FYI. I run this because I detest everything connected to the scam pulled on the American public that says bankruptcy doesn’t count anymore so the credit card companies always get their money.

During the years that Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. was helping the credit card industry win passage of a law making it harder for consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, his son had a consulting agreement that lasted five years with one of the largest companies pushing for the changes, aides to Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign acknowledged Sunday.

Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, received consulting fees from the MBNA Corporation from 2001 to 2005 for work on online banking issues. Aides to Mr. Obama, who chose Mr. Biden as his vice-presidential running mate on Saturday, would not say how much the younger Mr. Biden, who works as both a lawyer and lobbyist in Washington, had received, though a company official had once described him as having a $100,000 a year retainer. But Obama aides said he had never lobbied for MBNA and that there was nothing improper about the payments.

and this:
Biden’s Son, Brother Named in Two Suits –

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.

The Democratic vice presidential candidate’s son Hunter, 38, and brother James, 59, assert instead that their former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with felony convictions.

The legal actions have been playing out in New York State Supreme Court since 2007, and they focus on Hunter and James Biden’s involvement in Paradigm Companies LLC, a hedge fund group. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, briefly served as president of the firm.

  1. god says:

    If anyone missed the rest of the Republikan talking points, they’re over here:

  2. bobbo says:

    All politicians are corrupt. Its a requirement to get elected.

    After that, what are their policies?

  3. #1 – god

    >>If anyone missed the rest of the Republikan
    >>talking points, they’re over here:

    I’m sure if anyone missed them, Mr. C. Dvorak will be posting them real soon now.

  4. Dallas says:

    This just in !!!

    The son of the brother of Biden’s mailman knew a guy that was related to the uni-bomber.

    Clearly, Biden has some explaining to do.

  5. David says:

    Why all this talk about irrelevant stuff like Sen. Biden’s legislative record? He’s a Democrat so we all know he’s one of the good guys.

  6. Christopher says:

    Now hold on. I think these are valid points. Obama is running on the platform that he is different than the politics before us. He will be our savior and bring about change. Obama chose Biden who is not new politics at all and now looking slimier than ever. How is Obama going to keep up this false persona as a man of change when all of his choices are of the old school politics.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Choosing Biden was a risky bet. Obama with no political history joined to Biden with possibly too much history.

    It’s exactly like trying to improve your credit score by having someone with better credit cosign your account. In this case no credit may have been better than bad credit.

    Biden protecting the credit card industry while his son lobbies for the credit card industry is important and disturbing.

    “March 31, 2005–The U.S. Senate has passed a dream bill for credit card and financial service companies that … will land millions of American families in debt slavery. Rather than being able to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and make a difficult new start, families and individuals will be placed on long-term payment plans to credit card companies, companies that will take their houses, their cars, their child-support payments, and their paychecks. … This bankruptcy bill would make it very difficult for a family like Terri Schiavo’s to ever get out of debt. It would deny bankruptcy protection to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq or sent to Iraq and away from their jobs and incomes. It would make it very difficult for small business owners who take risks and fail to start over. And it would impose on individuals a standard of fiscal responsibility to which the White House and Congress, not to mention the credit card companies, do not even pretend. … The greatest hypocrisy on this bill may come from the Democrats, who often speak as if they are the party of working people. … Nineteen Democratic Senators voted for the bill, while 24 voted against it. These are the 19 who chose to side with the credit card companies:

    Sen. Joe Biden (D-Delaware)

    Don’t be surprised if this kind of thing comes up again and again.

  8. orangedog says:

    You just have to love what politics has become. For the next few weeks I’m going to be treated to no shortage of “Well, my guy is just a little less crooked than yours!”

    Every election cycle I think that the choices could not possibly be worse, and every new cycle I’m proven wrong. This year the choices have been reduced to a nutcase who couldn’t come to terms with his captivity in Vietnam and and empty suit running with a guy who couldn’t come to terms with his own hairline.

  9. A_B says:

    “FYI. I run this because I detest everything connected to the scam pulled on the American public that says bankruptcy doesn’t count anymore so the credit card companies always get their money.”

    Then why didn’t you mention that of the three (3) people running for President and Vice President from the Democratic and Republican Parties, only one, Obama, didn’t vote for these bills and, per the article, Obama had criticized McCain for supporting it?

    If you are so much against it, you would have framed this post as, “of the choices we have, at least Obama is against ‘the scam’, although I don’t like his choice of Biden.”

    Second, the lawsuit against Biden’s brother and son have nothing to do with the credit card issue. Why is it mentioned? The lawsuit has nothing to do with Biden.

    The fact that it has nothing to do with the credit issue lends credence to one of several possible alternatives, such as you are (1) simply regurgitating RNC talking points, (2) incredibly sloppy and intellectually incurious such that you string together news articles without understanding what they say, etc. So what’s your excuse? What does this lawsuit have to do with any of the issues facing the country? What does this lawsuit have to Obama, who is shown in the picture associated with this post?

  10. From what I can tell Obama never voted for or against much of anything. And FYI I don’t like McCain either or anyone who voted for that scam bill.

  11. #9 – A_B

    >>f you are so much against it, you would have
    >>framed this post

    He would have, if he didn’t have that hardon for Obamaa. That trumps everything.

  12. bobbo says:

    #9–ab==unless you know everything about this lawsuit, you cannot conclude it has nothing to do with Biden.

    Further, the children of long term Congressmen working in and around the government, in and out of the “business” world is surely an indicator of the general corruption of all our “leaders.”

    If you respond nothing illegal was done, thats just a measure of the problem.

    As stated earlier, all politicians are corrupt, its what their policies are that will affect me that I’m interested in.

    Stop any sort of fairytale that implies one side is good, and the other evil. They are all pretty much the same. I just want a pol who thinks pandering to me is the way he can do the best for himself.

    Its rare, but a few Dems over the years have that belief.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, A_B

    I agree. The number of black kids John McCain fathered or how many abortions Cindy McCain had is irrelevant. As you suggest though, there will always be someone that insists upon mentioning these things that have nothing to do with the candidates character.

    Before someone else mentions it, John’s brother Joe is NOT gay. That is a vicious rumor that was only started to keep him out of the draft.

  14. geofgibson says:

    “Why all this talk about irrelevant stuff like Sen. Biden’s legislative record? He’s a Democrat so we all know he’s one of the good guys.”

    Legislative record=100% Liberal.
    No thanks.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, geof,

    No thanks.

    Why? Would it be because he didn’t leave his wife while she was recuperating in the hospital after her accident?

  16. David says:


    “What does this lawsuit have to Obama, who is shown in the picture associated with this post?”

    Read what it says above the Obama family portrait. “Change we can believe in.” Now explain how Joe Biden
    and his credit card lobbyist friends represent any kind of positive change.

  17. BigCarbonFoot says:

    I like that picture. Michelle looks especially like Aunt Esther.


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