After watching the Dem convention I ran into this gem which we’ve all seen but need to revisit to add some great humor to our day. The best ever.

  1. nlnnet says:

    Looks like Dvorak is stretching more than usual for viewers…. (I’m just saying…)

  2. mojo maker says:

    Hi John C. Dvorak. I really like what you do i.e tech 5, twit, etc.

    But this democrat, and Obama bashing, really is not going to do this Great country any good.

    If you Can Honestly say from within your heart that the democrats are worse than the republicans, Then i got to say that you are just as ignorant as those rednecks and hillbilly’s that don’t even have any idea as to whats good for them.

    You are lucky that you income is in the high middle class, that’s why you open your mouth and spew inconsiderate nonsense. You are getting old now, soon your health wont be so solid anymore. Lets see how your insurance companies take care of you, when you actually need it.

    As for Obama, what is it that he has done wrong? what is the problem with him? Have you ever listened to anything that he has said ? Have you ever considered anything he has said?
    Yeah like my friend Bobo says All politicians are shit, but its better to choose the one that don’t stink as much, than to not choose any at all. (you cant have (ever have) a candidate that shares 100% of your views and beliefs).

    Please chill out and help your self, your fellow Americans your country and the world by using some sane logic and power that you have to help.

  3. #1 – nlnnet

    >>Looks like Dvorak is stretching more than
    >>usual for viewers….

    Yeah. Trying to somehow link this bimbette to the Democrats is a stretch that boggles the mind. WTF??

  4. sirfelix says:

    Nice post mojo.

    I’m also a Dvorak-afile and listen to everything he does. Two things bug me about Dvorak, one, he has issues with being wrong which leads to two, he predicted McCain was going to win. I’m hoping his recent action across the internet is not a half-ass attempt to prove himself right by swaying voters with FoxNews-like dribble.

    It’s weak and unprofessional and his intelligent audience is getting sick of it. I like the “crankyness” and “bantering”, but its starting to become yammering from a grizzled old man.

  5. Dallas says:

    Actually these bloopers trump the above bimbo.

  6. bobbo says:

    I caught the lady the next day on some show. She was pleasant and self-effacing about the whole event. I’m kinda surprised she didn’t ride that wave to Hollywood ala Goldie Hawn.

    Dvorak bashing seems to be in vogue. I am a news junkie and I won’t watch either convention===BECAUSE I AM A NEWS JUNKIE. If I did watch either, I’m sure this clip would be a relief.

    Gosh, keep your powder dry and wait for an appropriate moment? Wait long enough and your opinion might change?

  7. jerry says:

    they both look good but Obama is definately a better speaker than she is.

  8. james says:

    But this democrat, and Obama bashing, really is not going to do this Great country any good.

    If you Can Honestly say from within your heart that the democrats are worse than the republicans, Then i got to say that you are just as ignorant as those rednecks and hillbilly’s that don’t even have any idea as to whats good for them.

    You are lucky that you income is in the high middle class, that’s why you open your mouth and spew inconsiderate nonsense. You are getting old now, soon your health wont be so solid anymore. Lets see how your insurance companies take care of you, when you actually need it.

    As for Obama, what is it that he has done wrong? what is the problem with him? Have you ever listened to anything that he has said ? Have you ever considered anything he has said?
    Yeah like my friend Bobo says All politicians are shit, but its better to choose the one that don’t stink as much, than to not choose any at all. (you cant have (ever have) a candidate that shares 100% of your views and beliefs).

    Please chill out and help your self, your fellow Americans your country and the world by using some sane logic and power that you have to help.


    Democrats wrote the book on bashing. So if a person has an opinion that YOU don’t agree with, then it the hillbilly’s and rednecks who get the slurs along with the person who submits the article. Get over yourselves! We all have our rights to our opinions and if we can’t state them then this whole country goes to pot.

  9. brm says:

    I enjoy everything Dvorak posts about Obama and the Democrats. If the humor is lost on you, you’re not human. Just like all the Obama nutcases.

  10. Cripes, I was just looking for some relief after the convention. SO I mentioned I was watching the convention then saw this and laughed. So I am now bashing the Democrats. WOW.

    If you think this is bashing the Democrats then somewhere along the line you’ve become hyper sensitive. The term O-bot has been in play. Now I know why. As for swaying the election to McCain. Yes, like I am so powerful to move a nation. What a laugh.

