After watching the Dem convention I ran into this gem which we’ve all seen but need to revisit to add some great humor to our day. The best ever.

  1. LJ says:

    Cute Post. It’s neat and by itself is not Obama bashing.

    People in this era take themselves far too seriously. The fact of the matter is that this country would be a ton better if we all worked towards a common goal rather than working against each other. I understand the dilemma because each of us are in different places in life (age, income, family situation, etc) and that drives the diversity of opinion.

    The trick is to find the middle ground that allows every one of us to thrive without relying too heavily on government for support (either through payouts or benefit through legal rulings).

    Plainfield, IL

  2. jbenson2 says:


    On “Meet the Press” show on Sunday, Pelosi (D-Calif.), a Catholic who supports abortion rights, commented on when life begins. She claimed “the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition.”

    Washington Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl and several other U.S. bishops swiftly responded, saying that the church has opposed abortion since the first century.

  3. madtruckman says:

    John C.,

    Don’t ever cater to what some of the schmucks here want you do with YOUR BLOG. That’s the whole point of a personal blog people! John can post or bash whoever and whenever he pleases! It’s his rules, we just read and laugh or cry or whatever we do. Keep up the irreverency and cynism John! It’s good to see something other than canned stories that some other blogs have. LONG LIVE!!!

  4. ogman says:

    What, somebody said something “bad” about Obama? Locusts will now invade your home and snakes will consume you family. That or you’ll be forced to watch six hours of Nancy Pelosi on TV. Your choice!

    (Yes, the statement above qualifies as Pelosi bashing.)

  5. Weeeeeeelll, if John C. Dvorak had said “After making a ham sandwich, I ran into this gem”, or “After jerking off, I ran into this gem”, people would say “wtf does making a ham sandwich or jerking off have to do with ‘this gem’?”.

    But no. He watches the Dem convention, sees “this gem”, and deems it necessary to include that information about prior activities in the post, as though it were somehow related. As though the bimbette flubbing her answer had something to do with the Democratic National Convetion.

    Could be a coincidence. But…. there are no coincidences.

    You decide.

  6. Sparky says:

    Ever notice how any insinuation that liberalism is less than perfect garners a nee-jerk reaction from the left?

  7. Dan says:

    You guys really don’t understand the English language do you… Dvorak said, he watched the dem convention, AND THEN he found this video on youtube… the only link he makes between the dem video and this one is CHRONOLOGICAL…

    I’m not a xenophobic person, I’ve been living with chinese, belgian and french housemates, but come on, you American’s are so dumb.

  8. Eric says:

    All these Conventions are (both Dem and Rep) is Fluff and Puff, there’s no substance to either of them any more.

    If anyone takes that video as anything other than a critique on the current state of the National Convention of either party, they need to examine their own understanding of politics.

    If you think the Republican Convention will provide any more or less “substance” than the Dems, then you have defined your own political slant.

    It’s all about the “feel good about our party” and none about the problems the parties face. It’s all about how “We the Party” are the answer to the nations woes, and none about how “we the party” screwed the nation into the problems we now face.

    I think that video is a perfect analogy for the current state of politics in this country, across the board. We elected these type of people into office, the ones with beauty instead of brains, and now we’re reaping the consequences of those decisions as a country.

    And that goes for BOTH the Dems AND the Reps.

  9. mojotaker says:

    My Fellow readers, Well when i went on my lil rant above, i wasnt just referring to this youtube vid, but also to all the other articles as of lately, that refer to the dems (notice that all of em are negative, and they are false).
    If this was meant to be a joke, im so sorry that i missed it, as i have been to unhappy with the current situation and state our country is in.

    The only way mccain can win this election, is through fraud period.

  10. Thirdrail says:

    Wow, Dvorak! Did you really just incite an eRiot with a youtube clip of some poor blond girl succumbing to stage fright? I’m impressed.

