Sen. Barack Obama has picked Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, multiple Democratic sources tell CNN.

The longtime Democratic senator was long considered a likely choice for vice president, but the buzz surrounding him intensified after he returned earlier this week from a two-day trip to the Republic of Georgia after Russian troops invaded.

Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, brings years of experience that could help counter GOP arguments that an Obama administration would be inexperienced on foreign policy.

After trying for the presidential spot enough times, certainly name recognition is there. Plus, Biden’s extensive foreign policy experience might make a difference.

Thanks, K B

  1. The Pirate says:

    A proven accusation of plagiarism can have serious repercussions for a candidate’s political ambitions. Just ask Joe Biden. His borrowing of a British politician’s campaign speech is perhaps the most famous instance of political plagiarism, illustrating both the dangers of unacknowledged language lifting as well as the extent to which one’s enemies will go to torpedo their opponents’ chances for success.

    John McCain told a story about a Vietnamese guard who made a sign of the cross in the dirt while he was a POW. The story is very similar to a story about Alexander Solzhenitsyn from his times in the Soviet Gulags.

    No difference.
    Vote no!

  2. Thermo says:

    @The Pirate

    what story are you talking about.
    provide a link to the story.

    it has been shown that this story does not exist and was made up by an Obama fanboy.

    Picking the 4th longest sitting Senator means Obama better print up new campaign signs without the word “Change” on them

  3. The Pirate says:

    Under Presidential campaigns/1988

    Joe has had to explain several ‘things’ in this area his whole academic and political life.

    The story exists. You, Thermo, remind me of those who call an age dark, not because the light doesn’t shine but because they refuse to see it.

  4. Brian says:

    Gotta love people quoting wikipedia as a ‘source’.

  5. Seth says:

    I’m a little disappointed with the pick. As Thermo pointed out, Biden doesn’t exactly embody the whole change image.

    It’s probably best for the campaign though. Obama is new but he’ll have an older guy as his right hand man to back him up. It’ll make it harder for McCain’s people to use the experience card.

  6. The Pirate says:

    As for McCain.

    Of course I summarized but stretching the truth and sensationalism and titillation are all allowed on

  7. The Pirate says:

    #4Brian (the lazy)

    Google Joe Biden and plagiarism. I just picked a generality ..there are many more ‘sources’ to pick from.

  8. Seth says:


    Wikipedia is actually pretty good but here are two NY Times links which you may find hold more weight.

  9. The Pirate says:

    pfft apparently I fail at REAL tinyurl heh. Maybe the ed. will fix it =)

  10. The Pirate says:

    Just to clarify. It has been said that one mans junk is another mans treasure. In this years American presidential election I contend both parties are junk and the only treasure to be found would be by voting no to either choice, because like it or not there aint no choice. Both candidates are ‘business as usual’.

    The rhetoric you hear from both is designed to deceive you and is the illusion of choice.

    Its time for an American ‘do-over’.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Biden, necessary choice for Obama.

    Being hit on all sides for his lack of a voting record and practical experience, Obama had to choose someone with both, and Biden is as good a choice as any and better than most, if not all.

    This gives the Obama camp someone they can point to when it comes to experience. “I may not have the experience, but my friend Joe here will help me through it.”

    Is that the right message?

    This raises a question, would the Democratic ticket been stronger if it had been a Biden/Obama ticket? If the experience Pres, tempered with the “doing things differently” rockstar VP was going to the DNC?

    This will be the inevitable comparison.
    Inexperienced Pres candidate with experienced VP as backup
    Experienced Pres candidate with inexperienced VP as backup.

  12. apeguero says:

    @The Pirate – It’s all good cop, bad cop. It all depends on which side of the stage you sit. Both parties are now the same. No real difference except for some issues like abortion and illegal aliens.

  13. More money for me as I win more and more bets on this election. HAR!

    Meanwhile we missed the push. this video below was released on Aug 10!!

  14. Dick Dawkins says:

    Hey all you naysayers…Biden has “gravitas.” To paraphrase the 2004 election…this presidential race now has “Joementum”. Huzzah!

  15. Dick Dawkins says:

    But seriously…I thought Barry O. would pick Jim Webb (or maybe Sam Nunn)…a strong national defense type to balance out the ticket for Blue Collar Dems (i.e., the non-elites who make this country work despite the BS from our so-called “leaders”). In my opinion (whatever it’s worth) they will be the key to victory for flavor A or B. Biden’s actually a good choice for B.O. considering there’s worse (Bernie Sanders or Zach De La Rocha).

