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So, the next President gave his party’s acceptance speech last night and promised the government under his care will fund every program anyone has ever proposed to do anything, will take care of everyone who needs anything, will end all wars in the world, end the energy crisis by capturing the sun and moving it to Kansas into which everyone can plug an extension cord, cure cancer, bad breath and itchy feet, all while lowering taxes for everyone except the evil people who make too much money or are an evil company, not being Bush/McCain and becoming buddies with some woman named Hillary (whoever she is). At least I think all that was in there. It sure sounded like it.
What did you hear? Did you like the speech? Do you believe it? Do you want to believe it but realize everything a Presidential candidate says is BS because Congress is the branch that does stuff? Sound off!
I thought it was a good speech.
I have no idea if it’s real, but I liked some of the ideas (how could anyone not find some ideas to like in the long list).
I suppose I’ll see what the other guy says before too long.
The 10 minutes I saw was good.
I thought it was good. He hit back at McCain pretty hard.
Barack rocked the Casbah.
Two very enthusiastic thumbs up.
Only 144 more days…..
He hit McCain where he could hurt him most, equaling him with Bush. Voting 90% with Bush, etc. As for the rest of his speech, it sounded too good to be true. Especially the part about not raising taxes on $250,000 and below???
On foreign policy, he reminded me of a kid who says, “I’ll take care of you I will, you just wait and see”?????
He’s got flair, I’m not sure that’s what this country needs right now?
“So, the next President gave his party’s acceptance speech last night”
No, he will be giving it next week.
Same speech every politico mouthpiece gives. Funny that many of the promises don’t match his party’s standard line.
Didn’t believe a word of it.
I don’t bother.
They are both the same critter.
Senator – check
Plutocrat – check
Promise Sun & Moon – check
Will be hampered by congress – check
Will be overrruled by ancient justices – check
Take money from special interests – check
Secret fund raising – check
Nope we are going to get again the choice of the lesser evil.
Now check out the Flintsone/Rubble ticket:
Not Senators
Not Plutocrats
Will do the best that they can, but we should cut stuff out we don’t need.
Hairbrained schemes to earn money better than wars that waste money
Would employ spurious logic and heartfelt soundtrack on congress and justices
Would only take money from employers as slimey special interests would earn the “Hey wait a minute” tone.
Out side of a bowling ball or water buffalo lodge scandal, should be pretty good.
Plus, Wilma and Betty make better first and VP ladies!
Yabba dabba doo!
I didn’t like the part of lowering taxes. I believe that we all have to sacrifice significantly to undo the damage of 8 years of the Reichpublican strategy. The Bush war has to be paid for. And sincere solutions that will truly benefit the Nation, such as universal health care, will be expensive.
I liked that part where he said, “Change doesn’t come from Washington, it comes TO Washington!”
Let’s see. Obama says he’s the man to change the world. Yet his time as a politician, what exactly did he do? He’s done nothing. Like all politicians, he gives a great speech but like they say, there’s a lot of sizzle but no steak.
AS for McCain voting 90% with Bush. Bush doesn’t vote. He’s not a Senator. And what does that 90% mean? Haven’t we heard that McCain has been a thorn in Bush’s side by not agreeing with much of Bush’s agenda?
It’s amazing how many of you are sheep and do not do your homework. Instead you just swallow whole the rhetoric given by politicians.
@ 8 Cursor_
Probably the biggest difference between them is what ancient justices they’ll appoint, which will determine what gets overruled in the future…
If you like marxism, it was a great speech…
@#9: Please start contributing more money to the Govt. if you feel that’s right…
Speech: exactly what one would expect from the Extreme Left speech. Too bad almost no Americans have any experience with the Communist leaders first hand and their oratory. Obama would have found himself rising fast at the Politbiro…
Most of the copouts here are pretty lame. At least the Rove-patrol will work up a little sharpness to their lies.
Which McBush believers – will believe.
I’m as cynical as any of you; but, I’m willing to give Obama and damned near anyone else a chance – instead of a guarantee of 4 more years of the level of corruption and cronyism achieved in the last eight.
If you honestly believe there are no differences, then you should stay at home and don’t vote. Keep the incumbents in office. Save your whining for the comments.
As he pointed out in his speech, we CAN pay for quite a bit if we pull out of Iraq and close corporate welfare tax loopholes.
There was nothing in the speech that was specific enough to be useful in coming to a decision of who to vote for.
@ 11 Warden
I was wondering about that.
I don’t know if ‘voting in line with the President’ means votes the way the president supports, or it means that he votes against the things that the president vetoes and votes for the things that the president doesn’t veto.
And calling people sheep is really, really clever. Because sheep have a sort of flock like mentality! And they’re lesser animals! And they get fleeced! …but seriously calling people sheep is pretty lazy.
“The Torch is passed to a new generation of Americans …”
’nuff said …
This election, for some reason, is making me more tired than ever. I’m so sick of the bickering and usual crap that comes from these things. This is supposed to be OUR government. If it is messed up, we better do something about it. What happened to the blood-less revolution every four years? If (queue whining voice) “we can’t do anything about it” because the [insert favourite corporate/marxist/commie/nazi/bla/bla/bla enemie here] has such a power lock on it then let’s either get the hell out of this place or burn it to the ground.
But, please, everyone stop whining or get off your butt and do something about it. If that really isn’t possible, why are you all still here?
#19 ““The Torch is passed to a new generation of Americans …” ’nuff said …”
From the Boomers to the Boomers. That makes sense…
90% of the time…..
OK, but apply the same criteria to Obama-rama’s votes and give us that information too!
Personally I think he is making too many promises to make Democrats happy. He’s no different then any politician who promises tax cuts and at the same time promises to reduce debt, and create jobs, oh and create a national health care plan. I would like to believe it will happen. But I am not holding my breath. I am certainly not in McCain’s court but I question all the promises that are made on both sides.
McCain picks a woman VP
get ready for the Obama rumble…
He promised tax cuts to 95% of working families (still wondering if my wife and I make too much to be considered a working family). Yet, he’s giving us just about everything but a pony. Wow, I can’t figure out how he’s going to pay for it all and not wreck the economy. Rich people and Exxon don’t have THAT much money.
BRILLIANT speech. He was connecting with people, inspirational. This is exactly a speech you would here from a LEADER.
Despite some of the BS above, we all know it is mere sour grapes because the GOP doesn’t even have the leadership lined up to deliver one of these, much less put one together!
#25 “Rich people and Exxon don’t have THAT much money.”
Sure they do. The only problem is they also employ most of the pop. So when you nail them hard they hire less and fire more. Great plan for an economy in decline. Who thought up this disastrous plan?
@ 25 Angus
I’m a bit skeptical, too.
Exxon + the rich + increasing employment (by cutting incentives to move jobs away, increasing incentives to stay, subsidizing locally grown bio-fuel) + decreasing government inefficiency (by firing federal employees, presumably, which lowers employment in that sector).
Who knows if the math works out for that to be enough for us to have everything (short of pony).
@ 27 Paddy-O
Exxon and the rich don’t employ out of charity, but out of profit motives. They have the number they need. When they have too many, they lay people off. If they get taxed heavily, they’ll still want to make a lot of money.
I think you nailed it Uncle Dave, LOL.