A federal judge has permanently barred Arizona from using a state law to prosecute an online merchant who sells shirts that list names of thousands of troops killed in Iraq.

U.S. District Judge Neil Wake did not strike down the 2007 law against selling products that use of military casualties’ names without families’ permission. But he ruled that using the law to prosecute Dan Frazier would violate the Flagstaff man’s First Amendment rights because his “Bush Lied — They Died” shirts are “core political speech.”

“It is impossible to separate the political from the commercial aspects of that display,” Wake wrote. “For example, the state argues that Frazier can sell his shirts without displaying the soldiers’ names. But Frazier’s product is his message, and his customers’ message.”

Arizona’s law was enacted with little debate by the Legislature, and Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas have enacted similar laws.

Don’t you think you wouldn’t have to explain Freedom of Speech every couple of weeks to the goofoffs running the country?

  1. bobbo says:

    #30–congrats CZen, your understanding of the Bill of Rights is coming right along.

    Yes, of course, a tee-shirt of aborted fetus images/names whatever would be the same free-speech issue.

    I don’t know what guilty conscience issue would be highlighted there though. Why not have pictures of the 4 times as many innocent babies given birth who weren’t wanted and were raised in a life of poverty and abuse?

    No–aborted fetuses have that old mix of motives. In a certain sense, the aborted fetuses are as innocent as the killed soldiers in a useless war, but there are difference too.

    Tee-shirts are the START of a conversation, not the conclusion.

  2. CZen says:

    Thats all ya got bobobo. As usual ya missed the mark by far. But ya fell for the bait as usual.

  3. GF says:

    I can see my obtuse point does not make any sense to anyone so let me simplify it. First let me clarify that I think you should respect a soldier’s family wish to not be on the shirt. If you want to be an ahole and put it on the shirt go ahead but you’re an ahole in my book.

    Mr. Fusion – I don’t think you know what a neo-con is. I’m not one. Israel means nothing to me. I NEVER said you can not say what you want; where the f%#k did I say that!

    Doug – It really isn’t about Bush. See Mr. Mustard below.

    Mr. Mustard – First it’s GF and it borders on the fanatical and disregards those who do not wish to be attributed with it.

  4. bobbo says:

    #33–CZen==how so? Teach me Master-baiter.

    #34–GF==you call your own point “obtuse?” Why then SHOULD anyone contest your post as you already admit its error? What do you think obtuse means? You might check with Master-baiter above. He also has a basic communication malfunction. Maybe the two of you can miscommunicate yourselves out of a paper bag.

  5. GF says:

    Why yes, I did call my post, #23, obtuse, bobbolhead. Obtuse : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression… You have such a keen eye but such a dull wit.

  6. CZen says:

    Bobobo’s back is to the wall. He’s lashing out at people instead of defending his own points. Next he will say the same thing about me.

    The point of bringing up Abortion was to show the hypocracy of liberal hate. “Killing soldiers is wrong, but go ahead an scrape that fetus out. Free speech is great as long as I agree with what is said.”

    What band wagon are you going to jump on next Bobobo?

  7. bobbo says:

    Tagged teamed by dolts. Doubledolts. Can’t wait for school to start so you can steal candy from babies?

    GF–anyone can make a misstatement, but it takes a fool/neo-con to make it an issue of pride. Yes==you are obtuse as in “not clear or precise in thought.” And you are proud of it. Dolt!

    CZen==likewise foolish. I suspect you will grow out of it. Keep hitting those books, the reasons you should read as many books as possible will become clear to you if you cast your net widely.

    I’m for freedom of speech, not for its suppression. What do you think my position on either subject is? I haven’t posted mine besides saying they both involved a mix of issues. Silly to rail against a straw man when the written record is right in front of you. Again==doltish.

    Well, at least one of you has access to a dictionary. Now you just need someone to explain the definitions.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #37 “What band wagon are you going to jump on next Bobobo?”

    He does that. A day or two ago he took 2 different positions on income tax & welfare until he quit trying to make sense…

  9. bobbo says:

    #39–Trifecta!!! The crowd roars.

    Paddie—–no. Just because I don’t think taxes should be collected at the point of a gun doesn’t mean I don’t think governments should have a source of revenue.

    It actually does look like to me that you infact don’t understand anything but the black/white positions you take. All that field of gray inbetween is lost on you. Funny, I thought it was just a ploy on your part to look stupid, but you mean it.

    I can accept that, sad, but I accept it. Sadder there are so many of you, reproducing, voting, treated as equals. God Bless America!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, GirlFriend,

    First let me clarify that I think you should respect a soldier’s family wish to not be on the shirt. If you want to be an ahole and put it on the shirt go ahead but you’re an ahole in my book.

    How many of these families have expressly asked that their kin not be on a T-Shirt. Please supply a link to where this information might be. And please don’t twist it around to where the T-Shirt guy needs to garner permission first, he doesn’t.

    Why would honoring a slain person’s name on a T-Shirt make you an “ahole”. Wouldn’t that also make the all those war memorials also “aholes”?

    I NEVER said you can not say what you want; where the f%#k did I say that!

    I don’t think you read my post #29 very well. Bobbo called you a “dolt” and a “neo-con”. Both are descriptive of your attitude you displayed up to that point. Yet you take him to task and berate him for expressing a truthful thought.


    #37, CZ,

    The point of bringing up Abortion was to show the hypocracy of liberal hate. “Killing soldiers is wrong, but go ahead an scrape that fetus out. Free speech is great as long as I agree with what is said.”

    So what is wrong with abortions? If they were a living human being I could understand your position and comparison, but a fetus is not a person.

    The first is a woman controlling her own body, the second is the loss of life through a lie.

    The wing nuts (of which neo-cons are a sub-set) don’t like free speech. They also like to be controlling.

    #39, Cow-Paddy,

    Yup. Back without anything constructive to add. Again.


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