1. bobbo says:

    Bragging? – – yea, I guess so. He knew the guy: “Frank” who was needling him about his class standing. Maybe some history there before the video tape was rolling?

    But==did you listen to what Biden went on to say?

    More crap to follow.

  2. Joe says:

    I think I’ll just write in “Donald Duck” for president, oh and NO to all the tax increases coming this election.

  3. Jim says:

    So, what is this supposed to show? A democrat who actually can speak coherently and actually has some schooling and knows how to debate? Or perhaps a smart man who was needled too much and responded in kind?

    Feel free John to explain the problem with this, I’d like know know.

    Sounds ok to me. Much better than those that would dismantle the government and hand it to the oil producing nations while pretending that stating an opinion and ignoring others is “debating”.

    By the way, you idiots that keep saying “I will not vote for anyone blah blah”, please just go. Leave the country and live for your ideals. You obviously do not really mean what you say nor do you actually have any ideals. You are trying to pretend you are being an activist while doing nothing — very much the problem with “activist” bullcrappers these days.

    So prove your mettle, go away and leave the country to those of us that care about it and will actually do something… like vote.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    The guy can sure babble on about nothing… Good match for Obama.

  5. chuck says:

    So he starts out by saying how he got into law school with a full academic scholarship, then proceeds to say he didn’t like it, so he dropped to the bottom 1/3 of his class, then changed his mind and made it into the top 1/2 of his class.

    So he was a deadbeat student who was getting a free ride but couldn’t be bothered doing the work. And when it was likely he’d get kicked out, he finally buckled down and started working. And after all that he made it into the top 1/2 – big deal he was as smart as 50% of the students in the class.

  6. jasmoran66 says:

    Like most of what we do or say in our daily lives, this glimpse of the past is meaningless. Not sure why it was posted, except to show which side Mr. Dvorak is for perhaps?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #6 “this glimpse of the past is meaningless. Not sure why it was posted,”

    Your right, you shouldn’t vote for someone based on past actions but on what they did in the future. LOL!

  8. Brian says:


    Basing your decision on something taken out of context surely isn’t the way to lead your life. That is, unless you’re an editor for fixed news.

    And when did being smart and being able to talk eloquently become bad? Are so many people that influenced by Dumbya that they think that’s the right way to speak?

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #8 “And when did being smart and being able to talk eloquently become bad?”

    It’s not bad. Is that what you call what Joe was doing?

  10. Dallas says:

    New world record in new candidate sliming. All under 11 hrs 50 minutes!

  11. #3 Jim..the problem? How about the fact that he does not have three degrees and most of what he said was a pack of lies. That’s OK by you, though, right?

  12. gquaglia says:

    Joe Biden has already run for President twice and failed miserably. The American people have already spoken on Biden’s desirability for the nations highest offices. Plus the guy’s from Delaware. Ever been to Delaware?

  13. The Pirate says:

    #3 Jimmy

    There is no choice.
    Vote no, they got to go!

    Voting for asshoes solves nothing. Suggesting I leave the country in your care is tantamount to treason. I’m putting you on the list. The blind asshoe list of the completely snowed.

    Voting no is casting the most patriotic vote possible this election cycle.

  14. Chromate says:

    I believe that Biden has undergraduate degrees in History and Political Science from University of Delaware as well as a Juris Doctor from Syracuse Law School. Seems like three to me.

  15. Robinf1 says:

    From http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives2/2008/08/021299.php

    ‘Reed then turns to Biden’s subsequent statement on this exchange. At Syracuse College of Law, Biden graduated 76th in a class of 85. He acknowledged: ”I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law school and my recollection of this was inacurate.” Just a slip of memory.

    As for receiving three degrees, Biden conceded: ”I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. My reference to degrees at the Claremont event was intended to refer to these majors — I said ‘three’ and should have said ‘two.”’ His arithmetic was off.

    As for his undergraduate preeminence in the political science department — well, that was somebody else. But one of his professors thought he fit the bill. ”With regard to my being the outstanding student in the political science department,” the statement went on, “my name was put up for that award by David Ingersoll, who is still at the University of Delaware.” Professor Ingersoll had it right!

    As for his claim that he went to school on full academic scholarship: ”My recollection is — and I’d have to confirm this — but I don’t recall paying any money to go to law school.” Reed cites a Newsweek report that Biden had gone to Syracuse ”on half scholarship based on financial need.” ‘

    Biden is qualified for one thing – politician.

