Sen. Barack Obama has picked Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, multiple Democratic sources tell CNN.

The longtime Democratic senator was long considered a likely choice for vice president, but the buzz surrounding him intensified after he returned earlier this week from a two-day trip to the Republic of Georgia after Russian troops invaded.

Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, brings years of experience that could help counter GOP arguments that an Obama administration would be inexperienced on foreign policy.

After trying for the presidential spot enough times, certainly name recognition is there. Plus, Biden’s extensive foreign policy experience might make a difference.

Thanks, K B

  1. QB says:

    Ha. I put money on Biden back in February, and a bottle of Zinfandel.

  2. qsabe says:

    It’s no choice..
    Now that is a fuked up head..

    We have a chance to retain a war centered government intent on restarting the cold war with a candidate whose only qualifications center around his ability to follow in Bushes steps as the scare the shit out of you at ever turn guy, while sneaking around behind your back dismantling everything governments of the people and for the people have accomplished over the past 50 years.

    On the other hand, we have no idea of what the other side will do, but it cannot be even close to the damage done by this administration. They have said they will start by trying to get the country out of the economic hole our current president elected as the moral candidate has put us in.

    McBush on the other hand is getting big support from the Baptist church as they are now spouting quotes from their bible saying, their god said there will always be war, and voting for Obamma is going against gods will because he wants to get out of the war profits mentality.

    Think and open your eyes folks.

  3. brendal says:

    Biden? That’s the big announcement? LOL!

    Biden has said on more than one occasion that Obama isn’t Pres material…

  4. Chucklehead says:

    “Biden has said on more than one occasion that Obama isn’t Pres material…”

    But of course, the ticket is Obama + Biden and I think Biden would say THAT is an Presidential level executive team. Biden is an excellent choice to succeed Cheney in the fourth branch of Government.

  5. Angus says:

    Picking a thirty year senator certainly doesn’t sound like change you can believe in.

  6. Chucklehead says:

    And McCain is change?

  7. Cursor_ says:


    If you believe that either one of these multi-million dollar, plutocratic senators will actually and honestly change anything when they have to fight the useless legislative branch we have, factor in the 1920’s style judicial branch and the PACs and special interest groups that paid for their campaigns…

    Then you are naive.


  8. Chucklehead says:

    Sad, but true…

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #37 knucklehead said, “And McCain is change?”

    Ummm, McCain isn’t running on the platform of “hopeless change”. Omama is…

  10. Chucklehead says:

    So you don’t want change, or you do? How much change? Let me guess, you just don’t like Obama and you’d attack his choice no matter what he did.

    I’m sure you’d be pleased as punch if Obama had picked a completely inexperienced person as his running mate.

    Nice use of “knucklehead” and “Ommama”, BTW. Way to elevate the discourse.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #41 “So you don’t want change, or you do?”

    As anyone with an IQ higher than single digit knows, the term “change” by itself is meaningless.
    Change to what? Would you like me to “change” your lifespan? Well, would you, yes or no?

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    Go to YouTube and search “Joe Biden Drunk”. It was posted minutes after the announcement was made.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    Biden on “The Daily Show” in 2005 said, “I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off.”

    Biden comment on Obama not being ready to be Pres.
    “The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training,”

  14. jbenson2 says:

    An excerpt from Joe Biden’s presidential ad in 1988: The White House isn’t the place to learn how to deal with international crisis, the balance of power, war and peace, and the economic future of the next generation. A president has got to know the territory.

    This is going to be fun.
    Let The Games Begin!

  15. jbenson2 says:

    I think Joe Biden is an OK guy.

    Senator Barack Obama thinks Joe Biden is an OK guy.

    President John McCain thinks Joe Biden is an OK guy.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, I’ve got it!

    “Imagine it’s 3:00 in the morning and the phone rings. Somewhere in the world there is a crisis which needs the attention of a world leader.”
    Barack picks up the phone, listens intently, then…

    He hands over the phone and says:
    “Joe, I think this calls for you”.

  17. Somebody_Else says:

    The whole “younger less experienced candidate picks older guy who’s been in Washington forever” worked for Bush/Cheney.

    I think someone like Wesley Clark would have been a better choice, but Biden was a safe choice. I have to say that as a young republican who is seriously considering Obama I don’t find Biden particularly likable.

  18. bobbo says:

    #48–somebody==the implication being you have any basis at all to like or dislike someone, or that liking a candidate is relevant to anything at all, or that the VP pick is relevant to anything at all, or that you did like Cheney?

    Like is like so lame.

  19. Li says:

    I’m not to pleased with this choice, because it means that two of America’s failed and festering wars, the war on drugs and the war on self-defense, aren’t likely to end any time soon. Biden is Mr. Drug War and Mr. Gun Grab.

    *sigh* But it is still a better ticket than a belligerent, bottom of his class, airplane crashing fool and his cadre of neo-conservative f^(& ups. Isn’t that sad?

  20. Somebody_Else says:

    I’m not sure what you’re saying.

    My point is that Biden was an ok choice and I think he helps Obama overall, but I personally don’t particularly like Biden (for the same reasons #50 mentioned).

  21. The Pirate says:


    During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Post’s Dana Milbank wrote this of Biden’s performance:

    “Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his “Grandfather Finnegan,” his son’s application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is “not a Princeton fan,” and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).”

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #52 – In the last 100 years, ex-senators have made poor Presidents. We are screwed in this election…

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    So how is Obama going to depict McCain as an out of touch old coot when Obama teamed up with an out of touch old coot.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #54 “So how is Obama going to depict McCain as an out of touch …”

    Simple. He’ll say that Biden is different because he has drank the “Hope & Change” Cool-aide…and McCain hasn’t.

    See how it works?

  25. #59 – Mr. Else

    >>I’m not sure what you’re saying.

    Very few people are sure what Bobbo is saying most of the time. From his pretzel logic to his weird punctuation to his borderline incoherence, it’s often well nigh impossible to figure out what he’s trying to say.

  26. Todd Peterson says:

    Nico logo with a nazi self propelled field gun … What’s your point, John C?

  27. ArianeB says:

    Presidential races are not decided on Vice Presidential nominations.

    That’s why VP nominations are ALWAYS funny!

    I get a laugh of those moderates that say Biden is “too liberal” and may not vote for Obama because of it. How silly!

    Same goes for those HRC shippers, who would only vote for Obama if HRC was picked. Even sillier!

    John McCain is going to pick either Tom Ridge or Mitt Romney, and I’m guessing the latter because the “conservatives” cant handle a pro-life VP. OK that is beyond silly!

  28. becagle says:

    Obama/Biden? So what happened to change? Biden is no better than McCain. People have accused Cheney of runnig the administration from behind Bush. So with Obama/Biden it will really be a “Puppet Presidency”. So much for change…

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #59 – Drink the cool-aide and all will become clear…

  30. Bea says:

    I like Biden, don’t agree with him 100%, but I like him, but not for Prez. Have to shake my head at the Obama kool-aid drinkers who swallowed his lying crap about “I am for change, Hillary is old Washington”, and yet, he picks an even BIGGER “old Washington” candidate to be his veep! Obama spouted the lines “she voted for the war–shame on her” ad nauseum, yet, he picks a veep who also voted for the war–is it shame on Biden now? Guess Obama has proven he is NOT representing change (and I still want someone to point out in his SHORT voting record in the Senate where he EVER voted against his party line–hardly a man of change) but just another lying politician who will do/say ANYTHING to get elected! Poor, poor kool-aid drinkers who believed him! This long time Democrat is going to find someone else to vote for this time around!


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