"Whoa, slow down there Cowboy"!
“Whoa, slow down there Cowboy”!

The story, marked “Hold for release – Do not use”, was sent in error to the news service’s thousands of corporate clients. The stock obituary was published “momentarily” after a routine update by a reporter, and was “immediately deleted”, Bloomberg said. Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, but there is no suggestion that the news wire has recent news on his health. Most media organisations regularly update their pre-prepared obituaries of newsworthy figures.

The obituary, which has been obtained by a US gossip blog, contained blank spaces for Jobs’s age and cause of death to be inserted. The 2,500-word piece also included praise for Jobs from his rival Microsoft boss Bill Gates, details of his rise from college drop-out to technology billionaire, and a list of his family “survivors”. Details of friends and colleagues of the Apple founder to be contacted by Bloomberg in the event of his death were also published with the obituary. Bloomberg, which was founded by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and prides itself on its accuracy and transparency, later published a note acknowledging the story’s retraction on its wire.

“An incomplete story referencing Apple Inc. was inadvertently published by Bloomberg News at 4:27 p.m.New York time today,” the message read. “The item was never meant for publication and has been retracted.” A Bloomberg spokeswoman said: “This was a routine update of a biography by the obits department, meant for the internal system and not meant for publication.

If I were a skeptical person, I’d be thinking stock manipulation. Cripes!

  1. Personality says:

    Is that a real photo?? He looks like complete shit. Won’t be long now.

  2. The Man says:

    I’m pretty sure that photo was a little enhanced. But I could be wrong, I would never question the integrity of blogs.

  3. killer duck says:

    If it was stock manipulation it would have been done while the market was open….not in extended hours.

  4. McCullough says:

    Didn’t touch it myself, but I cant speak for the source.

  5. Helzerman says:

    Fantastic. Stellar work by Bloomberg. I expect nothing less from that outfit.

  6. admfubar says:

    you mean jobs isnt dead??? i thought he died years ago and what we see now is apples finest creation… iJobs…….

  7. I’m not dead yet!

  8. Zybch says:

    This is exactly what you get when the head of a large (and finally successful) company refuses to allow his board to let his board plan any kind of succession because of his arrogance and lack of trust in anyone but himself.
    He has completely bonded apple’s fortunes to himself and the stock pays the price whenever there is even a small unsubstantiated rumour about Job’s health.
    When he actually does have another serious health scare or even dies, apple is going to have a HUGE crash in their stock price.
    They need to tell Jobs to STFU and start grooming a small team to take over from him when the inevitable occurs. Of course they’ll never do this because their spineless cowards who will never stand up to him.

  9. jobs says:

    #9 I think there is a plan but it has never been apples policy to discuss their future plans. Do you really think steve runs the whole company by himself. Some even think Steve is holding Apple back from realizing it’s full potential.

  10. Gambler/Vince Carter says:

    I agree, I agree.

  11. Bill says:

    OK, suppose that some day something happens to Steve, or he gets up one day and looks in the mirror and says “enough! I’ve done my ‘Job’.

    Or, “let’s take a year off and enjoy ourselves”.

    Will Apple fall off the edge of the Earth? I think not. Will their products be any less great? Not.

    The wild and crazy folks at Apple will carry on. You can buy stock on it.
    I know I worked there.

  12. Greg says:

    I’m not sure about that, Jobs pretty much hand picks everything that goes on at Apple, unlike Microsoft, where Bill left, and not much happened after that. It would be interesting to see what would happen to apple though, say Steve Jobs leaves the company and donates 90% of his money, like Bill Gates.

  13. Kevin Pierce says:


    NEWSWIRE–Bloomberg News mistakenly (and prematurely) published on its wire, an obituary for Apple Inc. CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs.

    What was said within earshot
    Seemed frank and sincere,
    With phrases to flatter and fawn.
    But I’d rather a clear shot,
    While I’m still here,
    To see what they’ll say when I’m gone.

    Light verse, ripped from the headlines

  14. JimD says:

    The “Reality Distortion Field” is sputtering and starting to fade !!!


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