• Orange throttling iPhone 3G speeds. Why offer 3G if you do not want to deliver the product?
  • D90 comes out but not seemingly as good as the Canon. My thoughts on Nikon versus Canon.
  • Computer virus found on Space Station computer.
  • IE8 getting more and more useless PR.
  • Sneaky deal done between Microsoft and Immersion.
  • Lawsuits abound.
  • Dell explaining the Cloud Computing trademark debate.
  • Cisco needs to buy more companies says THE STREET.

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  1. Esteban says:

    Suggested headline: “Apple and Orange don’t mix.”

  2. wre3 says:

    I don’t know if anybody else saw it, but Dvorak had posted a good trashing of DAVID POGUE. Why was it taken down? He suggested that Pogue was getting blown by Nikon for an over enthusiastic review of a camera. A little self censoring I guess.

  3. #2 – wre3

    Yes, where DID the trashing of Pogue go? Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. bobbo says:

    I think JCD was reminded of the libel laws and that legitimate sarcasm/lampooning/caricature is only a defense to a lawsuit, not a bar.

    Either that or he got a Nikon to test?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Esteban

    Good one! 😀

    #2 – wre3
    #3 – Mister Mustard

    Check your browser’s history and post the article if you find it… would make for an interesting read. 🙂

  6. #4 – Bobbo

    Kinda puts a thumbtack in the balloon of the “uncensored” part of Dvorak Uncensored, eh?

  7. bobbo says:

    Ahhhh Mustard. Keep railing but I enjoy the wide latitude DU offers that few other blogs do.

    I was a bit surprised by the post. I think it mostly resulted from JCD reading and contributing more than usual to the threads herein. It kinda lowered his standards of discourse, just like it does to the rest of us.

    Its that whole rush to get published. Just about anything I write would be better reviewed and edited after a good nights sleep, but that wouldn’t be timely.

  8. #7 – Bobbo

    Well, John C. Dvorak has been around the block a few times. If he posts something on his blog that he has to secretly delete….well. Not all that “uncensored”, is it?

  9. bobbo says:

    OK Musty, I’ll admit to the bonejarring obvious, DU is not absolutely uncensored.

    Now, I know this conversation won’t go far, but why the incessant desire for labels to be strictly adhered to without regard to reasonable accomodation? I’d call that the religious frame of mind trying to comprehend/deal with the normal and reasonable complications of life. Black and White thinking, Moral and Immoral, whereas reality gives us the continuum.

    How would your world change if the Title was “Mostly Uncensored Dvorak” or “Strong Views just short of Legally Actionable Dvorak.” Too wordy for my taste.

    Why not deal with reality instead of labels? After that is accomplished, then you can finely balance both.

  10. JimD says:

    Gee !!! Imagine if the “Mars Mission” used WinBloze Software for “Mission Critical” applications ??? How many DEAD ASTRONAUTS WOULD THAT MAKE ??? How can NASA be ***SO STUPID*** ???

  11. #9 – Bobster

    Ah, we’re not talking about posting plans for making atom bombs here.

    We’re talking about a post that wast critical of NYT tech writer David Pogue.

    If that kind of stuff has to be censored, well. I’m just saying.

  12. bobbo says:

    #11–Mustard==well, legal is just one issue. Maybe JCD thought twice and concluded he overstated an issue and took back hasty words. In such a case, JCD did not censor anyone here, he just took back something he decided wasn’t true enough to post and has an inside track with the editors here to have HIS OWN posting pulled.

    I don’t think that equates to censorship at all, but rather mature empathetic good manners.

    BTW, if I pretended to know about anything originally posted, I would put something on point in each response – – “but I got nothing.”

    Rereading the caption, I have owned Canon’s all along–love the bayonet connection. I’ll listen to this one and hope he says more than what the caption does?

    My current digital canon is so close to zero lag that claiming zero is not an advancement. With stitching ability, anything more than about 6-8 megapixels ((and actually anything more than 4 megapixels if you have the time to take multiple photos) really is a waste==put the money into lenses or the ticket to get there.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    I’m having a hard time deciding which is more disturbing: having to put anti-virus software on voting machines or having an actual computer virus on the Space Station. I’m going to have to search out that story — how the heck did they get it? Do they even have any kind of Net connection that doesn’t go straight to the mission controllers?

    As for JCD taking back a post — self-censorship should _always_ be allowed. If I could, I’d probably go back and remove ten percent or so of all the posts I’ve made here… It shouldn’t count against the “Uncensored” part of the title.

  14. Angus says:

    Rumor has it that it’s a keylogger, like the kind gold farmers use to steal passwords from World of Warcraft.


  15. natefrog says:

    If I recall correctly, Nikon in fact delivered an DX (APS-sized) lens before Canon did.

    The reason Nikon lost market share was due to the D2h fiasco.

    Right now, they’re doing especially well. They haven’t completely overtaken Canon yet, but are doing very well in the market share race. The key feature of the D90 is that it is the world’s first DSLR to record video.

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–Pedro==good morning. What do you think I’m being blind about? I’ll let you twist in the wind and look forward to your answer.

  17. Semi says:

    John, Nikon is currently ahead in DSLR development if anything. They have the two currently most highly regraded cameras, D3 & D700


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