The Signs of Change

I love these conventions just to see what sort of marketing tricks they play on the viewing public. The need for unity within the Democratic party has resulted in the organizers orchestrating the signage to an extreme. Many of the signs have unity on them. It’s more like a card section of a college football game than anything else. In fact I think if they made the whole place into a giant card section where images and logos could be flipped back and forth it would be more interesting. I only saw one handmade sign and the sign police made sure it did not last. There were some rogue blue Hillary signs all over the place that kept getting rolled out but they were all identical too.

Meanwhile Fox completely blew the story when they claimed that there would be no special signage for Hillary when there was a tonnage. Here are a few pics and comments. The obvious lack of spontaneity and individuality at these events makes them a stupid and needless exercise.

First we see a sea of the exact same Obama sign

this slowly transitions into the same sign that says Hillary on one side and Unity on the other

then near the front a ton of White Hillary signs appear like magic just before she speaks.

along with howling fans

I wished I had this sequence on video, but this woman from Bastrup Texas held this sign up for a moment. She then looked to her right and apparently saw a member of the signage police and looked scared and quickly lowered the sign.

Here is a shot of the signage coordinators collecting the signs they do not want to see anymore. I doubt you will see many of those white Hillary signs from now on out. You’ll see these guys in the yellow jumpers throughout the show passing around new signs, collecting others.

  1. bobbo says:

    On its face, its blatant repression of free speech==by the Dem’s no less. Its been gaining speed hasn’t it: markedly from BushCo’s run for a second term.

    Where is the convention coverage of this activity? How about one of the 8000 reporters present interviewing the yellow clad sign grabbers?

    This is how a society fails. Pomp and Circumstance, all show and no liberty.

  2. Dallas says:

    I agree it was pretty phony in the signage department. Also, the speakers were reading the teleprompter too much. Maybe my HDTV has too much clarity. Oh well.

    Hillary’s joke about McCain and Bush going to the “Twin Cities” was great, though. She did great. I can;t wait to see Bill tonight (or maybe it’s tomorrow).

  3. bodiddlie says:

    Watching these conventions always gives me the heebie jeebies. I think the crowds at either convention could be swapped out with the crowd at a Benny Hinn gathering. They all just found a different “Jesus.”

  4. edwinrogers says:

    I watched this late last night on the VoA HD broadcast in New Zealand, and have to say, it was as spectacular and well choreographed as any Disney On Ice spectacular. And who ever did Hillary’s makeup, deserves a Tony.

  5. Bill is tonight and I’m betting it will be an angry speech worth watching. I’ll be looking at the signage. 🙂

  6. GregAllen says:

    Anyone notice that the Fox camera pool feed successfully shot so that the “unity” signs weren’t shown.

    Letting Fox run the cameras at a Democratic convention makes about as much sense as Aryan Nations running the cameras at an NAACP convention.

  7. Convention_BS says:

    Political conventions are total BS.

    The “fool-aide” drinkers have taken control of the convention. I wanted an all out fight on the convention floor and the Clintonians taking on the Obamamites is a good ol’ fashioned bitch-slap-up.

    I bothers me that my party is guilty of the same crapola they accuse the other guys of doing. Two sides of the same coin…

  8. Improbus says:

    I plan to watch as much of this as I did the Olympics. That would be nothing. These “events” are nothing but political masturbation and I just can’t bring myself to be a voyeur.

  9. hhopper says:

    Semi-off-topic: If you want to watch something interesting tonight, watch The MythBusters bust the myth that the moon landing was faked.

  10. Likes2LOL says:

    Maybe someday the only allowed signs will crafted with electronic ink with messages remotely-controlled by the grand puppet-masters…

    As I type this, a tightly orchestrated faux roll call is going on — how bizarre.

    #5 JCD: Bill is tonight and I’m betting it will be an angry speech worth watching.
    According to C-SPAN, Bill Clinton got moved up to 9 p.m. ET — I guess they put him before the prime time hour for safety’s sake.

  11. Dallas says:

    #8 You missed the Olympics? Wow. What a sad, sad life 🙁

    If you are the next uni-bomber, I mean no harm.

  12. MikeN says:

    There were also McCain signs, don’t know what they said.

  13. jlm says:

    “You missed the Olympics? Wow. What a sad, sad life”

    nothing says I lived life to the fullest like sitting in front of the tv

  14. Michael Webb says:

    I missed the Olympics too. No point in watching sports I don’t understand and don’t care about.

    There is no “need for unity” within the Democratic Party. The “Democrats aren’t united” meme is a press creation, pure and simple.

  15. TomB says:

    #6, LOL. Damn, that was funny. Take a laugh point.

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    Standard Operating Procedure. I remember very similar scenes with signs and “spontaneous” demonstrations at the national political conventions going all the way back to the ’50s. (Except then it was in monochrome.)

  17. Nimby says:

    I’ve skipped most of the party. Much like the Electoral College, the political conventions have outlived their usefulness.

    I wonder who will supply the signage at the stadium when Obama’s ego demands 60,000 people attend his acceptance speech? I would guess that, like Berlin, they’ll rely on musical acts and beer to get the crowds in. People will probably get to their seats only to find a sign and/or a tee shirt and/or a tab of ecstasy waiting for them.

    Me? I’m just surprised the Obama crowd isn’t milking the “assassination” plot.

  18. Awake says:

    I guess that Democrats should have used the Republican Iraq-War style planning for their convention: show up, occupy the venue, and then have absolutely no idea as to what to do once they ‘occupy’ the place.

    Geesh… Democrats are being criticized for being organized and having their act together.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #19 Wide Awake – I was thinking the same thing.

  20. Colorado says:

    At Obama’s speech tonight real civilians get in. Among the items banned from the stadium are knives, guns, explosives and SIGNS!

  21. Noam Sane says:

    Wow, fascinating post. I’ll look forward to another one this evening regarding your surprise that the sun sets.

    Meanwhile: “I wonder who will supply the signage at the stadium when Obama’s ego demands 60,000 people attend his acceptance speech?”

    What the fuck are you talking about? His “ego demands” people attend?

    These political threads: the woodwork squeaks, and out come the freaks.

  22. raytube says:

    If I was in that crowd, I would have been rather upset with the signage. You can’t see a thing with all those stupid signs everywhere. That’s what I thought of first, then I thought of how when a mob of people reach a certain state, they will all do and go along with the same thing…
    BTW, the Mythbusters totally went to the fake moon.

  23. Rick Cain says:

    All conventions are phony. Its like watching “professional” wrestling.

    For years now they’ve become infomercials for the short attention span American viewing public.


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