(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Improbus says:

    This is the size of my brain … really.

  2. Cursor_ says:

    Ok two bowls of Lucky Charms comming right up!

  3. JimD says:

    “I ate a DOG???” “I’m gonna hurl!!!”

  4. mikeknowland says:

    Wasn’t he making that gesture at Bill Gates?

  5. hhopper says:

    “Send three more beers right up!”

  6. Dallas says:

    “Nice ass, Misty”

  7. lucidologist says:

    “Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything”

    is it just me or does he have a pretty large scar on his right elbow.

  8. JimD says:

    Dumbya’s successor just nominated by acclamation in Denver !!!

  9. admash says:

    In other news, President Bush was caught on tape showing off his latest Mao Tse-Tung impression.

  10. BuckWheat says:

    every fling is ohtay

  11. Jägermeister says:

    The butt plug is in place…

  12. Tomnibus says:

    “Yeah, I know, my Daughter is HOT!”

  13. McCullough says:

    I’m crushing your head! I’m crushing your head!

  14. Who says:

    I made James Hill’s asshole this big!

  15. Right says:

    This is how many people will go to my Presidential Liebrary. Also, this is my IQ.

  16. Pagon says:

    He was going to return dignity to the White House – yeah right!

    Two terms – maybe we don’t deserve better.

  17. mthrnite says:

    Laura: “Why so SERIOUS?”

  18. Daniel Kaiser says:


    Rug burn

  19. Leigh Brown says:

    “It’s ok, I didn’t follow through!”

  20. Dill says:

    Laura – Someone had a few too many

    Bush – it’s alll good

  21. wiglebot says:

    Bush gestures to the Secret Service that bringing him his spare pair of underwear is of high importance.

  22. JimR says:

    Ok, I’ve snucked a huge gob this time. See if you can catch it before it hits the blond.

  23. mv says:

    # 1 Improbus wins!

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, mv,

    Naa, again, he is overestimating.

    #14, thing for the win.

  25. I’m only “this” many years old – mentally.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Georgie (thinking): “I’m gonna flick that girls head.”
    Laura (thinking): “Must stop dumbass from flicking that girls head.”

  27. Dallas says:

    Bush : “It’s this big around”

    Laura: “It’s this big around”

    Jenna: “It’s the size of this pinky”

  28. the answer says:

    Wat to go Phelps, you just made this county look worse then I ever could.

  29. RickM says:

    “The Leader of the Free World” says America, barely containing their disgust.


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