We just got a call from Devline Rossell, a charter captain based out of Venice, Louisiana. He was shopping in New Orleans to get some supplies before the arrival of Gustav (currently listed as a tropical storm that has left at least 22 dead in the Caribbean) and reported that the item most in demand was not food, clothing or shelter.

“I just left a sporting goods store and you would think that the number-one selling item would be plywood or potable water or gasoline right now,” he said. “Apparently it is AR-15s and .223 ammo. I watched at least 20 people buy AR-15s and cases of .223.”

Can’t say I’m surprised. After the nightmare that was Katrina I think it would be unwise for anyone to assume the state, local or federal government could guarantee his or her personal safety during a natural disaster. Of course, I think it is foolish to assume that under any circumstance.

The AR buying spree demonstrates that people don’t think of it as an “assault weapon” but rather an arm that is ideally suited for self-defense, which it is. I also suspect that for some of the folks this is their first firearm. Goes to show that not only is there no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole but that there is no such thing as a gun-control advocate in one either.

  1. joaoPT says:

    Great. Now the death toll WILL certainly increase, over what the storm would naturally produce.

  2. admfubar says:

    should be interesting to see if more lives are taken by the storm or by one shooting another…….

  3. Paddy-O says:

    “there no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole but that there is no such thing as a gun-control advocate in one either.”

    So true. I love the pols that walk around trying to keep people from having guns for self defense, all the while having armed body guards.

    They should be shot.

  4. GigG says:

    Having the guns just moves the death tally from the people that would loot and kill to those that are defending themselves. Since the average looter/killer probably isn’t going to be happy with just one loot/kill then the result of armed good guys should be a net reduction in deaths. Though that will be offset somewhat by the number of looters who aren’t also killers but I can live with that.

  5. johnqpublic says:

    Having been to post-Katrina New Orleans, I think having an AR-15, or a case of them and a tank, is the best option for anyone living or visiting there. That place is a joke. To think that city feels it is returning to being a greatness is pathetically sad. Nagin is probably already in Dallas writing his 2nd Chocolate City speech. That jackhole couldn’t lead girl scouts out of a parking lot and into a store much less a city to civilized society.

  6. Dallas says:

    This is really getting back to basics – the reliable hunter-gatherer plan. An AR-15 is the best tool when the government is not responsive.

  7. Careful with that atheists in foxholes line. The atheists in foxholes find it quite understandably to be highly offensive.


    I would suggest removing that line from the post in order to avoid offending those who have died and may die for our country without believing in a desert war god.

  8. Brian says:

    I hope they know to clean them well, a new AR will jam if the factory grease is not removed from the bolt and pin assembly.

    Just a public service reminder.

    That being said #1 and #2

    Have had several ARs over the years and never shot anyone.


  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Well, I’m glad they are clearing out the AR-15’s.

    That leaves all the AK47 ammo for Me!

  10. pestilence says:

    An AR isdecent weapon, but I’ll take an AK any day for close combat operations. I can drop one in the mud and muck, clean out the barrel and it will still fire. Not so with an AR.

  11. eyeofthetiger says:

    The walls on a lot of those homes you seen on you tv were not sheet rock. They were built with the old plaster style board. The rounds from those rifles would go through several walls if not the complete house. I suppose if your manning a single level mildew hut a razor wire connected to a motion sensor that is hooked up with your several generators with extra mufflers and sound barriers would keep most flies away from your left over w2k goods.

  12. Li says:

    I stopped giving to the NRA after the executive branch sent Blackwater down to NOLA and used them to take shotguns from old ladies instead of saving people. Why did I stop giving? Because they didn’t even mention it for years, and then when the outcry got too loud they tried to pin it on the local Democrats, which is absurd. Hacks.

    EOTT OK, those first three sentences sort of made sense, but then it didn’t.

  13. bobbo says:

    Isn’t there a waiting law in all states? Story seems bogus to me. I’m sure the gun would only be used for defense==like keeping it in the house even when you go out on the street to see what food is available at the local destroyed K-Mart?

    I’ve changed my view though. Guns are appropriate when you live in a sick society. Ownership of said gun is a valid political statement that your society has failed. Think I’ll go out a get a few myself and provide covering fire for those reporters trying to take pictures.

