A Muslim man was found guilty of child cruelty today in a British legal first after forcing two boys to beat themselves during a centuries-old Shia religious ceremony. The jury at Manchester crown court found Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, guilty of two counts of child cruelty.

The boys, aged 13 and 15, were forced to beat themselves with a zanjeer zani, a wooden implement with chains and blades attached, during a ceremony to commemorate the death and martyrdom of a seventh-century Shia Muslim leader.

Zaidi denied his actions were wrong, telling the court: “This is a part of our religion.”

Zaidi, a warehouse supervisor, said: “If I’d known this would be the result of breaking the law I would never have done it.”

Does anyone ever expect British courts to overrule religious nutballs? This must be a first.

  1. Ah_Yea says:


    “If I’d known this would be the result of breaking the law I would never have done it.”

    This boggles the mind. Somehow he thought that making a couple of boys torture themselves would not have consequences?

  2. Mike in Fort Worth says:

    “If I’d known this would be the result of breaking the law I would never have done it.”

    The very definition of fanaticism. He and his ilk are not living in the same world as the rest of us.

  3. Dallas says:

    This reminds me I need to see the movie ‘Passion of the Christ’ again. It’s good to see some of the good old days discipline making a come back.

    Gee, I’m starting to sound like a conservative!

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Asked why he was making these young boys do this he replied, “Beats me.”

  5. dejavuyou says:


    in other words:

    This idiot automatically insisted his sadistic behavior was right. He whined “This is what some asshole said was religion and we, as a religion, follow whatever aforementioned asshole says is religion therefore this is part of our religion.

    Of course if I knew this would be breaking the law I would have never done it. The idiot is, after all human. Just brainwashed and unable to think for themselves because they’ve been brainwashed from infancy. This form of whining has to do with the sudden concept of …well,.. survival. Brainwashed assholes need survival too.

  6. SN says:

    “Does anyone ever expect British courts to overrule religious nutballs? This must be a first.”

    A higher court will overturn this decision and the government will profusely apologize to the guy. Then the EU’s human rights commission will investigate and enact procedures so this type of anti-Islamic behavior will never occur again.

  7. Improbus says:

    What do you expect from people that believe in magic, i.e., the supernatural?

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Religious nutter… lock him away. Seems a lot of these God fellows are into pain…



  9. Haris says:

    Self-flagellation is standard practice among the Shiites afaik. I think it’s to punish themselves for their ancestor’s failings. Probably.

    Any other religions/sects practice self-flagellation?

  10. Li says:

    Pain rites are a remarkably common religious practice. There are in fact Christian sects that practice them, especially in the Philippines, where the devout volunteer to be crucified as a pain offering. The Hindus perform such rituals as well, with ritual piercing and some yoga poses that are extremely painful to hold for a long time. Some Buddhists hobble themselves, or lock themselves in small boxes; even self-immolation might be regarded as a pain rite, and a statement about the illusory nature of reality.

    I think this court has actually gone too far in this case, unless the boys were truly forced to perform the ritual. I doubt that, actually. How, exactly, can you make someone flagellate themselves for any length of time? It requires being in an altered state to keep it up, ’cause it hurts like hell, so unless the father was holding the flail, he is not responsible.

    Given that English courts think that parents are ‘forcing’ fat kids to eat too much, and thus taking them away, I simply don’t trust their judgment on these matters.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    As a devout member of the Fartchee sect I regularly perform self flatulation.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – Li – I think this court has actually gone too far in this case… unless the father was holding the flail, he is not responsible.

    Nonsense. If someone forces you to do something, it’s not voluntary. Anyway, if any of these religious nutters wants to continue practice these “rituals”, then why not go back to the country they come from? Seriously… why do you want to live in a modern society when you want to live a barbaric lifestyle?

  13. Li says:

    Ah, I had read about this in another article that didn’t make it clear that this wasn’t merely a continuation of their use of the smaller zanjeer in Pak. If this version is correct, and he did coerce them to use the larger zanjeer, that is abusive. Objection withdrawn.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, TML,

    Wow, I’m glad (cough) you cleared that (cough) up. (cough)

    To atone for my addiction to internet porn, I abuse myself repeatedly.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #14 – Mr. Fusion

    Your bell ringing skills are widely known on the net.

  16. Likes2LOL says:

    Some sects of the Catholic church (notably Opus Dei, an order that Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are rumored to belong to) employ the cilice, a spiked metal chain worn around the thigh:

    How weird is that?

  17. jobs says:

    Self abuse is all the rage and not just for the religious. Piercing, tattoos, scarification and those folks who like to hang themselves from pierced body parts come to mind.

  18. GetSmart says:

    My job is enough self abuse for me.

  19. Likes2LOL says:

    Holy Crap! (pun intended) Check out the self-flagellation videos on this site:
    It was bad when plantation owners whipped their slaves, but these guys do it to themselves. :-O

  20. atheistwithpride says:

    Those religious ignoramus fanatics, ESPECIALLY, the islamists/muslims, ought to be all tied up and locked up in a crazy house BEFORE they’ll convert the world to their brain-defective antics…little drop, by little drop, by little drop…

    If you aren’t masochists, and don’t want to become slaves to islamists/muslims, especially women and little children (little boys abused sexually by those imams or whatever their titles), then fight them with all your strength no matter how those liberals want them here. Don’t allow them into, or continue residing, in our USA.


  21. whatever says:

    Since you’re all clueless, lemme fill ya in. This particular group let the prophet’s decedents die because they didn’t fight with them. They do it to remind themselves not to be cowards and to fight when they are called upon next time. This man honestly saw nothing wrong with what he was doing, because everyone in this sect of Islam does this.


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