So, the next President gave his party’s acceptance speech last night and promised the government under his care will fund every program anyone has ever proposed to do anything, will take care of everyone who needs anything, will end all wars in the world, end the energy crisis by capturing the sun and moving it to Kansas into which everyone can plug an extension cord, cure cancer, bad breath and itchy feet, all while lowering taxes for everyone except the evil people who make too much money or are an evil company, not being Bush/McCain and becoming buddies with some woman named Hillary (whoever she is). At least I think all that was in there. It sure sounded like it.

What did you hear? Did you like the speech? Do you believe it? Do you want to believe it but realize everything a Presidential candidate says is BS because Congress is the branch that does stuff? Sound off!

  1. Shubee says:

    # 55 – No. It would be better to be more loving and concerned than selfish and indifferent.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #56 You have never been a CEO or Pres of a large company have you?

  3. Li says:

    I was impressed, if only because the crowd/speaker dynamic was very good. A few of the big applause lines, about protecting civil rights and the Bush legacy, were well delivered and equally well received.

    “Change doesn’t come from Washington, it comes TO Washington!”

    I, too, liked this line. I can hardly think of a more efficient machine of corruption than DC, and the less time someone spends there, the more qualified they are IMHO. Obama choosing such an insider as VP kind of blunts that message though.

  4. soundwash says:


    in noticing that obama has been marketed to the american public like a brandy new gee-wiz next best thing since sliced bread (or Jell-O, your choice) product…complete with overblown grandiose props and empty claims (just like a new 0 calorie drink..

    i thought i’d do a whois on to see just how early they knew who they’d pick for VP…

    a whois at shows was first regged on december 5th, 2006..

    well…someone had some prettfy f’n good
    foresight to reg that combo this early in the game…

    where the DNC candidates even announced back then??? if not…someone has a bit of explaining… -even more amusing…
    OBAMACLINTON.COM was regged nov 3rd 2004

    just goes to show you how staged our elections are….fixed from day one…

    (fwiw: was regged jan, 29, 2008…at least these guys know how to keep the facade up a little better..

    anyway.. just thought i’d stir some sh** up..



  5. TomB says:

    There was no need to watch it. Blah, blah. More of the same. I’ll bet McCain’s sounds almost the same as Obama’s.

    I did like Uncle Dave’s description 🙂

    Vote Libertarian.

  6. Kevitivity says:

    I thought it was pretty empty. Full of platitudes as usual. He did a good job of reading it. I think it’s pretty clear now that BO is an income redistributionist.

  7. deowll says:

    You mean some people actually believe campaign promises?

  8. QB says:

    TomB: Vote for Bob Barr? This gets flakier by the minute.

    Maybe you should pencil in Penn Gillette.

  9. scolfax says:

    If McCain gives a speech 1/10th as good I’ll eat my hat.

    The speech was great.

    And for those of you who think that Obama can’t pay for his stated goals – it sounds like you really don’t want him to even if he can. Personally, I will be very happy to have lower taxes and cheaper health insurance. And less of our country’s taxes going to war contractors while the dollar plummets.

  10. DJ says:

    I miss George…

  11. QB says:

    And 18-jul-2004
    And 10-jan-2005

    So I’m trying to figure out your point. 😉

  12. John Paradox says:

    thlinux said, Obama also brought up that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. The senate vote is anonymous. How would anyone know.

    HUH? What country are you living in, there’s plenty of open voting, check out Project Vote Smart


  13. MikeN says:

    Reason’s Jesse Walker had this to say:

    “Shorter Barack Obama: Government cannot solve all our problems. Just the ones involving energy, education, work, the weather, cities, the countryside, sick children, sick mothers, joblessness, hopelessness, and frightening foreigners who do not live in Iraq. Now if you’ll all look under your seats, every one of you is going home with a new car!”

  14. Uncle Patso says:

    # 5 Higghawker said:
    “He’s got flair, I’m not sure that’s what this country needs right now?”

    Couldn’t hurt. The contrast with Shrub will get people’s attention.

    # 11 The Warden said:
    “Like all politicians, he gives a great speech but like they say, there’s a lot of sizzle but no steak.”

    Couldn’t hurt. The contrast with Shrub will get people’s attention.

    # 69 Kevitivity said:
    “I think it’s pretty clear now that BO is an income redistributionist.”

    So were Reagan, Bush 1 and CheneyBush, just in the other direction. Haven’t you been hearing that “great sucking sound” Ross Perot mentioned?

    I enjoyed it. I even enjoyed that not everybody in the stadium was pleased with every part. There was just a smidgen or reality check in there.

    If he can actually get ten percent of these programs going, and each one only achieves ten percent of its goals, that will be a one thousand percent improvement. Even if all he does is get a few smart (or even moderately intelligent) people to run some Federal agencies, it will be worth it…

  15. my moma says:

    Many of you deserve what happened to America in the past 8 years, if you even realize what happened.

    I’m sure McCain will continue to give you what you deserve.

    And I do really hope you get what you want.

  16. zionred says:

    same empty rhetoric we always hear from the Democrats.

  17. dcphill says:

    Sounds like “Pie In The Sky..Bye and Bye”
    Per Utah Phillips folk song!
    I don’t think Obama can pull it off.

  18. Steven Long says:

    @ 64 Paddy-O

    That was no kind of response.

    The answer to your inane question: No.
    How about you?

    Have you ever been the head of the NYSE?

  19. northcoaster says:

    Uncle Dave sure is cranky when it comes to national politics.

  20. TomB says:

    #72, And for those of you who think that Obama can’t pay for his stated goals – it sounds like you really don’t want him to even if he can. Personally, I will be very happy to have lower taxes and cheaper health insurance. And less of our country’s taxes going to war contractors while the dollar plummets.


    And I hope you realize that NOTHING is going to change in how much money you actually have.

    If he raises tax rates on the corps, you are still giving money to the gov. You really think the corps are going to eat the lower profits. Hell, no. We will through higher prices everywhere on everything — food, gas, water, electricity, toys, clothets — you name it.

    Some people have no clue. This man is going to do nothing if he gets elected.

  21. scolfax says:

    Then I hope he does the same “nothing” that Clinton did… we were much better off then. It’s time to undo Gitmo-nation.

  22. James Hill says:

    Looks like the speech was well received… and forgotten. Compare the post counts between this thread an the Palin thread for who won the week.


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