(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. phdude says:

    I called you “butt head” not “butt hole!”

  2. crimsonfenix says:

    Ya like tha doncha bitch.

  3. RoflPost says:


  4. heavyd says:

    Fisting…the new Olympic sport

  5. dody874 says:

    I FOUND JIMMY!!!!!!!

  6. JLM says:


  7. crankygreeks says:

    “Me so horny”

    It could be worse. The ancient games were all male, 100% naked and greased bodys.

  8. the answer says:

    Think you were funny when you farted last round?

  9. Raff says:

    Not the craw!!!! THE CRAW!!

  10. Bags4112 says:

    “After fingering the opposition as being hostile, the results were crappy”

  11. TVAddict says:

    Tap out or I add another finger….beeotch!

  12. Brock says:

    The new Obamarama Hit Squad in action
    “OK now repeat after me, I will not vote for Hillary. SAY IT!! SAAAAAAAAY IT!!”

  13. Thomas says:

    “Ow! My balls!”

  14. Uncle Patso says:

    “I’ll show you a Left Wing!”

  15. ECA says:


  16. Corey says:

    This is called finger control.


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