Photo by correspondent Luke Rayner in the UK who says that the Brits are totally behind Obama. One bumper sticker says “Brits against Bush.” Someone should tell the Obama folks that people in the UK do not get to vote in American elections.
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Guess the Citizen of the World is running for President of the World.
Hey, Obama’s already a slam-dunk for POTUS.
Why NOT run for (figurative) President of the World? I would be nice to have somebody in the Oval Office who wasn’t the laughingstock of all civilization.
McBush ain’t gonna do it.
When the USA stops trying to be the world’s judge/jury/executioner and putting their nose in everything (wanted or not), then you can go back to thinking who gets voted in has nothing to do with people in the rest of the World.
Whilst we don’t get an official vote, the people of the world can voice our opinions and hope you make the right decision. Look what the current US government has done to the world – you really think we want the USA run by another douche-bag?
I can also confirm that there are Obama bumper stickers here in Sydney, Australia as well
I think most countries in the world backs Obama. We desperatly want to love the US again, but with current administration its just impossible.
Greets from sweden.
Europeans know all too well that a McCain presidency is 4 more years of disastrous policy that affects them. Too bad their leaders are just as stupid as our president and more than willing to hitch a ride in McCain’s flaming chariot of economic doom.
I don’t know about stickers all over the UK, can’t say I’ve noticed any, but there are US ex-pats here so maybe the photo is of one of them.
Even if it’s not, in theory at least, it’s a free country and we’re entitled to our own opinions and allowed (just) to express them. Who ruins (sorry, runs) the US affects everyone because lap-dog politicians the world over follow their masters lead and screw us all so some fat cats can get fatter in the US.
I guess Obama must be horrible, since so many people who are obviously WRONG because they aren’t Americans, like him.
I mean, god forbid Americans actually stop and look at why so many people around the world like Obama and don’t want McCain.
Most of us here have a really distorted view of the world. We think of ourselves being the end all, be all. We aren’t. It’s time we grow up. Time for being an adolescent is over.
If you consider that every human being starts out the same at birth (although some are born into wealth, others into poverty), then the 300 million of us Americans can’t really compare to the nearly 6.4 billion other people on this planet.
Ready to grow up? It’s time.
Old Europe is going to be very disappointed come election day.
# 9 Springheel Jack said:
“Old Europe is going to be very disappointed come election day.”
If the policies of the Publican Party had left me any money, I’d be willing to make a sporting proposition on that…
Bumper stickers aren’t really ‘done’ in the UK that much (considered to be tacky) …. in fact, it is quite rare to see bumpers stickers, so I’d reckon that is probably an American ex-pat or diplomat…
This just sends the wrong message and takes away from the status of President of the US. But I guess we do it to ourselves by parading around acting like a celebrity. That too me was Obama’s biggest mistake so far.
After all, why are you campaigning over in Europe when your potential voter’s are over here?
hey John
we all know you’re a bit biased on this subject, but couldn’t it be possible these are ex-pat Americans who CAN and DO vote in elections. Just because they are overseas (working, studying, researching, fighting wars of choice based on Dvorak’s neanderthal neocon buddies’ D&D fantasies, etc) does not eliminate their right to vote in national elections.
stuff it, dude
You know, there are a lot of expat septics in Blighty so it could them and they can vote.
Just another sign of the what the international community is wishing for in a troubled world.
Yeah, I’m sure the other countries will just love America once OBama is President.
You really give a shit what people in other countries put on their cars?
Man, John, you must have a lot of extra time on your hands.
This ends the Obama presidency the shortest on record.A man who became our president before he was elected and lost it before he was elected.
“Look what the current US government has done to the world – you really think we want the USA run by another douche-bag?”
Meanwhile the Chinese are loading up Africa with more weapons then people they can kill. The ENTIRE world sits by and lets Mugabe run rampant. Nobody gives a crap about Darfur. The majority of the conflicts in the world are the result of Muslims who refuse to get along with their neighbors. And you’re worried about what the US government has done to the world. Ya, right. Wake up and smell the rotting flesh.
#19–geof==the USA in fact is leading the world by its unilateral actions and thru its “cooperative efforts” in the UN, WTO, etc.
If we were more interested in creating coalitions to counteract situations like Darfur ((remember the Canadian General there who begged for 1000 qualified troops to stop all the violence, but the UN sent him home?)) rather than arrange the world to keep the third world in debt and the USA on its Oil addiction, the world would be a very different place.
Now lets see, who is more likely to engage with the world: rich white boy who has never traveled outside the USA and his clone, or mixed race boy who grew up overseas?
Obama is the hope of the world in more ways than one. We should try the other spread if for nothing more than something new for a change.
#3: Beautifully said.
Lots of Americans don’t give a crap who runs for high office in other countries. Why? Because lots of Americans are beer-swillin’, NASCAR-loving, football-watchin’ good ol’ boys who only care about America. The best word I can think of to describe American attitudes about international issues is “insular”.
All one needs to do is compare news broadcasts. There are plenty on the net, and even the old-fashioned way of shortwave. News from other countries has reports from all over the world. American news, on the other hand, is concerned only with issues that directly affect America. Disgusting.
#5 “We desperately want to love the US again, but”
I keep hearing this crap. Apparently, too many people out there still love America, illegal immigration, from ALL parts of the world, continues unabated.
We need to become more disliked, even hated, until people start leaving.
Some of the other respondents have put it better than I could. You good ol’ boys in the USA really need a President who can start to repair your reputation in the world outside the USA. That means: not just another old white male Republican. It’s bad enough that Obama has to take an (unconstitutional) “religion test” to be elected, but at least he won’t be pushing Creationism in to your schools.
If you think you can just ignore the rest of the world and keep on as you’re going, your economy is going to bite you in the ass, harder than it already has. The world needs the USA, but the USA needs the world too. ‘Nuff said. 8)
Americans don’t care who Old Europe elects because it doesn’t affect us.
That said, you should welcome an “insular” America. We just screw things up when we start caring about what goes on outside our border.
if you think about it..
obama is being marketed like a “fantastic, brandy new, must-have product”
-too bad he doesn’t come with a money back guarantee. :s
Of course the Brits are behind Obama–they’re a Muslim country now.
#25 & 26 – both brilliant!
Must be Madonna’s Peugeot.
I wish I could buy a sticker here. As a person who has lived in the states for 21 years, I am all for getting Obama in. He is the best choice for the states and the rest of the world. If anybody here (UK) wants and has the courage to display their passions on their car, then more power to them, and it at least makes people talk about it.