  16. gquaglia says:

    Biden is qualified for one thing – politician.

    In other words, a professional turd.

  17. Nigel says:

    I wonder if he knows how many home he owns? I wonder if he considers himself a hero because he was caught by the enemy in Vietnam? I wonder if he has stacked his staff with 60 ex-telecom lobbyists like McCain has? I wonder if he wants to keep all American young guys and gals dying needlessly in Iraq like the other guy? Can McCain brag about his education? Do YOU want four more years of a conservative RAPE of this country and what’s left of the constitution? I firmly believe there are enough idiots in this country to elect McCain. You’ll get the president you deserve. I have no hope left. Enjoy yourselves.

  18. #3 – Jim

    >>Feel free John to explain the problem
    >>with this, I’d like know know.

    Mr. C. Dvorak has had a hardon for Obama ever since he started running. No opportunity to dis or slime the guy (and now his running mate) is ever missed.

    Of course, he gives McBush a free pass on his imbecile statements, his lack of grasp of current events, and his slavish adherence to Dumbya’s failed policies.

    Jeez. And I thought they were supposed to be liberal in Berkeley. Huh.

  19. #3 – Jim

    And the guy is BALD!! WTF?? Where does he get the idea that he can be VP, when he is losing his hair??

    A bald VP??

    Oh, the shame. The SHAME!!!

  20. #4 – O’Furniture

    >>The guy can sure babble on about nothing…

    That puts him above McBush, who gets tongue-tied at simple questions like “How many houses you own, Grampy?”

  21. geofgibson says:

    OK, so is it a transplant, rug, or comb over?

  22. Lou says:

    What a f’in wind bag !

  23. Bryan Price says:

    After Bush, somebody is complaining that a candidate is bragging that they are smart?

    I don’t really care if somebody brags about being smart, I just want it to be true that the winning candidate is smart!

    And no, Mr. McCain doesn’t sound like he is bragging about his smarts, more like showing how stupid the man is.

  24. James Hill says:

    #21 – That’s the most interesting question I’ve read or heard about Biden all day.

  25. Sea Lawyer says:

    “about the responsibilities to the poor… …”

    My only responsibilities are for me and my family. Good to see that his pompous lecturing hasn’t toned down over the years.

  26. jbenson2 says:

    #14 Chromate said: Seems like three to me.

    Biden got one undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware. He majored were in history and political science. He received one degree.

    He didn’t get a full scholarship to law school; he got a partial scholarship and received grants to cover the rest.

    He didn’t graduate in the top half of his class, as he asserted to “Frank”. In fact, Biden came in 76th in a class of 85, which isn’t even close.

    Obviously, math wasn’t one of his double majors.

    What was Biden’s excuse at the time? “I exaggerate when I’m angry.”

  27. jbenson2 says:

    One undergraduate degree
    One law degree

    Total degrees: 2

  28. #13 Pirate said that voting NO is the most patriotic thing to do. Last time I checked there was NO ‘NO’ vote. A NO vote is the same as the homeless hobo that doesn’t vote, or the slacker who doesn’t want his/her name to show up on the list for jury duty. There is no difference between a NO vote and no vote.

    I have three things that should be done that could revolutionize voting in this country:

    1. Have electronic voting with paper receipts (like ATMs or Lottery terminals.)
    2. Have all ballots in English. I mean, if you cannot identify the name of the person you want for a specific office before you walk into the voting booth, you damn sure shouldn’t be voting.
    3. Have a “None of the above” selection for every group of candidates. If NOTA gets the most votes, then the process must begin again for that particular office. Perhaps having only two months to campaign.

  29. jccalhoun says:

    The problem I have isn’t that he has or hasn’t got all these awards and crap but that he seems to be able to rattle them off so quickly. I’m a phd student and I’ve gotten lots of little awards and scholarships and fellowships over the years but I couldn’t rattle them off like that off the top of my head. He seems a lot more concerned with the prestige than the actual things he learned than I am. Style over substance.

  30. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #17 “I wonder if he considers himself a hero because he was caught by the enemy in Vietnam?”

    He flew combat missions off an aircraft carrier, and sustained serious burns from a major landing deck fire. After recovering from his injuries, he returned to flying combat missions over North Vietnam. During one of these missions he was shot down and captured and then spent 5 years as a POW.

    I would not term this heroic (I have a much higher standard for that word), but it is certainly more than you seem to want to make it out to be.


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