Five years after Vermont allowed civil unions, the first study to examine the experience has found that legalized same-sex couple relationships appear to be longer-lasting than those without a legal status.

“There are many ways that a legal couple status may support a relationship – more family understanding, acceptance by friends and co-workers, greater commitment that results from a public declaration, and enhanced legal protections in the form of healthcare benefits and community property,” said Robert-Jay Green. “The results of this first study on the topic suggest that same-sex partners who legalized their relationships in Vermont may have been more committed to each other or functioning better prior to obtaining a civil union—or that civil union status itself is helping to preserve their relationships . Future research will help clarify whether various legal statuses actually increase the likelihood that lesbian and gay couples stay together. ”

In contrast to old myths about same-sex couples being deficient or less viable than male-female couples , this research project shows that same-sex partners who seek to legalize their relationships actually may be among the best functioning couples in this society,” said Green.

None of this surprises me. Simple empiricism, just looking around at the same-sex couples I’ve known for decades offers the same conclusion.

Some of this may eventually seep down into the cracks where professional moralists cluster.

  1. #58 – P.O.

    I’ve seen polygamy threads here before. Why haven’t you been all over it complaining about the discrimination?

    It’s too easy nailing libs. Like shooting fish in a barrel…

    Yup you nailed me on that one. I don’t always have time to read every thread. That really makes your case … somehow … unless it doesn’t.

  2. QB says:

    Paddy-O, well that’s easy.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, Cow-Paddy,

    I’ve seen polygamy threads here before. Why haven’t you been all over it complaining about the discrimination?

    Marriage requires an informed consent from all parties. That includes all other wives (husbands). The typical polygamous marriage in the US does not meet those criteria.

    Underage, brainwashed, trapped, uneducated, and promised wives are more the norm. All control is held by the sole husband.

    When we can get past those hurdles then I will start calling for their equal standing.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #64 “The typical polygamous marriage in the US does not meet those criteria.”

    Umm, wrong. There are no polygamist marriages as they are illegal… There are people who have violated the law, and are hiding this from the other spouse.

    There are those who want this type of marriage but can’t. Nice try though…

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #65, Fresh Cow-Paddy,
    Geeze, you really are stupid. You ask why we don’t jump on the band wagon and support polygamous marriages. Ask some woman trapped in a polygamous marriage if she is married and she will tell you she is – in the eyes of her god.
    There are people who have violated the law, and are hiding this from the other spouse.
    That is bigamy. When someone “legally” marries two or more people it is bigamy. When they have two or more spouses it is polygamy. With polygamy the marriages do not have to be registered by the government.

    Shit, you are a moran.


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