Found by John “Bear” Ligums.

  1. Lou says:

    Thats a good vid.
    The USA taxpayer snookered once again.

  2. daniel says:

    All the issue kind of reminds me of the movie Rosalie Goes Shopping (1989)

  3. Cursor_ says:

    And we expect anyone else to pick up the tab when the wealthy trip?

    This has been going on since Sumer.


  4. Springheel Jack says:

    No doubt the American taxpayer is about to get screwed again by rescuing a bunch of greedy no-accounts who were too stupid to take the time to understand their mortgage.

    Of course, the nanny-state comes to the rescue again and these idiots learn nothing from their experience except “If I get in trouble the federal government will always pay my debts.”

    And the infantilization of American proceeds apace.

  5. Higghawker says:

    These govt. bailouts used to be loans. (Chrysler, Lockheed) They are now handouts, and we bear the cost! Bar the door, all will be coming now!

  6. TomB says:

    I wonder if the new president will refuse to bailout these clowns.

  7. brendal says:

    Going forward, I’m banking at Mattress of America.


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