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So, the next President gave his party’s acceptance speech last night and promised the government under his care will fund every program anyone has ever proposed to do anything, will take care of everyone who needs anything, will end all wars in the world, end the energy crisis by capturing the sun and moving it to Kansas into which everyone can plug an extension cord, cure cancer, bad breath and itchy feet, all while lowering taxes for everyone except the evil people who make too much money or are an evil company, not being Bush/McCain and becoming buddies with some woman named Hillary (whoever she is). At least I think all that was in there. It sure sounded like it.
What did you hear? Did you like the speech? Do you believe it? Do you want to believe it but realize everything a Presidential candidate says is BS because Congress is the branch that does stuff? Sound off!
Looks like McCain with his new VP choice, is now the official Straw Candidate of the Illuminati.
It’s sad, but I think Obama’s speech was very successful. Unfortunately most of his followers don’t realize that Small Businesses are not plagued with the Capitol Gains Tax, so getting rid of it will not help them. They are plagued with Income Tax. Obama also brought up that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. The senate vote is anonymous. How would anyone know. In fact McCain has openly opposed Bush in quite a few major bills. Obama also said McCain believes the middle class is anyone making less than $5 million a year. Talk about going overboard. Just proves how far the left is willing to go to win this election. I don’t like McCain much either. He reminds me of John Kerry always using his military service as some type of trump card. We need fair leaders who lay out facts, not rhetoric. I vote “None of the above”.
I must say that McCain choosing a beauty queen as VP has definitely deflected attention away from Obama’s speech.
These guys are GOOD! Whatever it takes!
#29 And this addresses my point how? LOL
It was a great speech. The neocons hated it because it told the truth about the sorry pack of lies that constitutes their godforsaken existence. Above everything else it had two primary home-run points:
NOT Bush.
NOT McSame
Anyone who wants 4 more years of the same misery and incompetence we’ve had the last 8 years should vote for McBush. Then you can officially call yourself a masochist.
#31. Thank you. Yes, do you people really believe the president runs this country. IF they let Obama become president, they MIGHT allow him to change some things if it suits their agenda. The neocons and the Shadow Government (oh yeah, it exists), arent going to give up any real power. And dont be surprised if before November they try to pull off something big, so that we will want a “strong” candidate who is tough on Communism/ Terrorism / Aliens from space (name your boogeyman here)and swing the livestock to McCain. Look at the buildup in Georgia, the buildup off Iran. Open your eyes people before its too late. Sound crazy? Please dont believe me, do some research. You know deep down inside it’s all an illusion, and you suckers fall right into the trap every single time.
#36 Tinfoil hat said, “The neocons and the Shadow Government”
And who are they?
This question wasn’t even relevant for a day. Nice try, however.
Everyone knows this guy is an empty suit, even the hacks posting here trying to support him confirm this by not being able to back him up on his issues.
Obama had everything in his favor… and he actually might lose after all.
The speech made at Obamastock last night was not inspirational enough until the last few minutes. During the first part, I could hear crickets. The middle section had some incredibly large promises that were 60’s-esque and the last section was what I expected for the large stadium atmosphere. My wife, who is more liberal than myself, is tired of his life story and doesn’t want universal healthcare. We’ll see.
#16, “As he pointed out in his speech, we CAN pay for quite a bit if we pull out of Iraq and close corporate welfare tax loopholes.”
How is pulling out of Iraq going to pay for anything? Every dollar that we spend in Iraq is a dollar we borrow. All you are going to be doing is shifting where your deficit spending goes. What NEEDS to happen is we stop spending the money on foreign expeditions and DON’T just start spending the money elsewhere.
#37. Hey Shit Paddy, got google? Try this moron, Washington Post Shadow Govt, you can use a computer? Well maybe not.
Saying tinfoil hat changes everything doesnt it.
Good speech, but parts of it not so good. It had too much of a state of the union speech, and too much of a vice-presidential speech in it, attacking McCain and inviting debate, when he should have been starting the debate. The rest was very good.