    You should experiment with this. Like tomorrow, put up a clip of that surfing squirrel, but mention Susan B. Anthony in an offhand way while setting it up.

    But ok, are you saying there was really no connection? No part of you thought “Lots of talking, no real information. How is this really different than Miss SC?”

  11. #40 LOL. Don’t tempt me!!

    After reading the commentary I can understand how this post can be seen as associative propaganda and it is quite likely I did it as such subconsciously. This is the sort of thing that overt propagandists such as Noam Chomsky, king of the slanted adjectives, would do.

    That said, it was indeed chronological but was just as lame as the cheese sandwich line would have been. I suspect that taking everything the wrong way based on assumptions and stereotype will worsen.

    Everywhere like such as.

  12. Erik Blazynski says:

    What’s wrong with Obama? Well first of all if you don’t know then you are not listening to him.

    He proposes the creation of a national security force as big as and a well funded as the US military. First of all you need to pay for it, and secondly this is not the responsibility of the the federal government and third, isn’t this was hitler did? Hitler youth, brown shirts, etc…

  13. QB says:

    “Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.”

    Noam Chomsky

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    How did I violate posting guidelines on #20?
    I referenced John Dvorak’s comment then added my comment to it. I was on topic and did not use unnecessary language.

  15. Sinn Fein says:

    I bet the Dems can’t wait ’til she’s old enough to run for the US Senate to succeed Nancy “The Brain” Pelosi.

  16. David says:

    OMG! Dvorak made fun of teh democrats!?!?
    He must be teh evil NEO-CON!!!ONE!!
    Dvorak seems more like a fence sitter (i.e. “independent). I, on the other hand, am definitely a conservative and G-d forbid either Obama or any other liberal, left-wing, marxist, democrat wins the office of President in this cycle or we’re all going to be feeling pain like we haven’t known since WWII.

  17. Ike says:

    I don’t want to get flamed for this, but after shortly after reading these angry comments, I had a rather sudden and completely coincidental hankering for some Frosted Flakes.

  18. Calin says:

    That’s funny Ike, I was craving some cheese after reading them.

  19. Pauldy says:

    Mojo, don’t count your chickens to soon just because you don’t support this president or McCain doesn’t mean no one else does, in fact the majority of the country voted GW in for a second term. It’s humorous that you think so highly of yourself you discount the vote of millions of Americans on the notion you know more or better than they do as a whole. I’m still not sure who I will vote for but I’m happy with the progress in Iraq I want the US to lift the ban on offshore drilling and I’m not so consumed with white guilt that I feel compelled to vote in a black president just because he got the nomination. He doesn’t seem to share any of my core concerns.

  20. #44 it was item 4:
    Personal attacks on the Editors unless it represents interesting commentary

    I considered it a personal attack..also tasteless which I notice is not listed in the guidelines.

    guidelines here:

    besides, it was not up your usual standards of vitriol.

  21. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I apologize if you were offended. It was my weak attempt at humor. I was trying to draw a parallel between your statement and the fact that one activity may indeed color the next when in the same context. It was by no means a personal attack.

  22. bobbo says:

    #10–JCD==must be home inbetween trips?

    I’m curious. You think McCain will win? With the meltdown over Hillary, that does look more likely now than it did a few months ago, but for what reason?

    I agree Obama is inexperienced. At 46 years of age, living around the world, black man being Harvard Law Review Editor (whatever?) etc===life credits as the diploma mills say.

    I thought Obama’s response to this charge during the debates was masterful. “With all your experience, you drove the bus into the ditch in Iraq.”

    Experience cuts two ways. Examine McCains “experience.” He is a run of the mill politician==yes we can quibble over details. Obama is a run of the mill politician in training.

    Where did my question go?==oh yeah==is your view of McCain winning based on “he should win” because of the experience thing, or rather that “he will win” because of superior Karl Rove manuervering of the voting public?

    To me, controlling the budget is key as it is the most controllable and impactful things a President can do as opposed to all the slings and arrows that assault the office. On that issue, McCain really is clueless and appears to offer more failing Bush qualities.