    Besides most of the blogging team are “bashing” (by your standards of bashing) McCain, and I have no problem with it. You post as you post.

    And, yes, I have predicted for over two years (and taking bets) that McCain will win. It’s a known fact. This will happen with or without the blog. If you want my honest opinion, there is no way — unless McCain screws up big-time — that Obama can win. Hillary said it best: He has no experience, period. None. Never worked. Never was in a union. He defines “professional politician” right down to his oration skills. Biden is also a professional politician being in the Senate since 1972. Wake up. This is a disaster for you O-bots.

    That said, it has NOTHING TO DO with this video! Unless you think, as one commenter said, she’s a Democrat!

    To be honest, I would peg her as a Republican. Maybe I’m wrong.

  11. McCullough says:

    I need a third party I can make fun of.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Tell you the truth, shee’s so purdy that I cudn’t hear what shee wz sayn!

  13. #11 There are plenty but it’s no fun since they have no members who read blogs.

  14. Ah_Yea says:


  15. joaoPT says:

    Reps get all the Barbies…

  16. madpoet says:

    Wow. I totally didn’t get the bashing aspect of this post. I read it as “The DNC Convention is on every channel, and everyone there is uber-uber-serious, and this made me laugh and not take it or myself so seriously.”
    Is there any thing in Dvorak’s post that compares this girl to any of the DNC speakers?
    Methinks that those who are calling it “Obama-bashing” doth protest too much.

  17. Sharon McFalls says:

    No you are right on the money. Yep he is just like this girl he is nothing but fluff.

  18. slargent says:

    keep it up, someone needs to keep it Fair and Balanced….if those on twit dont stop talking political it will begin to piss off those who live in the heartland.

  19. Rick says:

    I have no problems whatsoever with pointing to the many flaws of a political candidate, especially one who gets so much press exposure. It helps to balance things.

    But, what is with the hatred for Jason Calcanis?

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  21. satori says:

    After hearing TWiT 2 weeks ago I have Learned from John that discussing American politics while not being American is insulting to Americans. My feeling that Americans exert their politics on the rest of the world, and that non Americans should not be ignored in this are moot. I see little difference between the Romanic concept of Plebs and Patricians on this point. When and if John accepts that the world population should be able to have, and voice an opinion on the American political stage I will way in on my impression of his Obama comments. This race affects the entire world, and dismissive comments to the worlds views on who will be able to lead and export American politics around the world is insulting. Don’t you think this contributes to how many non Americans negatively view America?

  22. Aaron says:

    Didn’t catch any bashing I guess. You should bash Obama for voting to renew FISA, deserves to be punched in the face for that.

  23. Erik Hanson says:

    “need to revisit to add some great humor to our day”

    Maybe Dvorak is saying the Democrat convention is totally humorless and shrill, so we needed a bit of comic relief?? …just a thought!

  24. Shawn Coons says:

    1) I’m an Obama supporting and think people need to chill. I don’t really see how this post is Obama bashing.

    2) Obama and Biden may be profesisonal politicians, but isn’t McCain as well?

    3) His oration skills make him a professional politician? Are we doomed to idiots who can’t speak well in order to get someone who isn’t a “professional?” I’m not tracking with you, John.

  25. jbenson2 says:

    Separated at birth: Miss South Carolina and Nancy Pelosi.

    Miss SD: I personally believe US Americans are unable to do so because some such as South Africa and the Iraq everywhere such as should help build our future.

    Nancy Pelosi: As an ardent, practicing Catholic, the issue of when life begins is above the pay grade of the Catholic Church.

  26. Pauldy says:

    Ignore the haters John it was a funny post don’t let the sand in their vaginas ruin your day.

  27. wirelessjones says:

    W made it to the White House without enough experience to be president. He was still very successful in maxing out the US debt and transferring a staggering amount of wealth from the US taxpayer to energy and defense interests. The war in Iraq, mortgage crisis, and the deepening of the energy crisis are all logical conclusions of his disasterous presidency. McCain can’t lose? Give me a break!

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 – what?

  29. cslepage says:

    If you are looking for insurance companies to take care of you, you have been sold a rotten bill of goods.

  30. threcklar says:

    Of course McCain will win when media companies like cbs now actively cover for his mistakes


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