1. Jetfire says:

    LOL, Just proves you can read anything into anything if you look at it a certain way.

  2. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    That is really funny….

  3. lmao….. I thought Toy Story was made for younger audiences?! This changes EVERYTHING.

  4. QB says:

    Didn’t Fellini direct Toy Story?

  5. joaoPT says:

    Oh no! We better start banning Toy Story from Blockbuster and Netflix… We certainly don’t want our youth to pick up these degenerated ideas…

  6. Mojo Yugen says:

    Wow. If they started showing commercials like this on TV maybe I wouldn’t skip them.

  7. seemsArtless says:

    Um, yeah, what did everyone else think the movie was about?!

  8. UnaKRon says:

    While this seems to be done in jest it is EXACTLY the type of thinking that is encouraged in some of the top film school colleges…

    *sigh* People that take this type of drivel seriously, upset me.

  9. QB says:

    UnaKRon, you seem ‘fixated’. Don’t worry, it’s just a stage.

  10. UnaKRon says:

    I understand the interview was probably staged…i dealt with this at a university for years…and I hated that people thought they were intelligent by making large leaps in logical arguments based on nothing more than perverted opinion. 😛 Don’t worry the scotch helps me relax.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    My son got a Woody when he went to watch Toy Story the first time.

  12. QB says:

    LOL Scotch is my fixation. 😉

  13. edwinrogers says:

    Suddenly, Pinocchio has an entirely different meaning to me.

  14. Ddad99 says:

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  15. Woody says:

    She’s just pissed off cause I gave Bo-peep a piece of the Wood and not her. She’s still carrying around that flashlight like it’s some kind of sex-toy. Give it up biatch and go home already.

  16. bobbo says:

    #10–UnaK==”I understand the interview was probably staged” with the VW logo at the end I thought it was a manufactured “hip” commercial==would have been a hip manufactured comedy routine otherwise. You should have those scotches AFTER viewing such things, not before.

    If you ever study Freud, you can view every interaction in your life in such terms.

    Or put on your Dem/Pub or Lib/Con eyeglasses. Most of us have filters==maybe not as thick and obvious, but filters still.

    I tend towards existentialism, Darwin, and Freud myself. Such filters may or may not be more true than other filters, but they more often move the dialectic along.

  17. Balbas says:

    Did y’all watch this ’til the end?

    It’s a Volkswagen commercial.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    The others linked to after the clip plays are funny too, but this one takes the cake. They are all short “interviews” with theater employees — she is an usher, and we also see a projectionist and a member of the clean-up crew. Why haven’t I seen these ads? Are they only in the U.K./Europe?

  19. Nitroneo says:

    Holy Crap this is one sick bitch… How totally messed up in the head do you have to be in order to create this and distribute it.

    The real story is she’s totally f’d up in the head because of her inadequacy and inability to release her inhibition and reach orgasm from a penis.


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