Bah, its not like I would drink that swill anyway. And I’m from St. Louis. Joe six pack will never suspect.

  1. comhcinc says:

    i like a good ale. i would give it a try before i call it swill, because i am not an asshole.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    He. He. Good one combcine.

    Sure, I’ll try it.

    The cheap beer to beat, IMHO, is Henry Weinhards.

    Blitz-Weinhard is just a regular brewery yet they are able to put out a decent beer at a decent price. No reason why Budwiser can’t do the same.

  3. Thomas says:

    There are some great beers in America; none of them are named Budweiser, Coors, Michelob, Corona (granted Mexican), Keystone, Pabst, Hamms, or Miller.

  4. admfubar says:

    good beer is chewable only…..

  5. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve never been so broke that I couldn’t afford to spend a couple extra bucks on a six pack to get a good beer.

    Here in the Northwest, anyway, that’s all it takes to get a better beer.

  6. Lou says:

    This is from the people who brought you lime beer. WTF is that all about ?

  7. fatfonzie says:

    I’m with #5

    Stone Brewing is all I need. Bud going Sam, lol GTFO.

  8. moss says:

    I would never tell anyone that Bud is owned by the Dutch. Especially since they’re owned by Belgians.

  9. dougxd says:

    Hey guys….you know what, taste is relative to the taster.
    Some people like Coke, other like Tab…whatever.

  10. dougxd says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  11. Likes2LOL says:

    I’m beginning to think Americans like being deceived — we certainly aren’t demanders of truth. InBev probably figured most Americans wouldn’t even notice the sale of Budweiser to a foreign owner, and putting out a fresh new ‘American Ale’ proves it.

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels

    So, no matter where the profit goes, Bud always will be an ‘American’ beer.

  12. xr says:

    Only in America would you market a beer as American if you have to option to call it a Belgian beer ;). So suspect that this is for the US market only, and in that sense very American.

  13. OK says:

    Does the old Monty Python joke still apply to Budweiser? Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? Because its fucking close to water!!!

    My fav, Anderson Valley IPA.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    Didn’t Bud start in Czechoslovakia?

    One word- Guinness. Unless you like water.

  15. tdskate says:

    to: #8


  16. Cursor_ says:

    Beer and wine are soft drinks in the world of alcohol.

    If you are not drinking something more than 80 proof you are NOT drinking.

    Might as well have a zima.


  17. Eduardo says:

    In fact, it’s a brazilian company, not a belgian. Budweiser is a brazilian beer now. I hope that it’s get better, this beer is horrible.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Like most new brands, I’m sure this was in development for a year or two, well before the sale of the company. Too bad — if the Belgians had developed it, it would probably have been better. Still, I’ll probably give it a try.

    #2, Greg Allen said

    “The cheap beer to beat, IMHO, is Henry Weinhards.”

    Agreed. I miss old Henry’s. I also miss Shiner Bock, though it’s not _quite_ as good. (I’ve lived a few different places.) Until they show up here, I guess I’ll have to get by on Sam Adams…

  19. doug says:

    #6. “This is from the people who brought you lime beer. WTF is that all about ?”

    Imitating Miller, who got to it first with that “Chill” crap. They appear to be duking it out for the sorority girl market.

  20. peterg says:

    Welcome to Globalisation folks!!!!!!

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I was spending $8+ on six-packs of outstanding stuff for a long time…but Red Dog gives me the same buzz at $13 for 30. 🙂 And my gut handles it better.

    I’ll take an Oberon over just about anything.

  22. Floyd says:

    #18: Shiner Bock’s available in many states, but you may have to search for a larger liquor store that sells it. I’m living in Minneapolis for now, and the neighborhood liquor store sells Shiner Bock. Unfortunately, I haven’t found Henry Weinhard’s yet.

  23. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Sometimes you don’t have a choice. I like to drink in neighborhood dives, and I prefer draft beer. That usually gives you a choice of AB products or Miller products. From the former, Amber Bock is very drinkable. From the latter, I like ice house. (Ice house doesn’t taste all that great, but it has a high alcohol content so you don’t really notice after the first pitcher anyway.)

  24. Thomas says:

    So, since InBev is a European company, can we now claim that the European’s have crappy beer? It is all about what is predominantly available. Europe has some great beer as does America. The difference is that you don’t have to look as hard to find great beer in Europe.

  25. BubbaRay says:

    Lime beer? Lime beer? Oh, Good Grief.

    Try a Cave Creek chili beer, a nice hot serrano pepper in every bottle. The catch-22 of beers, after the first heat settles in, you reach for … more beer!

    Beer — it’s not just for breakfast any more.

  26. #22 – Pink

    >>I’m living in Minneapolis for now, and the
    >>neighborhood liquor store sells Shiner Bock.
    >>Unfortunately, I haven’t found Henry
    >>Weinhard’s yet.

    Try Surdyk’s, in Northeast. If anybody has it, they do.

  27. gear says:

    When it comes to companies, how exactly do you determine that a company is of a particular nation?

    Is a company an American company if its’ main headquarters is located in the US? Or is it an American company because the shareholders or board of directors are American? What about a company (private or public) headquartered in one country and is owned by people from another country? Is it where the factory is located (that would get pretty confusing for companies with multiple factories around the world)?

    In the past and sometimes even now; its pretty clear, a company is headquartered in a particular country and completely owned by people in the same country and the employees are all in that country. But I really don’t get how you assign a nationality to a company if it isn’t as clear cut as that. I mean companies are things, how do you figure the nationality of a thing?

    I know this falls into the territory of “stupid things to think about” but there it is.

  28. Madtownmoxie says:

    If it is made by bud it is probably just like their lager…like sex in a canoe….Fucking close to water.

  29. Gonzo.Jr says:

    Hé !nBev isn’t Dutch it’s a belgian-brazilian company formed by the fusion of Interbrew (be) and AmBev (br). With the acquisition of Anhauser-Busch it wil be the largest beer brewer in the world.

    btw, Belgian Beers are known to be the best in the world. Read the collected works of Michael Jackson (the beer man, not the alien…)

  30. Kilgore Trout says:

    All beer (and ale) is is yeast eating sugar in a water solution and excreting alcohol. Until they die. Then they age the remains in the hope it won’t taste too much like that other excrement coming from the current round of Republicans.

    The truly silly part is when some people decided to get so uppity and decide which yeast shit tastes better than other yeast shit.


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