You better eat your . . . Frosted Flakes? Olympic legend Michael Phelps will appear on boxes of the Kellogg’s brand sugar cereal, drawing sharp criticism from health experts worried about the message he’ll be sending to children across America. “I would not consider Frosted Flakes the food of an Olympian,” said nutritionist Rebecca Solomon of Mount Sinai Medical Center.
“I would rather see him promoting Fiber One. I would rather see him promoting oatmeal. I would even rather see him promoting Cheerios.” The announcement yesterday that Phelps, 23, winner of a record eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, would grace Frosted Flakes and Corn Flakes boxes instead of the traditional athlete’s choice of Wheaties left many perplexed. Frosted Flakes has three times the amount of sugar as Wheaties and 1/3rd the fiber. Still, in a country where childhood obesity is an alarming issue, Phelps’ iconic image sharing space with Tony the Tiger sends the wrong message, experts say. “For a guy like Michael Phelps who isn’t worried about obesity because he’s burning thousands of calories as an athlete…eating Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes every so often is not an issue,” Solomon said. The Phelps-emblazoned cereal boxes hit supermarket shelves in mid-September.
Anyone else reminded of an old SNL skit?
Who the hell cares? I love Frosted Flakes. It’s not like kids’ diets will suddenly go into the shitter because of one swimmer. Frankly, it’s already there.
He’s been living just down the road from Battle Creek, and the man eats a massive amount of calories every day. Makes perfect sense to me. Good for Mike, he deserves some nice deals.
I hope he drowns in money.
Belushi was hilarious!! Just his look makes me laugh!
As for Phelps, let the guy market himself any way he wants! Thereeeee Greeeaaattt!!!
I don’t understand sports stars pictures on a box selling the contents.
I thought cartoon characters did a better job? Cheaper, no chance of scandal, longer product identification.
I don’t begrudge the endorsements, they just seem like more bad marketing ideas lapped up by american businesses==like the Hummer.
It is amazing to me that the guy eats almost the opposite of what all the health experts say
fried egg sandwiches with cheese and mayo
12000 calories a day and he is thin and totally fit hmm makes you wonder who has the correct diet.
good for him frosted flakes are yummy
now I want him on my quarter pounder box
My favorite cereal, Wheaties are OK, but ‘Tony the Tiger’ would be very upset if I bought anything else! Let alone Mike!
Good for him! He can use his face and image to sell anything he wants. It’s his life. And that’s exactly what sports stars do these days. Now, excuse me I’m going to eat some Cream of Wheat! 😉
He probably thinks frosted flakes is a healthy cereal fit for young athletes thanks to marketing and drawn tigers. Besides it’s just an endorsement. I think more often single women 25-40 are going to be buying the cereal more then the kids
Oh, please! Frosted Flakes aren’t so bad. It’s not like he is endorsing Captain Crunch or Twinkies or worse yet, McDonald’s.
Take plain corn flakes (or Wheaties for that matter) add a couple of spoons of sugar like most people would, and you basically have Frosted Flakes.
Bye the way, now that we have heard and seen him talk quite a bit, does he remind anyone else of a young Jimmy Stewart?
Fiber one?! What 23 year old eats Fiber one? Give me a break. There’s nothing wrong with Frosted Flakes….sheesh. The point is, get off your ass and exercise; then you can eat almost anything you want. Within reason, Frosted Flakes are actually pretty good for you.
Have you read about what he actually eats everyday? He should be endorsing mayonnaise, white bread and Pizza Hut from the sound of it.
I love how people whine about someone like this and not mention a word about people who shouldn’t be parents in the 1st place and don’t raise their children. “This is a job for NANNY STATE!”
A bit OT. There is no denying that he is one of the fastest swimmer in history. But calling him the Greatest Olympian of all time is just absurd. I do not follow swimming records but I don’t even think he is THE greatest swimmer in history. One of the greatest sure but not THE greatest.
There. I got it out of my system. If not for DVR, I probably could not bear watching the Olympics on TV with all the hype surrounding Phelps. At least the swimming events are over 🙂
Your country pays athletes to win the medals, you get what you paid for.
I remember that skit. Awesome.
Phelps can eat whatever he wants since he trains so many hours… Maybe he is sending a good message.
“Work out and train your ass off and you too can eat this shitty cereal!”
The problem comes when you stop training and still eat like before. Ask any bodybuilder.
#14 “I do not follow swimming records but I don’t even think he is THE greatest swimmer in history. One of the greatest sure but not THE greatest.”
Then, you should check the records…
There’s nothing wrong with Frosted Flakes. It’s the sitting on your ass in front of the TV and computer for 8+ hours a day that’s the problem.
OK OK Enough Already! Frosted Flakes a A Fucking GREAAAAAAAAT.
(If you like chewing sugar – coated cardboard).
If your kids are choosing cereal and not you, you have a problem.
If your kids are idolizing a swimmer so much that his being on a cereal box will make them eat it, they have a problem.
That being said, who cares, really?
Right On! Like he would endorse Fiber One. Now who would believe that?
Isn’t Frosted Flakes Wheaties for the rest of us. There’re Great!!
I think with some of those madman frankenstein faces he makes, veins and eyes bulging, jaw gaping, he might scare away as many kids as he attracts.
“Commercial” Endorsements are all about the MONEY !!! And to get the money to pay for the Endorsements, the Corporations will PEDDLE CRAP TO KIDS !!! Some of these Cereals cost more than Steak (check the cost per pound) !!! So we will have more kids with ADD/HD from sugar shock, and more OBESE KIDS, so the Endorsement Machine can keep running !!!
Frosted Flakes – 1
McCullough – 0
Almost all processed cereals are crap. They lose all the nutrition during the milling and what they do have, has been added after. As Jim above points out, the added sugar just makes things worse.
Having said that however, he earned his medals and he is entitled to make as much money as possible. Provided it is legal.
What’s annoying are these critics telling other people what to do. People trying to force out enjoyable foods should be shot.
Last I checked kids don’t do the shopping. Hell, they don’t even take out the garbage.
I’m glad all those 150 year olds can tell us how they did it. Jeez, when will you health nuts realize you’ve bought the healthy snake oil crap hook, line, and sinker. Suckers.
“Frosted Flakes has three times the amount of sugar as Wheaties and 1/3rd the fiber.”
And ten times the flavor!
I don’t know about any of you guys, but when I want a bowl of cereal in the morning, I want something to actually enjoy. I don’t want to sit down in front of a bowl of twigs, bran, and pine cones.
More power to Phelps!
P.S. I also laugh at how the Cereal Barrons show a “Complete Breakfast” with a glass of milk, a glass of orange juice, toast, and cereal; not pointing out that if you LEAVE OUT THEIR OVER-PRICED CEREAL, ***YOU STILL HAVE A COMPLETE BREAKFAST*** !!!