The Italian edition of Vanity Fair said that it had found George Hussein Onyango Obama living in a hut in a ramshackle town of Huruma on the outskirts of Nairobi. Mr Obama, 26, the youngest of the presidential candidate’s half-brothers, spoke for the first time about his life, which could not be more different than that of the Democratic contender. “No-one knows who I am,” he told the magazine, before claiming: “I live here on less than a dollar a month.” According to Italy’s Vanity Fair his two metre by three metre shack is decorated with football posters of the Italian football giants AC Milan and Inter, as well as a calendar showing exotic beaches of the world.

George Hussein Onyango Obama
George Hussein Onyango Obama

Vanity Fair also noted that he had a front page newspaper picture of his famous brother – born of the same father as him, Barack Hussein Obama, but to a different mother, named only as Jael. He told the magazine: “I live like a recluse, no-one knows I exist.” Embarrassed by his penury, he said that he does not does not mention his famous half-brother in conversation. “If anyone says something about my surname, I say we are not related. I am ashamed,” he said.

For ten years George Obama lived rough. However he now hopes to try to sort his life out by starting a course at a local technical college. He has only met his famous older brother twice – once when he was just five and the last time in 2006 when Senator Obama was on a tour of East Africa and visited Nairobi. The Illinois senator mentions his brother in his autobiography, describing him in just one passing paragraph as a “beautiful boy with a rounded head”. Of their second meeting, George Obama said: “It was very brief, we spoke for just a few minutes. It was like meeting a complete stranger.”

George added he was no longer in contact with his mother and said:”I have had to learn to live and take what I need. “Huruma is a tough place, last January during the elections there was rioting and six people were hacked to death. The police don’t even arrest you they just shoot you. “I have seen two of my friends killed. I have scars from defending myself with my fists. I am good with my fists.”

If he was an unknown up to this point, I’m willing to bet those days are over. C’mon Barack… can you help a brother? Think of the National Security implications.

  1. Buckyballs says:

    Onyango beer?

  2. Bob says:

    I am no fan of Obama, but I really can’t blame him for the situation his brother is in. Everyone is responsible for their own life once they get over 18, Obama should not be judged by the actions of his family.

  3. Les says:

    Billy Carter part deux

  4. Paddy-O says:

    God! I can’t imagine being wealthy and having a brother living in total squalor in some god forsaken country and not fixing the situation. I sponsor 4 children in 3rd world countries. I can’t imagine what kind of person wouldn’t even sponsor his own brother. What a sick person.

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. Like Les said, you do remember Billy Beer? And of course there was Roger Clinton….

  6. rectagon says:

    This can only turn out bad for Obama. He’ll help the guy… and he’ll turn into a Mike Tyson freak machine and tank his presidency.

  7. ikelleigh says:

    #4. Like Bob said, people are responsible for their own life and how they choose to live it. This is why I hardly feel sympathy for homeless people begging for money on the sidewalks. They chose to be there, they are responsible for that.

  8. bobbo says:

    What is one’s responsibility to half-brothers from a father who divorced, left, and did not support your own mother?

    other than what we owe anyone else in the world?

  9. Montanaguy says:

    How can you miss the obvious? It’s a gitmo detention cell and Bush/Cheney are keeping him there against his will. We must elect Nobama to free him!!

  10. Dallas says:

    This is pretty good fodder for the GOP slime machine. Lets me see….

    “Barack abandons brother, will he abandon US soldiers?”

    This could be a huge issues distraction item for the GOP to mine.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    I thought the libs would be all over this topic defending Omama letting his brother live in poverty. I guess they are all on vacation today.

    I went over to DailyKooks and they all have stuck they’re heads so far into the sand that they are getting their faces walked on by kangaroos. LOL

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Everyone in Texas will agree that Oyango deserves it because he likes soccer and not American Football.

  13. MCWW3 says:

    Wow, who cares? These men are total strangers whose lives had absolutely no relevance to one another. Obama met his father once in his entire life.

  14. Dave W says:

    I don’t know. My sister is more or less homeless, living in a motor home in a third world state (rural Oregon) and I have very little desire to speak with her, much less give her my hard earned money. She earned her position over many years of idiotic behavior.

    Interestingly, one of her two offspring has managed to reach the age of 19, graduated from high school, is enrolled in college, all without having served time in jail, or even been arrested. The older one is 24 and hiding out from the law in another state.

    As for Obama, is it possible that he doesn’t (or didn’t) even know about this half brother? He is about 20 years younger, born to a father that was (AFAIK) out of Barak’s life for a long time by then.

