Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice today praised Sen. Joe Biden, the newly named Democratic vice presidential candidate, as a statesman and a “true patriot.”

“I am not going to comment on the politics of it. I will just say that Sen. Biden is obviously a very fine statesman,” Rice told reporters as she flew to Israel for talks on Israeli-Palestinian peace. “He’s a true patriot.”

The warm words were unusual from Rice, who generally steers away from commenting on the U.S. presidential election pitting Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona against Democrat Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

Anyone think Condi is angling for a gig in the next administration?

  1. Personality says: was down again for 2 hours! Every day it is down. What is going on here?

  2. RTaylor says:

    She’ll pen a few books, complete with multimillion dollar advances, join the boards of several major corporations, and make an additional fortune in the lecture racket. After she secures her future, she may be back in a few years.

  3. QB says:

    She doesn’t want another admin job, it cuts into her shopping time.

  4. chuck says:

    She thought she was talking about “Bin Laden”, not “Biden”.

  5. roemun says:

    If there were an Obama administration, they wouldn’t have the good sense to enlist Condi. She, in any case, would have the good sense to decline.
    The question, fortunately, is only to be an academic one.

  6. Noam Sane says:

    “Anyone think Condi is angling for a gig in the next administration?”

    Incompetence isn’t that hard to come by.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #1 said: “ was down again for 2 hours”

    Yes, I’ve noticed it as well. Haven’t seen anything from Dvorak on what the problem is. I would think a cranky geek would be rather vocal about the shutdown.

  8. Springheel Jack says:

    Michelle/Condi in 2012!!!

  9. Pmitchell says:

    he is a patriot he voted for and was a proponent of the surge that worked

    He is still a left wing nut case but at least he is a left wing nutcase that understands you need to win not cut and run

  10. Right says:

    She drank the Bush Kool-Aid and should be tried for crimes against humanity right along with the rest of the misadministration. The world can only hope that justice prevails and her incompetence is brought out even more in the open.

  11. Dallas says:

    Rice can FORGET a gig with ANY new administration. She has been so far up Bush’s ass it will take a decade to get the smell out.

    She may as well start looking for a job at Fox to boost the black presence on Bill O’Reilly’s Clown show.

  12. Li says:

    “I am not going to comment on the politics of it. I will just say that Sen. Biden is obviously a very fine statesman (who knows better than to investigate our crimes).”

    “He’s a true patriot (who will never send us to the Hague).”

  13. I just hope that at the end of the current administration we never have to hear another condifactual statement again. I hope she just goes away quietly to be completely forgotten as quickly as possible.

    Let’s not forget about whom we’re speaking. Condoleeza Rice chose the torture tactics we used in Gitmo.

  14. MikeN says:

    What the Secretary State was responsible for Gitmo?

    As for the thread, true patriots don’t steal their speeches from the British.

  15. bobbo says:

    It would never occur to a true patriot to ever use the term.

  16. bobbo says:

    A true patriot would never think to use the term.

  17. Li says:

    I think we need to apply the same rules to “true patriots” that Buddhists put on new Buddhas; declaring yourself such puts you out of the running for the title.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Has it occurred to anyone that she was caught off guard and told the truth for once?

  19. Right says:

    #13 – James Hill. It sounds like you are comfortable with the deaths of innocent people in Iraq. Very nice. And what about the millions displaced? If you lost your home, family and all your possessions I think you’d have a different perspective. Yes, it’s so 2004 to care about the innocent lives of other people. Tell us, do you think Condi has done a good job? Honestly now….

  20. Pmitchell says:

    21 show me pictures of the so called millions displaced. It is war people die, it is sad but it is a reality (something you don’t seem to have much familiarity with ) You conveniently forget we are rebuilding their country and giving the middle east its second stable democracy and its first arab run one.
    You want to point the finger at the US and tell us we are bad and to blame you want cut and run. Democracy is the most difficult form of govt to create and stabilize, but if it were up to you they would still have the despot dictator that truly tortured and killed his people to the tune of a confirmed 300,000. who is the true evil the ones who try to change things for the better or the fool who wants to keep the despot dictator in power torturing his people

  21. #22 – Paulio Mitchelli

  22. #22 – Paulio Mitchelli

    >>You conveniently forget we are rebuilding
    >>their country

    You conveniently forget that we destroyed it in the first place.

    >>and giving the middle east its second stable
    >>democracy and its first arab run one.

    Wake me up when that MISSION is ACCOMPLISHED, will you?

  23. bobbo says:

    Wouldn’t the world be nice if it were black and white as so many of us think it is?

    I was on the fence about the surge working. Violence is down, is that the measure?

    I am taken by the numbers of displaced Iraqi’s living in Syria, Jordan etc who would rather beg for food and prostitute themselves than go back to their homes. Homes that wound up in the wrong walled compound and nothing but sectarian violence waiting for them there. Strangers not permitted in the reformed communities.

    No==we broke Iraq because BushCo thinks in terms of Black and White. Sadam–Bad, Democracy–Good. Too bad 98% of reality lies inbetween.

  24. #s 17, 18, 19 – Bobo, Li (hey, Boboli! Pizza time!)

    It may have escaped your notice, but Biden did not say that Biden was a true patriot. Dumbya’s lackey (or more accurately, the lackey of President Cheney/ Rove) Condi said that he was a true patriot.

  25. #20 – Ah_Yea,

    Has it occurred to anyone that she was caught off guard and told the truth for once?

    Honestly, no. I think she lies tells counterfactual statements by default.

    #25 – bobbo,

    IMNSHO, as much as I hated Saddam, the one absolute guarantee in this is that whatever is there when all is said and done will be worse than Saddam. He was a murderous son of a bitch running a secular society. It’s more than can be said of the Saudis and their Sharia Law.

    Oh, and does anyone remember the location from which 16 of the 19 9/11 terrorists came? I’ll give you a hint, it starts with Saudi and ends with Arabia. Can anyone name a now war torn country from which 0 of the 19 9/11 terrorists came? Another hint? Iraq. (OK, that’s not a hint. But, sometimes I feel the need to be abundantly obvious for anyone that doesn’t see stuff like this.)

    OK, time for fun? Let’s play Where’s bin Ladin?

  26. Right says:

    22. “You conveniently forget we are rebuilding their country and giving the middle east its second stable democracy and its first arab run one.”

    Wow, I am stunned that these types of comments can still be floated out there. Incredible how far peoples’ heads can go in the sand, especially scary when the guy actually thinks this is true. Yikes.

  27. Hugh Ripper says:

    #8 The fact that you can describe a Democrat politician as ‘left wing’ only goes to show how far to the right America really is.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    #27 Misanthropic:
    “Honestly, no. I think she lies tells counterfactual statements by default.”

    LOL! Ok, you got me on that one!


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