Yikes! Who could have seen this coming?

When Julie Peterson decided to have a baby on her own two years ago, she picked a tall, blond, blue-eyed Danish engineer as a sperm donor to match her own Scandinavian heritage. But when she went back to the sperm bank to use the same donor to have another child, she was stunned to discover that the federal government had made it impossible.

“I just cried,” said Peterson, 43, who lives in North Carolina. “I was in complete shock. I hadn’t thought about anything but having another baby with this donor. It was just so surprising and bewildering.”

The sperm bank had run out of vials from Peterson’s donor and could not replace them, because of restrictions health officials have instituted to protect Americans against the human form of mad cow disease. Since May 2005, the United States has effectively barred sperm banks from importing from Europe for fear it might spread the brain-ravaging pathogen that causes the affliction.

Now, as the remaining vials of Nordic semen frozen in U.S. sperm banks are running out, a small but desperate number of would-be parents are frantic. Peterson has flown repeatedly to Denmark, and went again this week, to try to get pregnant with sperm from the same donor. Others are going to Canada or Mexico, or haggling with other American women who have leftover vials.
The Nordic donors were popular because of their blue eyes and blond hair, and their tendency to be tall and have advanced degrees.

“All I want is some Nordic sperm!”

“Do you really want to deprive the US of people who look like us?”

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Where’s the link to the article?

    [Fixed. -UD]

  2. Paddy-O says:

    “But I’m committed to having my daughter have the same father if I can.”

    Why don’t they want their kids to have a real father. She seems a bit unbalanced to me…

  3. Judge Jewdy says:

    I know some girls that could be a night deposit box at a sperm bank.

  4. Borat says:

    This is the result of cross breeding cows and people:

  5. jbenson2 says:

    No sperm samples? Probably because the Swedish men are having too much fun personally donating their sperm to the local Swedish blonde, blue eyed beauties.

    Let’s see:
    1.) Playboy magazine and a test tube
    2.) An up-close and personal meeting with Olga, Helga, and Inga

  6. Stephanie says:

    Can someone please explain to her that she was CLEARLY not “having another baby with that donor”!

    That would imply that she actually knew the guy that she was trying to get knocked up by.

    You also mean to tell me that she couldn’t find a guy to have a kid by? She is attractive and looks fit so I don’t know why she would have a hard time finding a donor that she couldn’t at least get a dinner and a movie out of as well.

    That’s just plain sad.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #6 That’s why I said she seems mentally unbalanced..

  8. Jägermeister says:

    By all means, don’t let Danish genes into the US gene pool.

  9. UNKN says:

    Granted there some winners out there as pointed out by #8, but really. If you’re so worried about keeping the heritage going, go over there and get knocked up if it’s so important. Maybe she won’t find an engineer or something but she’s wanting to keep the looks going I think more than anything. She’s pretty attractive so I don’t think she’d have a problem.

  10. widgethead says:

    #4 OMFG!!!

    #8 always love this photo, LOL!

    #10 Love Boston Legal.

    When you tip the cows over, they get really Mad.
    Denny Crane

  11. soundwash says:

    /pessimism 101

    considering there is no *incontrovertible* proof of the link between mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (the human equivalent – the whole *prion* theory used to prove/base the link, for the most part has been shot down. read here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15325025

    on top of that..on a planet of what, 7billion people by now, -there have only been 200 reported cases worldwide. (not to mention that there have been NO published proofs or studies, peer or otherwise, that it can or ever has been, transmitted by sperm.

    call me a cynic, but this has nothing to do with “protecting the US sperm supply banks”

    just more politics and more to the point, in keeping with the current policies of churning out idiots, morons, underachievers and just plain *dumb people en-mass via our newly (and much touted, mind you) dumbed-down outcome based education system (No Child Left Behind hasn’t helped any either)

    -this is just another way to make sure
    even the chance of producing people with potential in the US are kept to an absolute minimum.

    the eugenics crew probably have their
    hands in this “ruling” somewhere..

    a dumb populace is much easier to dupe.

  12. Dave W says:

    This is so sad. The woman IS seriously F*cked up. But what she really needs is to BE f*cked up. By a blond, blue eyed, Dutch engineer, if that is what it takes. Geez, the bizarre behaviors of people who don’t get their ticket punched regularly!

    I suppose she gets income tax deductions for her spawn. Welfare too?

    Oh, and she’s 43 for Pete’s sake. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock!

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    # 13

    She’s what the American Feminists call an “Empowered woman” which basically means “Bitch so nasty no one wants to bang her for free.”

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Her reproductive organs and her life. Why can’t she live it as she pleases? It is bad enough that the wing nuts want to control abortion, now they want a say on how she gets pregnant?

  15. Floyd says:

    Do you remember what you people looked like during the Disco era (shudder–I’ll bet even Travolta still has nightmares about that stupid polyester suit)?

    The Swedish band (and the link behind that pic) just goes to show that in the 70s, even Scandinavian men had truly dorky hair, and bad costumes.

  16. Lou says:

    Head er over, I’m sure Spen will bang you.

  17. Gasbag says:

    I think the only Mad Cow in this story is her.


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