  15. green says:

    A black helicopter kidnapped his momma.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “As for Obama, is it possible that he doesn’t (or didn’t) even know about this half brother?”

    Nope, they met in Africa. Omama just can’t seem to find a few $ in change to help him out. Omama is in trouble if the MSM don’t quickly implement a news black out…

  17. Cursor_ says:


    “This is why I hardly feel sympathy for homeless people begging for money on the sidewalks. They chose to be there, they are responsible for that.”

    Yeah I wanted that between 93 to 96. I chose to be homeless. Good call.

    There are no words for the disgust I have for you.


  18. This is going to be interesting as it unfolds.

  19. bh28630 says:

    There are no easy answers. On a spiritual level, we’re all responsible for one another while as individuals we have an obligation to perform to the highest level of our talents. Social, economic and physical realities alter all options however.

    We don’t know the entire story of why someone in another country lives as they do but if we’ve learned nothing else, surely we recognize when we’re being manipulated.

    If you don’t, you shouldn’t be voting.

  20. Steven Long says:

    Obama has a half-brother that he has met twice, connected by a father that neither of them likely knew well. Half a world away.

    How many other half brothers does Obama have?
    Does he have to give to all of them?
    How much is enough for him to give?
    Does this brother mention wanting help?
    Do we know that Barack hasn’t offered?

    -just saying

  21. bobbo says:

    #18–bhetc==and yet you provide many simple answers:

    1. Spiritually, we aren’t responsible for anyone==god is.

    2. but if we were, being responsible for everyone is likewise being responsible for no one.

    3. there are no obligations in life–only opportunities according to desires and choices.

    4. Most people in the world lead materially impoverished lives. One dollar a month? What info is missing?

    5. Political campaigns are nothing but manipulation==are their lips moving?

    6. Yes, voting. Vote all incumbents out of office.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #20 “Spiritually, we aren’t responsible for anyone==god is.

    there are no obligations in life–only opportunities according to desires and choices.”

    You crack me up. YOU consistently support the gov’t taking MY money at gun point to give to strangers in need yet, you are being an apologist for Omama NOT giving to his impoverished brother.

    Hypocrisy much?

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #17 “This is going to be interesting as it unfolds.”

    That is if the MSM give it coverage. Remember, the excuse for not covering Edwards was that he wasn’t important, etc. What will be the excuse this time? The Dem Pres nominee isn’t important?

  24. bobbo says:

    #21–Paddy==you are such a simpleton.

    My argument is about how the government should spend the money they DO take.

    Certainly, we would all be better off if “the government” (Fed, State, and Local) had none of our money at all and we all operated under a Bond of Freedom as best we arrange ourselves.

    Is that what you want paddy-0? No government at all and what government you might allow service only the rich?

    Hah, hah. Dolt.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #23 You can’t dodge the issue.

    Am I responsible
    for other people, or not (as you claim in point #1)?

    Do you support the gov’t taking $ from me at gun point to give to others who have less?

    Yes, or No.

  26. Ruth Werre says:

    Didn’t Obama say in the Saddleback that he was responsible “for the least of his brothers?” Well this guy is at the bottom of the food chain isn’t he? And to top it off his name is “George” and Barack living in America is called “Barack”. This is incredible isn’t it?

    Say Barack shake the loose change out of your pocket and send your Bro some money, you cheapskate. Man you are so pathetic.


  27. bobbo says:

    #24–Paddy==you ask:

    1. Am I responsible for other people? /// Not except I think as fairly and reasonably set forth by law–ie, to feed and cloth your own children and the like. Your fellow citizens?==No.

    2. Do you support the gov’t taking $ from me at gun point to give to others who have less? /// No.

    3. Yes, or No? /// Usually a valid ultimatim only for very simply questions. Questions and answers of that sort usually leave out anything worth discussing. Kinda like your post.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #27 “1. Am I responsible for other people? /// Not except I think as fairly and reasonably set forth by law–ie, to feed and cloth your own children and the like. Your fellow citizens?==No.

    2. Do you support the gov’t taking $ from me at gun point to give to others who have less? /// No.”

    Thanks for the answer. I’m glad you don’t support gov’t welfare pgms, national health care, etc., and the taxes that pay for them.

  29. Steven Long says:

    @ 25 Ruth Werre

    You should show Barack up by sponsoring George.
    We know so little of the story.
    Maybe he’ll use it for drugs/guns.
    Maybe he’ll refuse it.
    Or maybe he isn’t for handouts.

  30. bobbo says:

    #28–Paddy-0==you simpleton.

    Of course I support government welfare programs and nazional healthcare. What would make you think otherwise?

    Must be that chasm between yes and no?


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