Some Britons Too Unruly for Resorts in Europe –

They are the ones, the locals say, who are carousing, brawling and getting violently sick. They are the ones crowding into health clinics seeking morning-after pills and help for sexually transmitted diseases. They are the ones who seem to have one vacation plan: drinking themselves into oblivion.

“They scream, they sing, they fall down, they take their clothes off, they cross-dress, they vomit,” Malia’s mayor, Konstantinos Lagoudakis, said in an interview. “It is only the British people — not the Germans or the French.”

Earlier this summer, flying home to Manchester from the Greek island of Kos, a pair of drunken women yelling “I need some fresh air” attacked the flight attendants with a vodka bottle and tried to wrestle the airplane’s emergency door open at 30,000 feet. The plane diverted hastily to Frankfurt, and the women were arrested.

… more than a dozen British women were charged in July with prostitution after taking part, the authorities said, in an alfresco oral sex contest.

It gets worse with more details. The conclusion seems to point to the fact that the Brits under constant surveillance in their own country go nuts when they are “freed.”

Found by Geoffry C Houze.

  1. QB says:

    This is news? Brits going abroad and partying like rock stars is nothing new.

    “The conclusion seems to point to the fact that the Brits under constant surveillance in their own country go nuts when they are ‘freed.'”

    LOL I’ll make sure to watch my back when Chinese tourists are in town.

  2. bobbo says:

    Gee, I’d think this behavior is more a release of built-up frustration on having lost their empire, – or –

    more a reflection of God being taken out of public life, – or –

    the Beatles breaking up 20 years ago.

    Or other BS of your personal prejudice.

  3. edwinrogers says:

    It is because they are happy. It’s called having a holiday. They’re the richest, safest, least polluted, most powerful state in Europe, their climate is now better than the South of France thanks to global warming, the average Brit is considerably wealthier and healthier than a German, Frenchman or American, and they see no reason why they should behave nicely.

  4. WIlliam says:

    And this is why every time I go on holiday, I avoid the places where my fellow country men go to.

  5. chuck says:

    This isn’t news. There are plenty of Britons who are too unruly for Britain. It’s a relief when they all fly off to Spain.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    They are really fat too! We mistakenly kept dragging them back in the water.

  7. KagatoAMV says:

    “They scream, they sing, they fall down, they take their clothes off, they cross-dress, they vomit,”

    Sounds like Spring Break to me…

  8. Dave W says:

    Sounds like Tijuana on a Saturday night. Substitute Americans for Britons.

  9. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    You try living on this constantly damp rock, stuck constantly is over-crowed roads, riding trains that are constantly delayed, and being pushed about petty people who love nothing more that stupid little rules and see how long it is before you start downing as much lager as you can fit and stagger around Europe pissing on the streets! 😀 😀 😀

  10. McCullough says:

    #9. You paint a much different picture of life in England than #3.

  11. #2 Boboli

    >>the Beatles breaking up 20 years ago.

    Uh, the Beatles broke up almost 40 years ago (1970). Did you go into hibernation at some point along the way?

  12. Brian says:

    This is quite normal for young Brits abroad. It is even encouraged by the tour companies who organise these holidays and events. The big conundrum is why the bars in Europe allow them to behave this way. I guess the temptation of a load of drunk Brits with money to burn is too much.

    Sadly they behave like this at home to and pubs and bars are getting hammered because of it. Unfortunately pretty much wherever you go in the world governments make a hefty tax from alcohol sales so they are unlikely to do anything drastic about stopping this behaviour.

  13. Pagon says:

    It’s not all bad.

    Where do I sign up for the “oral sex contest”?

  14. Named says:


    As a contender?

  15. admfubar says:

    those damned stinking british!!!! next they’ll be taxing tea!!!


  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Gee, Mary Poppins was nothing like this.

  17. #2.. Yeah my “personal prejudice” about cameras everywhere and a quasi 1984-police state. OK. Make a note: I am totally prejudiced about this sort of thing. You got me! BUSTED!

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–JCD==causation? Sources/studies or your own projection of prejudice/values?

    Yea==I can see how London having a lot of cameras would make people from Manchester go nuts on vacation.

    I think having an uneasy feeling about camera’s is legitimate in a way==although I personally would be more upset about the cow-towing going on with the Muslims, “but” the Brits were acting out well before camera’s made the news.

    Years ago the travel industry was of the opinion that the French were difficult and demanding, the Germans were loud and demanding, the English were combative, loud, and sneering while the Americans were pleasant, ignorant, and rich.

    Fun to watch the wheel slowly turn.

  19. Grimbo says:

    Dvorak in another anti British post shocker.

  20. Thargon says:

    Who would have thought it, brit’s getting smashed on alchol when on holiday. When and how did this new craze start?

    Yes Britain does have a lot of cameras and surveillance and you may call it a 1984 police state but I don’t think it is any worse than the surveillance the US authorities carry out on their own citizens, the british state is just more obvious about it.

  21. joaoPT says:

    The “Jet Set” is truly a term from Ancient History.

  22. QB says:

    bobbo. I think you’re confusing Dvorak’s objections to video surveillance in the UK (1.5 million cameras at last count) with linking this to British vacation behaviour (been going on since Roman times).

    The connection is bogus, the concerns about privacy are real.

  23. joaoPT says:

    And believing the stories, the cameras are a bil misplaced. 1.5 Mi on UK and none on the Greek islands? It’s a shame…

  24. Jess Hurchist says:

    #16 “Mary Poppins was nothing like this”

    You never met her on holiday did you?

  25. bobbo says:

    #22–QB==I’d love to agree with you “but” this post is all about the bogus connection.

    That said, I can’t concentrate right now, I’m thinking about Mary Poppins in a wet tee-shirt contest or maybe that al fresco oral thing.


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