Sen. Barack Obama has picked Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, multiple Democratic sources tell CNN.

The longtime Democratic senator was long considered a likely choice for vice president, but the buzz surrounding him intensified after he returned earlier this week from a two-day trip to the Republic of Georgia after Russian troops invaded.

Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, brings years of experience that could help counter GOP arguments that an Obama administration would be inexperienced on foreign policy.

After trying for the presidential spot enough times, certainly name recognition is there. Plus, Biden’s extensive foreign policy experience might make a difference.

Thanks, K B

  1. Lou says:


  2. Ah_Yea says:

    #55 Paddy-O. If I could bottle that kool-aid, it’d be rich!

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Biden is a good pick. There were several others Obama could have chosen that would have been good picks too.

    To those worrying about what Biden did 45 years ago in school, get a life.

  4. sinn fein says:

    Dumb n’ Dumberer

  5. eddie says:

    So the inexperienced candidate picks a very experienced VP. Jeez didn”t we just have eight years of a VP running the country.

  6. Cursor_ says:


    We had the same in the 80’s.


  7. MikeN says:

    a brilliant move. Now the Republicans will attack Joe Biden instead of Barack Obama.

    What bothers me is that CNN reported this. I was assured by Barack Obama that I would be the first to know via text message and email.

  8. Daniel says:

    I think Biden makes sense. He is relatively safe, has name recognition, has experience, and has the same sort of reputation for speaking his mind as McCain. Hillary as a VP just doesn’t make sense. There are just as many Hillary haters as there are Hillary zealots out there so I just don’t see her helping anybody but McCain. I certainly wouldn’t vote for a Obama/Clinton ticket. That woman doesn’t belong in the White House. Obama/Biden will be getting my vote come November unless some magic happens and more than two of my friends learn who Bob Barr is.


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