ABC News: TSA Snafu Grounds Nine Planes at O’Hare Field — Read this whole story. It’s fishy and it sounds like some sort of overtime scam too.

“The brilliant employees used an instrument located just below the cockpit window that is critical to the operation of the onboard computers,” one pilot wrote on an American Eagle internet forum. “They decided this instrument, the TAT probe, would be adequate to use as a ladder,” the pilot wrote.

Another pilot wrote the TSA agents, “are now doing things to our aircraft that may put our lives, and the lives of our passengers at risk.”

The TSA has been conducting such overnight spot checks at airports around the country.

Found by William Giacona.

  1. geofgibson says:

    Now we know what happened to the mechanics involved in the Airbus accident in France.

  2. SN says:

    It’s fishy because, first, why did this inspection have to be done in the middle of the night, when apparently, no one else was around?

    And second, why did the inspector, who allegedly had every right to enter the planes, have to force himself into them?

    And third, if faced with the inability to get into the plane via any normal means, why would the inspector not call to work out the problem rather than break into them? In any normal situation he would simply call and say, “I’m over at hanger 12 and need to get into these planes, send someone over to let me in now!”

    My guess is that either the inspector was drunk or drugged and massively incompetent or this is a cover up for something else.

  3. The Pirate says:

    #2 SN
    From the article “The TSA agent was attempting to determine if someone could break into a parked aircraft.” … by using probes to step on. Try reading the article before you wank off nonsense.

    I would hate to think what might have happened if one of these aircraft took off and experienced ‘problems’ due to damaged probes. Knowing a bit about aircraft I’m not saying it would have been a disaster, but really the TSR guy/gal needs to be aware of wtf he/she is doing.

    Time to put no-step stickers back on everything but actual steps I guess.

  4. The Pirate says:

    pffft TSR=TSA above, doh 🙂

  5. gquaglia says:

    The TSA sounds like a great agency. Being nice enough to give the retards of the world a job.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Will the airlines have to hire guards to keep their aircraft safe from the TSA inspectors?

  7. Ron Larson says:

    Sounds like the idiot grabbed the pitot tube as a handle. This is what measures the airspeed, and yes it is important. Otherwise you could stall, a bad thing when landing.

  8. Brian says:

    I have never seen a worse group of employees. Even at the post office, scary.

    Now fast forward to the time when Airlines get taken over by Uncle Sam and these folks are running the ticket counters, baggage and gates. Not to mention flight attendants. That will make the current crop of bitter old ones look pretty good.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, Pirate,

    Transportation Safety Retards works for me.

  10. Peter iNova says:

    Now the TSA has shot back that they found seven Security Violations on the craft inspected. In other words, they broke into the airplanes.

    But if they had not been seen by other airport employees, their adventure—and the danger it posed for the flying crews and public—would have gone unreported.

    TSA apology? Not in this (brief) lifetime. Arrogance has found yet another home.

  11. Eric says:

    With government like this, who needs terrorists?


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