Without reading the news – who has ever heard of this woman?

McCain picks Palin.

  1. Joe says:

    This is risky but just awesome. High stakes chess as someone pointed out. Well played Mr. McCain. Your move Mr. Obama…Mr. Obama? Bueller…Bueller?

  2. Steven Long says:

    @ 30 Paddy

    Then I guess it’s safe to say that we don’t know the exact same group of people.

    A conservative acquaintance of mine said exactly “I don’t think a woman should be president.” She isn’t a representative of all conservatives, just herself. She might be the only one that thinks like that, but I doubt it.

  3. sirfelix says:

    Waiting for John’s positive spin on this VP pick.

  4. MikeN says:

    >reappoint all the officials in a department when the originals wouldn’t do what she requested.

    What does that mean? If you mean she replaced them all, then that’s a good idea since it seems Alaska is more corrupt than New Jersey these days. And reelecting their corrupt politicians too like Ted Stevens and Don Young.

  5. Willy says:

    Who is she? The very first VPILF?

  6. Erik says:

    OMG, I think that I had vacation sex with her on a trip to Seattle!!!!

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #33 “Then I guess it’s safe to say that we don’t know the exact same group of people.”

    The conservative group I hang with are high level execs and entrepreneurs + a few senior gov officials.

    What’s the demo of your group of conservatives?

  8. ArianeB says:

    I am beside myself with laughter on this pick. This is not just a female version of Dan Quayle, this is a female version of Admiral Stockdale.

    There are at least a dozen more qualified females in the GOP, Kay Bailey Hutcheson, Elizabeth Dole, and Condoleeza Rice immediately come to mind. With all these conservative women, he went for the cute one? Yeah that will get the woman vote.

    Of all the choices, McCain could have picked. The best he could find is a pro life creationist MILF currently under an ethics investigation?

    I said it before, VP nominations are ALWAYS funny!

  9. #8 — I agree with you. I thought she was the odds-on fav and the logical choice three months ago and expressed this on a couple of podcasts. Since Hillary fan Marc Perkel posted this as a mystery shows you how out-of-touch the Dems actually are. She’s a dynamo and will steal all those pro-hillary fence sitters since they all assume McCain will die of old age in office.

    To be effective the dems will have to become both age-ist AND sexist to beat this combination. The evidence is in the comments.

    Her approval rating has been as high as 90-percent in Alaska. So I’m not sure what all the naysayers are thinking.

  10. Awake says:

    The nomination of Sarah Palin will quickly turn into the same “what were they thinking?” situation as when Harriet Meyers was nominated by Bush to the Supreme Court.
    Here we have a woman who has only been governor of a state for a couple of years, and whose ENTIRE political experience before that is mayor of a small town.

    The President of the USA is all about the circle of advisers that he/she surrounds himself with, the people that have his ear. I want the most capable people available to have the most immediate access to the President. Obama choosing Biden inspires confidence… McCain choosing Palin inspires questions.

    The choice of Palin feels like desperation on the part of the Republican ticket in order to move some votes to their side.

    Ignore the polls… if you want a clear indication of what will happen in November, watch the TV viewership numbers comparing the Democratic convention to next weeks Republican convention. The Republicans might be better off canceling their convention (with the hurricane excuse) and save themselves some embarrassment.

  11. badtimes says:

    Well, to state the obvious- at least she’s better looking than Gramps.
    What was his press announcement- “I picked the c*** from Alaska”?

  12. #13 — Marc Perkel is not an editor of this blog, he is a sysop who posts once in a while. And yes, she has been discussed here a bit.

    It will be fun to watch the Dems panic over this.

  13. sirfelix says:

    “A woman with very little experience (so much for playing that card against Obama).

    A woman who is under investigation for the abuse of power (Republicans may regard that as a qualification or a badge of honor: I engaged in wrongdoing, but managed to beat the rap).

    A woman who–like all Republicans in office in Alaska–has deep friendly ties with oil. But then Alaskans voted for Ted Stevens in the primary even though the man is under indictment, so we know how Alaskan Republicans view charges of corruption.

    An evangelical with 5 children……who McCain can count on to be suitably unchalleging. (Evangelican women know their place in the male hierarchy)

    Imagine how nervous people would be with her in the VP spot with a president who is in his mid-70s……in NO world is she ready for ‘prime time.'”

