• Veoh wins court suit regarding video uploads. Good news for Google in Viacom suit.
  • Jobs given false obit. He’s still alive.
  • Apple applying for touch screen Mac patent.
  • Microsoft gets patent for the PageUp PageDown butons.
  • nVidia SLI now runs on Intel motherboards.
  • Dell slipping again.
  • Virtual worlds being hacked.
  • Quebec sued for not considering Open Source.
  • Sony-Ericsson may be over.

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    I could not disagree more about Veoh.

    I watch videos online now and again and if I have a choice of using Veoh, that gets my pick every time.

    By far it has the best video quality of any embedded video player, and when you scale to full screen the image is usually dramatically better than what everyone else can come up with at the same resolution.

    I highly recommend checking it out. Go watch a free episode or two.


  2. troublemaker says:

    Is Sony-Ericsson Over?

  3. Sneaker Peet says:

    Recording near the rail road tracks John? 🙂
    Great report 🙂

  4. joaoPT says:

    Well, hope not…
    They’re my favourite brand of mobile phones. My wife only has Sony-Ericsson. I try to see what’s out there, but still prefer Sony-Ericsson.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    Hahahaha! I live in Honduras and Veoh blocked access to it.

    Oooooh… big scary company is affraid of the third poorest nation in Latin America XD.

  6. B. Dog says:

    The Sony-Ericsson partnership was doomed from the start. Lack of trust was the issue, I believe, with both sides hoping to learn proprietary secrets. As I recall, the joint venture had about 50% of the sales, after a year, of either cell phone company alone.

  7. jbellies says:

    Québec is kay-BECK, eh?
    Kay as in Kaypro (TM), a hoary computer brand, and the other as in a beer or a guitarist or a singer.

    Patents. USA has reciprocal agreements with other countries regarding patent protection. Every time the US patent office grants another stoopid patent, it means that the USA gets to Hoover (TM) more money from the rest of the world. You don’t imagine that world dominance could be based on domestic manufacturing, could you? Think MS every time you PgDn. It’s the Patriotic Thing To Do (c).


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