling.


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