  14. Peter iNova says:

    Wait till you see how she tried to get her sister’s ex fired from the State Police for, among other things: Tasering his step son!

    But here’s the story on that (he said preemptively):

    “One day — maybe a year or two before the investigation — Wooten showed his stepson his Taser. He had just been to Taser instructor school. Wooten told Sgt. Wall that the boy was fascinated and pleaded to be tased.

    About a year prior to the divorce process…

    So we went in our living room and I had him get down on his knees so he wouldn’t fall. And I taped the probes to him and turned the Taser on for like a second, turned it off. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world, wanted to do it again,” Wooten told the investigator. The boy flinched but nothing more, he said. The boy was about 11 at the time.

    In his interview with troopers, the stepson said it hurt for about a second, according to Wall’s report. The boy said he wanted to be tased to show his cousin, Palin’s daughter Bristol, that he wasn’t a mama’s boy. The probe left a welt on his arm, he said. His mother was upstairs yelling at them not to do it, the boy said.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    I thought the Republicans valued experience.

    Oh well. Shameless flip flops for political reasons are business-as-usual with that bunch.

  16. A_B says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  17. ArianeB says:

    #43 “It will be fun to watch the Dems panic over this.”

    Turn on Air America John, their not panicking they are laughing their asses off. They can hardly wait for the VP debate with her and Biden.

  18. Barnabus says:

    When you look into the mirror, and based on the light reflection you see, you tell yourself, “You deserve it all,” you don’t.

  19. mschamberg says:

    Look out. Very nice longshot. Wow!

    Obama has to club a baby seal from Alaska to win now.

  20. Mr Diesel says:

    She has an 80% approval rating so she must be pissing off party line cronies and making the people happy doing it.

  21. QB says:

    I think she’ll play better than people think, and will draw working mothers and evangelicals out to vote.

    I watched her speech on TV though. She looks unsure of herself and doesn’t have a commanding presence. This ain’t surprising but it won’t help – maybe she’ll relax over time. The big problem is that she may make a major blunder along the way due to inexperience.

    One problem now is that Republicans are straining on some items. e.g. She’s ready to be commander-in-chief since she’s commander of the Alaskan National Guard. She understands energy since she was an ethics commissioner. etc.

    I don’t think Democrats should get smug. I think that McCain and Pulin will be tougher opponents than they think.

  22. Joe says:

    More executive experience than McCain, Obama, Biden put together. Dems are saying she has no foreign policy experience…uh…hello, Mr. Obama’s foreign policy experience? Like I said earlier, oops, got your nose.

    This was an inspired pick. It’s going to be an exciting two months and the Dems are already squealing. Hillary on the other hand is getting ready to run in 2012.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #46 “I thought the Republicans valued experience.”

    And who has more senior exec experience, Obama or Palin?

  24. JimD says:

    No matter !!! McBush is TOAST !!! Doesn’t matter who is bringing up the rear !!!

  25. Improbus says:

    I feel like I have been transported to Bizzaro Earth.

  26. QB says:

    #54 Paddy-O, that one is a bit of a stretch for me. And if you think about it, the same holds true for John McCain.

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    I’d like to go shooting with her out in the woods and do her.

    I haven’t wanted to do a VP since Agnew.

  28. ArianeB says:

    “Look out. Very nice longshot. Wow!
    Obama has to club a baby seal from Alaska to win now.”

    Oh yeah, I’m sure Obama is sad over losing 3 electoral votes he never had a chance of getting in the first place. (He has a better chance to win McCain’s home state of Arizona)

    McCain could have picked Pawlenty popular in Minnesota with 10 electoral votes, or Romney who is popular in Michigan with 17 electoral votes.

    So this makes zero sense from an electoral college point of view too.

  29. sirfelix says:

    The women who are going to vote for McCain/Palin are not the same women who wanted Hillary Clinton in office. If anything McCain has insulted the gender with this pick by trying to placate to women.

    Overall, he’ll lose more Republican voters then gain Clinton voters.

    Fox News is flooding the same “glass-shattering” quote clip from Palin’s boring speech over and over and over.

  30. JimR says:

    Outsider point of view…

    Hahahahahahaha! maybe McCain will die of a heart attack. It’s been known to happen. Fking unbelievable! The best of 350 million? Oh well, it’s your country.


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