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I just don’t know but if she puts on a tie, she may be the first lesbian GOP president.
She’s the governor of Alaska. I have friends who live in Alaska and we talk about the corrupt politics in Alaska all the time. That’s why I happen to know…LOL!!!
Well, she’s campaigned for a couple of offices as anti-corruption; but, in a state run by Ted Stevens and his cronies for so long – that’s too easy. She even canceled his Bridge to Nowhere after she was elected.
On the other hand, she’s under investigation by the State Legislature for political firings – and she’s been known to reappoint all the officials in a department when the originals wouldn’t do what she requested.
Not a lot of confidence in democracy there.
She’s the darling of the NRA and the anti-abortion rights nutballs. That guarantees the Eagle Forum vote.
>>Who the hell is Sarah Palin?
Former Miss Wasilla (AK), and runner-up in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant.
Yee-haw! I wonder what her opinion is on maps and the US educational system!
#1 – I don’t agree. I was kinda going down the line of porn actress doing an ‘office lady’ scene. The lipstick, over produced hair, cheap looking suit, and over compensating for my intelligence eye wear. Perhaps that’s too harsh. I take it all back.
I’ve never even seen such a movie but I imagine that’s what the gangstas making porn would do.
The Sunday pundits have been talking about her for a while. She’s a little to the right of Attila the Hun so she should fit right in.
Apparently she can take out Dick Cheney with a Winchester 30-06.
She’s pretty. That librarian look.
A dangerous one.
Was she selected entirely to court the bitter Hillary fans?
Will more Republicans dismiss the idea of a woman in charge than Democrats dismissing the idea of a black man in charge?
I guess there are more women Dems that might swing to McCain/Palin than there are black Repubs that will swing to Obama/Biden (as far as sheer numbers go).
If you have never heard of Ms. Palin, then you are an idiot.
Oh, She is the last chance for McCain to become president by trying to appeal to the women voters with a woman who has less experience than Obama and who is half his age. Seriously, when McCain dies, this could be your president.
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I’m sure the republicans are just beside themselves trying to figure this out. It may be a day or so until the ‘positioning email’ gets circulated. Be patient. In the mean time, it’s time to enjoy the broad opportunity this presents.
#5 post is pretty good and now is very obvious. This is the “look” that works for an insecure beauty pageant contestant wanting to get some respect. OK with me. The question is, does she look like the gal we want to go toe to toe with Iran? Dunno
That’s the girl knuckleheads, not Sarah Palin although it looks quite a bit like her.
Considering she’s been talked about around here for over a year, read the blog you’re an “editor” on.
But, to answer your question, she’s the woman that has no one talking about The Black Savior’s speech last night.
#7 “Will more Republicans dismiss the idea of a woman in charge than Democrats dismissing the idea of a black man in charge?”
Naw, they loved Thatcher.
As I said in a previous post, this election is McCain’s to loose.
And he is well on his way.
@5,11: Toe to toe with Iran? Lifetime NRA member, Gov. of the “Wild and Wacky” state? Oh, yes… Or what McCain said: “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb’ Iran” would be even more likely.
@3: “she’s been known to reappoint all the officials in a department when the originals wouldn’t do what she requested.” I’d call that guts that are missing in most of modern politics… I wouldn’t expect anything like that either form the Biden or Obama.
@Original poster: Hardly qualifies as lesbian with 5 children of her own.
The oil patch boys picked this one.She has been pissing in their lunch “Alaska”for years and they want to be rid of her.This is the Teddy Roosevelt story all over again.He messed with the people who owned this country as Gov. of New York and got stuck in the V.P. slot to get rid of him.McKinley was assasinated and as a result we had the biggest change in how this country is governed until the New Deal.Bravo John McCain now I hope he has the good sense to die in office.
#15 – How can you come to that conclusion, when Obama is being propped up left and right. It’s the other way around.
So predictably (accepting the feint 100%), the O campaign steps right into it questioning whether the Veep choice is “qualified” to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Maybe McCain will do the “hey you got something on your shirt”..oops twiddle your nose thing at the first debate.
Watching the McCain announcement in Ohio..gee, what no Acropolis? No Rock stars? What kind of symbolism is this? Oh wait, this isn’t about symbolism.
McCain needed to pull a rabbit out of a hat and this does it. Due to timing he has stolen the news cycle and now has a chance to get a good bounce. A woman VP pick is a strong choice. Hopefully, she is the right choice.
@ 14 Paddy-O
I’ve met some conservatives (even a woman) who doesn’t think a woman should lead the US.
@ 16 Dusan
Gays can give birth, too. They can even marry the opposite sex. I guarantee you, it’s happened before.
ha! Talk about the horse race of the century
mcain picked nra card carrying sarah palin, gov of alaska..(and mother of 5 and married to an oil VP, iirc..) -if they needed a way to fracture the dems “hillary” vote away from the obama ticket this is it..
pretty savvy political chess move imo..(for this particular race) -this also allows the republicans to build palin into a hillary kill machine for the next election or the one 8yrs from now, should the repubs stay in office this cycle.
-should hillary ever get into the white house, we’ll be doomed for sure..
-as a mother of 5, i bet she can balance a budget better than any screwball that’s in office now.. only issue is, is she as corrupt as some make her out to be…
only thing thats really sucks is she’s a big pro-life advocate. -we have waay too many humans on the planet as is..
guess the next question is, if the pres elect gets taken out in a crisis, who would you want more..biden or palin..
last food for thought, i wonder if palin gets in the whitehouse…will she help to uncap the “gull island” oil wells (and the rest of the north slope of alaska for that matter) and let the oil flow? -or continue the farce of 1970’s alaska oil finds.. -after all, it is the feds that have put us on the foreign oil nipple, not BigOil..
the odd thing is…this is turning out to be a presidential race where the VP’s actually count for more than the pres elects..
so we get a vp married to big oil(but could take out a terrorist at 500yards with a 30-06, -or a vp with money from big banks sticking out of his hole who could slit the throat of a terrorist at 5 feet with a credit card.
(silly, yes, but my coffee is still brewing)
-pretty sad..
i still think we’re sunk with either vote..but if palin is pro oil *and* a real patriot.. maybe we’ll get a taste of the vast oil reserves that have been politically buried in alaska..and make America energy independent (yeah, ok, i can dream, can’t i?)
Women will hate her, she’s just too pretty…
Former NJ Gov Jim McGreevey comes to mind.
I wonder if Biden will pull punches in the VP debate, or if her beauty queen charm will help her.
Biden is a scary debate opponent regardless of experience…
Nothing against a woman VP. But McCain has picked a nobody? Sound to me like her government record in Alaska is less then stellar. If he’s trying to get the female vote. I am not sure this is going to do it. Seems like John is digging himself deeper in the whole.
I hope this means McCain will flip flop and support drilling in ANWR now? Oil prices should drop on this news.
Yee Haw! Each party is trying to out bizarre each other. It don’t get no better than this!
#22 “I’ve met some conservatives (even a woman) who doesn’t think a woman should lead the US.”
And I’ve never met one that didn’t think Thatcher would have made a good pres….
#23 – Soundwash
>>and mother of 5 and married to an oil VP
“Until recently, he earned hourly wages as a production operator in a BP-run facility that separates oil from gas and water…..before he went on leave in December to make more time for his family and avoid potential conflicts of interest.” (May 27, 2007 Anchorage Daily News).
That doesn’t sound like a VP to me!