Anthony Franz had started to eat healthy, but the salmon salad he ordered for lunch from Shaw’s Crab House in August 2006 wasn’t the best choice, according to a lawsuit filed Monday. Franz says he became violently ill for several days after eating that salad and later “passed a 9-foot tapeworm.”
A pathologist determined the giant tapeworm only has one source — “undercooked fish, such as salmon,” according to court papers. The lawsuit against Shaw’s Crab House, 21 E. Hubbard, and its parent company, Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, claims the restaurant’s staff was negligent in serving him undercooked fish. Franz, who was not available for comment, wants more than a refund. He’s seeking $100,000 for his pain, suffering, lost time from work and “lost enjoyment of life.”
Carrol Symank, vice president of food safety for Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, said he is confident the tapeworm did not come from the restaurant. “We have done a thorough investigation and we’re confident the restaurant is not the source,” he said.
Obviously he didn’t eat a 9ft tapeworm, so this thing has been happily reproducing in his gut for over 2 years? This story seems a little “fishy” to me. However, I have salmon steaks thawing for dinner tonight. I think I’ll eat out.

Tapeworm, the other white meat.
He must have been really tall.
Um, that is how tapeworms work. The tapeworm starts out as an embryo in the host animal’s muscle tissue. When the carnivore eats it, the embryo attaches itself to the lining of the small intestine and lives there, ever growing, until it dies.
Gross. That will put you off your sushi.
Tape worms are like The Force. They are within and around you, they are in the air and the soil, the tree and the rock.
What a way to DIET…
And think of the cholesterol Protection..
That second picture is just gross.
#6. Yes, it is, I had a dog with one hangin’ out it’s ass once. Gak!
hums Screamin’ Jay Hawkins Constipation Blues to himself.
I love sushi. I guess that explains why my asshole looks like a tape dispenser.
See what eating out will do to you !
Did he leave the server a tip – perhaps he should demand it back
Perhaps the tape worm should pay rent for the space and nutrition
Was it sticky? Gee, nine feet, that might have been enough to wrap all his Christmas stuff.
#11 – My tape worm had lines on it marking every inch and foot. It wasn’t sticky.
“Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a worm out of my butt!”
Pix or it didn’t happen.
You eat raw meat. You get worms. This is news? I learned that in grade school health class…
Oh they stopped teaching that….