During the video tribute to Hillary Clinton during today”s Democratic Convention, this showed up on the video. I thought this was an insult to Bill Clinton. It elicited no laughs (not sure if it was supposed to be funny or not) and drew attention to itself. Hillary followed the video with a speech promoting Obama. There should have been NO TITLE under his image. Cripes, don’t they know who he is?

  1. xr says:

    They could have been a little more creative with it too:
    ‘Al Gore’s former boss’
    ‘Monica Lewinski’s ex-lover’

    At least some people could have gotten a laugh out of it.

  2. MikieV says:

    I still think they should display “Bush’s baby mama” under any video of Laura.

  3. eddie says:

    It is kind of like when your middle name starts with H .As frank said. You are what you is.

  4. bobbo says:

    Only if you ass-u-me that everybody knows what you know, or that anybody that doesn’t know what you know is too stupid to value.

    But lets see–the youth vote? How many potential voters were thinking about politics 8 years ago, or watching the news when their dads were hogging the tv and watching sports?

    An egocentric view of the world is very comforting.

  5. danijel says:

    #4 Come on bobbo! It’s Regan we’re talkin about here. Everyone with voting age knows who Bill Clinton is. Everyone, everywhere.

  6. AC_in_mich says:

    But did you notice that Hillary said she was a proud mother, senator, american, etc – everything EXCEPT a proud wife?


  7. Dallas says:

    It’s great to see that Bill C continues to live in the minds of people nearly 8 years later. Democrats and Republipukes just can’t seem to get enough of him.

    Why? Leaders are hard to forget. Remember Thomas Jefferson? JFK? Reagan? Yup – me to.

    Remember Howard Taft? Chester Arthur? Nope. Well, hopefully this disaster we have on the switchboard will soon be forgotten.

  8. Angus says:

    It is rather rude to not address him as President Bill Clinton. He was, of course, one of the more successfull presidents in the last 50 years. It’s a general lack of class to not acknowledge his accomplishment and office.

    And I’m a Republican…

  9. bobbo says:

    Yes, great leader. I remember camera two filming him laughing and elbow jabbing the guy next to him and then he noticed camera one trained on him and he became immediately sorrowful being that he was at a funeral and all.

    I have also met two women that met Billyboy. Both said he undressed them with his eyes.

    Amusing some people enjoy being pandered to and call it greatness.

  10. MikeN says:

    The video people weren’t top notch yesterday. They even wrote Joseph McCarthy while honoring Eugene McCarthy.

    And having a speaker under the words preparing for future disasters is a bad idea.

  11. Knoes Pikkar says:

    Sure I know who that guy is. It’s Jay Leno.

  12. roemun says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  13. roemun says:

    Cripes, lighten up John. Dang.

  14. whitecat says:

    Oh for cripes sake – where is your sense of humor?

    Chelsea, Hillary and Bill worked on that video together. Calling Bill “Hillary’s Husband” was hilarious. It was probably Bill’s idea. He’s obviously quite proud to be Hillary’s husband.

    The point is, that’s how he wanted to be labeled. This is about Hillary, not about Bill. Likewise the omission of “proud wife” – because one of the hardest things she has achieved is to become a political star in her own right, not a woman standing on her husband’s achievements or in her husband’s shadow. And it’s a damn big shadow.

  15. dodgema says:

    I thought it was funny, I bet Hil thought it was funny. It was probably Bill’s idea.

    I agree, lighten up, John.

  16. Gary says:

    Seems to me that lots of people at that shindig needed to be told lots of things.

    Seems to me they have a very hard time thinking for themselves.

  17. #13 – Whitecat

    What you said.

  18. OvenMaster says:

    “There should have been NO TITLE under his image. Cripes, don’t they know who he is?”

    Mr. Dvorak, I do believe that you are overestimating the intelligence of the average American television viewer.

  19. MikeN says:

    Hillary had plenty of praise for everyone except Obama last night.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Hillary’s speech.

    It was her speech leading to her run for President in 2012.

    I’m not joking. She’s not fully behind Obama because she plans to run against him for the party ticket in 4 years.

    I have this question. Did she, even ONCE, say “Obama for 8 years!”???

    Not that I heard. I heard plenty of “Bush for 8, Obama for 4”, and “next 4 years”, etc.