    Peace, Love and all that hippie shite,

  16. Lou says:

    I’m glad he picked anybody. I was sick of hearing about it.
    Who votes for the VP anyway ?

  17. joaoPT says:

    WTF is the use of the Vice-President? Really?
    Even the president is more or less a Talking Head. He’s got real power, but if he wants to live (politically and otherwise…) he must play the game.
    As usual, with any Democratic regime and election, it’s best to spot the faces in the background and try to infer to whom those faces relate to, that sits in the dark…
    Then there’s some telling where we’re going (I say we, even not being American but, hey, this is the most internationally relevant job in the US…)

  18. Dick Dawkins says:

    John Nance Garner (a VP hopeful a long time ago) once opined that the vice presidency wasn’t worth “a warm bucket of spit.” I’ve heard that he didn’t say spit…

    So that gives you an idea of what this news is worth I guess. All it means is that the convention is on and those who are impressed with Barry O. will be even more transcendent. Bully on them!

    I say Joementum 2008 in Gitmo Nation West to all of you poncy nances!

    Dickie D. Dawkins

  19. gquaglia says:

    In this years American presidential election I contend both parties are junk

    Agreed. It giant douche and turd sandwich again.

  20. bh28630 says:

    If you don’t realize the impact of the modern era VP, ask yourself if George H W Bush, Al Gore, or Dick Cheney have made any difference in the world. The Garner observation is out of date with the obvious exception of Dan Quail who was a bucket of spit.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    “You were asked, ‘Is he ready?’ You said, ‘I think he can be ready, but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training,'” Stephanopoulos said.

    “I think I stand by that statement,” Biden replied.

    Says enough right there, doesn’t it?

  22. bh28630 says:

    Hmmmm, speaking of realizing… I was not thinking when I intentionally spelled Dan-o’s name as ‘Quail’ to make an observation on his infamous potato gaff. I’m aware it’s actually “Quayle”.

  23. gquaglia says:

    #20, Uh, what did Al Gore do as VP. All his fame came after his defeat in 2000.

  24. doug says:

    I am an Obama supporter and I am underwhelmed. Supposedly has all these national security and foreign policy chops and he still votes for the Bushies’ War?

    (I love how all these people – Clinton, Biden, McCain – who backed America’s worst foreign-policy blunder since Vietnam say it’s OBAMA who is not ready to lead.)

    He should have picked someone young and from outside D.C., who is not saddled with literally decades of this crap. America does not need Washington experience, it needs something new.

  25. RTaylor says:

    The VP has the influence the President allows him. The real job of the VP candidate is to bring in certain states. They think Biden can deliver Pennsylvania. This will be another close election. Look towards Florida again. No doubt lawyers are drooling at the parties retainers.

  26. it's just an expression says:

    This just shows that he’s really for McCain.

  27. sirfelix says:

    John must have been a little tippsy on wine this morning when he attacked Biden’s hair in his later deleted blog post:

    Dvorak Uncensored
    General interest observations and true web-log.
    Disaster for Obama: Joe Biden is Obama’s running mate
    Sat, Aug 23 2008 2:06 AM
    by John C Dvorak
    — Joe Biden is Obama’s running mate – Los Angeles Times — This is hardly “change” but it is audacity. This is a blunder. Biden is a kook with hair plugs. Barack Obama has tapped Joseph R. Biden Jr. as his running mate, bringing to the Democratic ticket a veteran senator with deep expertise in […]

    Nice John

  28. bh28630 says:

    gquaglia said,

    “Uh, what did Al Gore do as VP. All his fame came after his defeat in 2000.”

    From Wikipedia:
    Gore was involved in American politics for over three decades, serving first in the U. S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U. S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president.

    While he never actually claimed to have invented the Internet, he was instrumental in facilitating its modern direction beyond the original ARPANET goals. Most critically, Al Gore has always been an astute student of the environment. “Gore wrote, Earth in the Balance, a text which became the first book written by a sitting U.S. Senator to make the New York Times bestseller list since John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage.”

    There are many who strongly believe Al Gore was not defeated in 2000. History will likely reveal Bush/Cheney actually lost both elections but through subterfuge managed to first obtain the White House (FL & Supreme Court) and then maintain their occupancy (OH & Diebold).

  29. Cursor_ says:

    Well its back to the old guard.

    Looks like I am voting Fred Flintstone as a write in again.

    Flintstone/Rubble in ’08!


  30. The Pirate says:

    Freakin-A Cursor!

    Fred and Barney are miles ahead of both candidates.

    Wedone Withyou should run. She could pick Buck Stopshere as her running mate. I guarantee a win over these two current frauds.

    Its not a choice.
    Vote no!


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