#41 “Saying tinfoil hat changes everything doesnt it.”
btw, FWIW: the inside scoop here in nyc amongst some city agency employees is that obama’s secret BigMoney backing weapon is non other than Oprah Winfrey..
-take it with a grain of salt, but it trickled down from some higher ups i know in the harlem community.. *shrug*
I think this was one of Obama’s weaker speaches. It was kind of boring. The biggest thing though, is that he was basically just up there reading the Democrat handbook. This speach could have easily come from John Kerry or Al Gore. I just fail to see what is so special about Obama beyond his race and speaking ability.
Now, I’m not happy with the way Republicans have been running things, but if I’m someone that had no interest in voting for Kerry why should I be interested in Obama? Why does he deserve all of this “savior” talk? Why should anyone but a hard core Democrat care about him?
I think I’ll vote Libertarian this year.
#47, well if nothing else, Obama will surely get this year’s “slogan master” award.
I read the transcript of the speech. (I find Obama’s speech cadence to be very annoying.)
It was about 1/3 McCain-bashing, and the rest seemed to be just more “we need to change things” – without actually mentioning what the change should be.
I agree that voting for McCain, who voted 90% with Bush, isn’t change. But I’m not sure that voting against Bush 90% of the time is the right kind of “non-partisan” change.
It was good on many, many levels. He addressed the specific McCain accusations directly, deferred details until the debates where both could see-saw over ideas, proved that he is in this for the right reasons and showed us what a leader SHOULD sound like.
I’m surprised at how various responders poo-poohed the speech while giving away the notion that they started listening to it with an obviously pre-cast opinion.
#47 gets the Bill Kristol award.
Bill Kristol praised the speech as a homerun.
“If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from”
If Obama had thought about this line, then he would have had an excellent speech.
#14. Please start contributing more money to the Govt. if you feel that’s right…
I believe that universal health care is right for everyone. Don’t you?
>> Cursor_ said,
>> They are both the same critter.
I interesting that so many people confuse political deafness with objectivity.
It’s been DECADES since America has had such a stark choice for president, yet some people still can’t tell them apart.
It’s like a chemist who can’t tell the difference between water and gasoline because both are clear, cold and wet… and then thinks this is some sort of insight.
… as for rating the speech.
It was very good but I think he could have done better.
#52 “I believe that universal health care is right for everyone. Don’t you?”
Not better for me.
@ 34 Paddy-O
I’m not sure why you can’t follow that chain.
You say that if the rich and Exxon get taxed that they’ll hire less and fire more.
I say that they don’t just use ‘spare money’ to employ those extra workers.
If I have a business with five locations (and it’s proved very lucrative), then my taxes go up by 20% would my response be “I’ll close one of my locations!”
Why would I do that? I could just as well open another location or two to try to make up for the lost income (depending on how that tax hike effects my customers).
It really doesn’t matter if times are good or bad, I’m going to try to maximize profits.
Risk opening another location when you get less return on your investment because of the higher taxes? If you are now keeping 60 cents on the dollar instead of 70, then that extra investment won’t seem worthwhile.
It was a good speech. McCain’s people will go to school on it.
I keep seeing people repeat the claim that McCain voted 90% with Bush.
When did Bush get to vote in the Senate?
Raise Corporate taxes?!
What no one every seems to realize is that any tax on a corporation is a tax on the lower class!
Do you actually think they corporations will sigh and say.. “I guess we just will make less money.”?
They will pass along their higher “costs” to the consumer. That’s you and me, and they will probably add in a profit on that extra cost at the same time.
It would be much cheaper for all of us to drop ALL corporate taxes and just tax consumption.
In the end…
Its not what he says, but WHAT he will do.
congress and Reps HELP him, or HE SHOULD SEND THEM HOME..
If any of you watch some of the bills being passed, you will notice some STRANGE THINGS.
Dems ran a anti Repub/Bush. 2006 campaign to “change” Washington. They were successful in gaining control of both houses of Congress. Yet Bush still gets bills pushed through congress. FISA anyone.