• Microsoft to hire Jerry Seinfeld for TV commercials.
  • Comcast has to fess up about P2P throttling or else.
  • Microsoft PhotoSynth site rolled out. Servers go down immediately. This is cloud computing.
  • Big Foot hoax getting funnier.
  • WTC 7 collapse caused by fire.
  • Poland out to get Microsoft.
  • Plasma still good to go.

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  1. Stu Mulne says:


    “Cloud Computing” == “.NET”?

    Sure smells like it….


  2. JimD says:

    Pedro, no their heads aren’t in the clouds, but somewhere that you can’t say on TV or “family” web sites like this !!! And they have their heads up their A$$ES because they are creating a system with a cash register attached that NOBODY ASKED FOR – EXCEPT THEM !!! Pretty soon, they will switch their “Business Model” to CHARGE BY THE PAGE, THEN BY THE BYTE, FOR WORD, BY THE PAGE, THEN BY THE CELL FOR EXCEL, ETC !!! Woo, Ha !!! The money should be rolling in – NOT !!! It’ll be the case of “What if we built a Cloud, and NOBODY CAME” !!!

  3. Todd Peterson says:

    Microsoft sucks

  4. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Great, another buzzword the CEO’s will see in a magazine and feel that it’s something they need to implement.

  5. JimD says:

    WTC 7 Collapse caused by Fire ??? The first time in History ??? Yeah and hens have TEETH !!! Didn’t the “Owner”, Larry say they “Pulled It” ???

    No, WTC 7 was a CONTROLLED DEMO, JUST LIKE 1 AND 2 !!!

  6. Glenn E. says:

    “Microsoft to hire Jerry Seinfeld for TV commercials.”

    So it will be a commercial about “nothing”? That’s just perfect for Vista. Either that, or it’s Microsoft’s “Plan Bee” move. And we already know what that leads to. No bloomin flowers!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    If Seinfeld and Gates appear together on a Vista commercial. Then Jerry will play the unfortunate music customer. And Gates will be the Zune Nazi. “No tunes for you!!”

  8. yellowzx5 says:

    I just saw the commercial with Jerry Seinfeld and have to say it was pretty boring. I think they should of done something a lot better. They could of done a commercial like a XBOX commercial showing the great things you can only do with windows. This commercial just makes Windows look stupid.

  9. It’s called cloud computing ’cause that’s where the heads of anyone buying into this is: in the clouds.


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