    I’m not PRO-Obama but it seems to me a risk of failure is preferable to a near guaranteed failure? And even if one rejects that, shouldn’t the Republican party (or the parties in general) be punished for Bush?

  23. GregAllen says:

    The Republicans should nominate THIS woman for president.

    Compare her response to McCains:

    McCain is just a bumbling but she’s way more pretty!

  24. Apparently drunk. Personally I think this video makes the anti-McCain point better than that one. AND it has our girl!

  25. cmon says:

    “everywhere like such as and…” LOL. I thought JCD was trying to draw a parallel between Senator Obama’s uncertainty about whether he was in St Louis or Kansas City with the subject of Miss South Carolina’s answer. Now I understand that the connection, if any, is a rant on the rapidly decreasing quality of public discourse in our distressingly uneducated population. C’est la vie.

  26. Thermo says:

    John C D,
    I don’t find this bashing the Democrats.
    Its just saying that the Democratic Convention is just a bunch of boring idiots speaking about things they don’t know about,things they don’t believe, and telling people what they want to hear.

    The Republican convention is going to be exactly the same.

    The comments just show that all democrats do is attack people that don’t agree with them and that liberals don’t have any sense of humor and can’t look at things rationally.

    I’ve watched the Democratic convention and this post fits perfectly. It will most likely fit the republican convention as well but the Democratic convention came first.

    Your not being biased. Your being objective and calling a spade a spade. Keep up the objectivity.

  27. Alex says:

    This reminds me of the Lily Tomlin skit with William F. Buckley, back in 1970…

    (not on youtube)

    Check it out.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    #52 bobbo.

    I don’t know about JCD, but as far as who is going to win the election, it is no longer Obama’s to win but McCain’s to loose.

    Why? Because we are nearing the end of the Democratic National Convention and Obama isn’t up over McCain by at least 10 points.

    Obama has fired his big guns (Week long DNC advertising, VP announced, etc.) and although he got a bump, it’s not enough to carry him through to the Presidency.

    Now it’s McCain’s turn at bat, and here is how he can walk away with the election if he is smart.

    Select Romney as his VP. McCain doesn’t know squat about the economy but Romney does – in spades. This helps address your very issue above.

    BUT Romney has a big drawback. His church. Personally I don’t care is Romney worships at the church of SATAN is he can fix the economy, but others seem to have heartburn over this.

    SO… McCain very quickly announces some of his cabinet positions, one of which goes to Huckabee.

    Huckabee counters Romney’s religion issue.

    So we get:
    McCain brings Arizona and Texas with a strong influence in other southwestern states,
    Romney brings Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, possibly Washington, with a strong influence in the northeastern states,
    And Huckabee brings in the bible belt southern states.

    Game Over.

  29. bobbo says:

    #48–Ah Yea==just when I’m on the verge of stabling my didactic high horse you go and post just the kind of thing that sets me off.

    The future is too chaotic to predict as you do==unless your confidence level is 50% meaning Obama could just as easily win with wide reporting of continued bank foreclosures, McCain having a televised senior moment that the media doesn’t cover-up, and Biden mops the floor with McCain by bulldog attacks focused on McCain’s record in the Senate. AKA==who knows?

    And I can’t let it pass. I doubt the hard right base that Huckleberry appeals to will be won over by McCain and Romney. I would “hope” that the great middle would be swayed to Obama by portraying McCain’s embrace of the far right==Bush Politics, Bush Economics, and Bush Religion. Do we want Huckleberry who doens’t believe in evolution, old earth, stem cell research, science, a woman’s right to choose? I’d take your trio on with relish.

    My confidence level is 50%–wish it were higher but there are too many unknowns including just how stupid the voting public will be this third time in the chute.

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    LOL! I love it! It does get the juices going!

    By any measure, it’s going to be a tight race, which surprises me given the past 8 years.


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