  14. jim says:

    Screw the AK and AR-15. I’ll take the flamethrower. No one’s going to want to hang around your place after seeing one of them in action.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “sn’t there a waiting law in all states? Story seems bogus to me.”

    Not sure. In CA I walked into a gun shop and picked up a Chinese assault rifle with no waiting period. So, it might be different in some states depending on the weapon.

  16. McCullough says:

    #13. Bobbo, the waiting law here in CO is about 5 minutes, depending on how many are registering at any given moment. Gunshop computers are tied into the state.

  17. Dave W says:


    How many years ago did you do that? California has had a 15 day waiting period for at least 12 years, with the possible exception of “curios and relics”. An older, Russian SKS would be in that class, but the Chinese ones, being of newer manufacture, would be. The last gun I bought, which was 8 years ago was a Ruger 10/22 (a .22 rimfire rifle), and I had to wait 15 days for that.

    Many states now do instant electronic background checks and have effectively gotten rid of the waiting period that used to be used mostly for running the background check manually.

    I don’t know about Louisiana.

  18. bobbo says:

    Maybe its just K-Mart here in Ca then, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, or maybe it was a pawn shop?

    I helped a friend of a friend move last weekend. He has a drinking and a gambling problem and 3 hand guns. Gave me the creeps.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #15 “How many years ago did you do that? California has had a 15 day waiting period for at least 12 years,”

    1999. I think it was an older weapon though. That could have been why. It was a nice weapon, powerful and good action.

  20. RSweeney says:

    Hurricane looters are not limited to NOLA. My cousin and his adult son drove looters from their rural Chesterfield, VA neighborhood using their pump shotguns and pistols a few years ago following a major hurricane. Merely racking the weapons in sight of the baseball bat armed looters, who rolled up in a pickup truck to steal generators (based on the events in other neighborhoods), was enough to send the thugs running.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    there no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole

    Especially in a flood when your foxhole is under 10 feet of water. Now the religious weirdos might still being there waiting for some miracle from god, but the atheists are smart enough to seek higher ground.

  22. McCullough says:

    #18. Probably varies from state to state. Hey, as long as he’s not drinking, gambling, and shooting…whats the problem. I know, you hate guns…it’s OK. I don’t love them, am not a nut, but I live in a place where they are necessary sometimes, even to take a walk.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #18 “Maybe its just K-Mart here in Ca then, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, or maybe it was a pawn shop?”

    Nope, a major gun shop in Orange County.

    You should watch who you hang out with. “Debt collectors” might someday show up at his house while you are there…

  24. #7 – Scottie

    >>Careful with that atheists in foxholes line.
    >>The atheists in foxholes find it quite
    >>understandably to be highly offensive.

    I see no evidence in that link to support the notion that any of the people involved in that group have ever been “in a foxhole”. In fact, I see no evidence that any of them have ever been in combat. The list of individuals and organization endorsing “Atheists in Foxholes” looks like it was drawn up from a group of students, pacifist organization, and people from the Navy, Coast Guard, and reserves who have never had anyone lobbing grenades at them or spraying their position with automatic weapons fire.

    I think the phrase “there are no atheists in foxholes” is, by and large, true.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #24 “I think the phrase “there are no atheists in foxholes” is, by and large, true.”


  26. Muoncapture says:

    John does love to bait his readers!!

  27. ArianeB says:

    Gustav could not come at a worse time for the GOP!

    Its scheduled to arrive on the first day of the convention, so all the major press will be paying attention to that instead of the convention.

    Even if Gustav turns into a dud (lets hope) its going to generate memories of the Katrina debacle

  28. natefrog says:


    “I think the phrase “there are no atheists in foxholes” is, by and large, true.”

    By using the disclaimer “by and large”, you admit the phrase actually is not true.

  29. George says:

    As much as I like the AR15, they, like all rifles, are guns better suited for use in the field. I’d worry about rounds carrying for blocks and hitting unintended targets.

    I recall an incident a year or so ago when an idiot cop in the midwest was shooting at a snake in a birdhouse with a pistol, and his bullets carried 200yds or so and killed a little boy in his grandfather’s arms.

    A shotgun is a better choice in times of social unrest IMHO.

  30. Thomas says:

    > The AR buying spree demonstrates
    > that people don’t think of it
    > as an “assault weapon”

    Only people clueless about the mechanics of firearms think the term “assault weapon” has any real meaning. It is like banning certain cars because they look fast.


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