    But never, NEVER “Obama for 8”.

    Not to mention Bill currently snubbing Obama’s nomination.

    Not to mention that everything Hillary has done seems to walk the line between supporting Obama and pulling the rug out from underneath him.

    Conclusion: It’s obvious.

    I’ll revisit this later…

  21. Carcarius says:

    I noticed the same thing and found it insulting as well. Was it payback for his gaffes a few months ago that helped to ruin Hillary’s shot the presidency? Maybe it was self-deprecation that Bill agreed to in order to show put Hillary in a better light.

  22. Dallas says:


    All this speculation about Clinton vs Obama cloak and dagger, the ‘unsaid words’, the subtle smirks, etc etc.

    Yet, nothing on the remote, faintest possibility that Bush may have been lying about his Iraqi motives. Nada.

    I’m beginning to think you guys are not that, well, transparent.

  23. GregAllen says:

    >> AC_in_mich said,
    >> But did you notice that Hillary said she was a proud mother, senator, american, etc – everything EXCEPT a proud wife?

    I noticed that too. I don’t think she said that she was a proud ex-first lady, either.

    It must have been a deliberate omission and, it seems to me, a mis-calculation.

    I’ll guess they were being overly careful to define her as her own candidate and political force — not on Bill’s coat tails.

  24. GregAllen says:

    >> MikeN said,
    >> Hillary had plenty of praise for everyone except Obama last night.

    What speech were YOU watching!?!?

    She gave Obama exactly the right amount of praise with exactly the right tone.

    She hit a home run with that speech — so much so that I think she neutralized most of the negativity that stuck on her from the lousy primary she ran.

  25. whitecat says:

    You people are insane with Clinton derangement syndrome (CDS).

    It was funny to label the only two-term Democratic president, the Big Dawg of the Democratic Party and American politics, the man who needs no introduction, who is easily recognizable to the entire planet, as “Hillary’s husband”. It was marvelously just like Bill, who needs no fawning introduction to satisfy his ego, to prefer to be identified in this instance as Hillary’s husband. This is Bill’s self-deprecating humor. This is genius.

    If you don’t get that you are hopelessly clueless. The Clintons produced that video. They are not going to diss Bill. WTF, over?

    As for her speech, let’s give credit where it’s due. She achieved the impossible – she made a speech that satisfied every expectation of every faction she was assigned to please. Support Obama? Check. Acknowledge her supporters? Check. Unify the party? Check. What else could you ask of her? What more could anyone have done? I’ll be astounded if Obama’s acceptance speech is better.

    And you know what? “Proud wife” doesn’t appear on my resume either. Maybe because it has nothing whatsoever to do with my worth as a human being or public servant or employee. Ya think? How many male politicians identify themselves as “proud husbands”?

  26. GregAllen says:


    I don’t think I suffer from “cdf” — I just noticed that Hillary didn’t mention that she was a proud wife or proud former first-lady.

    It seems like a glaring omission.

    But, she did a fantastic job… absolutely what was needed from her.

    The conservatives are going to deny this because they loved and even fulled the inter-party fight. They aren’t going to let go of that narrative just because the division is over.

    Did you see Bill Clinton’s speech? He hit a homerun, too.

    Goodness I miss the Clintons when they are at the top of their game. What a fantastic pair of politicians … the best of the bunch.

  27. MikeN says:

    GregAllen, looking through the transcript, she didn’t have anything to say about Obama except the minimum. She praised Joe Biden, his wife, and Michelle Obama, but had nothing to say about BHO.

  28. whitecat says:

    I just noticed that Hillary didn’t mention that she was a proud wife or proud former first-lady.

    And why should she? Isn’t it glaringly obvious, doesn’t it go without saying, that she IS a proud wife and proud former first lady? Does anyone doubt that this is so much a part of who she is that she no more has to say it than she has to say “I’m proud to be a woman”?

    Why does she have to say it explicitly to satisfy you?

    It’s as unnecessary for her to make that statement as it is unnecessary for the video to identify Bill as president.

  29. rocket says:

    Whitecat. re / “Hillary’s husband”

    “This is Bill’s self-deprecating humor. This is genius.”

    This is NOT genius, this was stolen from JFK who coined the phrase himself as “Jackie’s husband” in France in 1962.


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