It’s appalling how far the main stream media has fallen since the investigative journalism peak of Watergate. The op-ed piece below by Frank Rich points out a few of the things the MSM seems to be ignoring about McCain. Time for Obama, seemingly trying to run a fairly clean campaign, to go dirty to do their job for them?

The Candidate We Still Don’t Know

So why isn’t Obama romping? The obvious answer — and both the excessively genteel Obama campaign and a too-compliant press bear responsibility for it — is that the public doesn’t know who on earth John McCain is. The most revealing poll this month by far is the Pew Research Center survey finding that 48 percent of Americans feel they’re “hearing too much” about Obama. Pew found that only 26 percent feel that way about McCain, and that nearly 4 in 10 Americans feel they hear too little about him. It’s past time for that pressing educational need to be met.

What is widely known is the skin-deep, out-of-date McCain image. As this fairy tale has it, the hero who survived the Hanoi Hilton has stood up as rebelliously in Washington as he did to his Vietnamese captors. He strenuously opposed the execution of the Iraq war; he slammed the president’s response to Katrina; he fought the “agents of intolerance” of the religious right; he crusaded against the G.O.P. House leader Tom DeLay, the criminal lobbyist Jack Abramoff and their coterie of influence-peddlers.

With the exception of McCain’s imprisonment in Vietnam, every aspect of this profile in courage is inaccurate or defunct.

While we’re at it, what did all of you think of that odd Q & A with McCain and Obama at Rick Warren’s Faith Forum? Odd because who is Warren that he gets this kind of power on national TV to make or break the candidates with a particular group of voters? And should religion play that big a role in a Presidential election?

  1. #90 – Tommie

    >>Do not forget the Congress that actually
    >>forced Clinton to sign that balanced budget

    This is Tommie on drugs.


  2. Burr Deming says:

    Thanks for the apt critique of lazy reporting.

    I do wish you would expand the discussion of McCain’s plan to tax the health benefits of working folks.

  3. geofgibson says:

    Reading back some of the comments, I have to ask, Li ad any others with whom may agree. Y’all like to joke about anti-Communism, but tell me, what part of Communism is acceptable? It is a totally failed system which has killed more innocent people than all monarchists, fascists and capitalists. It is a system which has impoverished those unlucky enough to be stuck under it’s thumb. It is a ruthless example of the worst in human nature.
    So, why tolerate it? Why accept it’s existence? It has never been requested by any population, but, instead, imposed by force. Why is that NOT something which should be resisted wherever it crops up its ugly head?

  4. #99 – Jeffie

    >>You sound like a “Bush lied, people died” parrot.
    >>That’s a gross generalization and unfair.

    Seems pretty accurate to me. Bush did lie. People did die.

    What part of that statement do you consider inaccurate?

    As to the rest of your balderdash, pfffft. People don’t generally die in America because of lack of access to gasoline or corn flakes. People don’t go bankrupt overnight because they can’t fill up their car or get a sandwich.

    Access to affordable health care, which is a given in all other “civilized” nations, is something that’s “outsourced” to for-profitmongering parasites, therefore, it doesn’t exist.

  5. geofgibson says:

    Mustard, I was commenting on the concept of “talking points” as opposed to analyzing the statements. I’m taking for granted that you are thinking about your positions and not just parroting what you read in Daily Kos, you should extend the same courtesy to those with whom you disagree.

    You want to make doctors employees of the government, fine, you’ll get healthcare the way you get service at the DMV. Not for me.

    As I’ve said to others on this issue of Bush, put up or shut up. Impeach him already! Put the evidence out there in open court. When you do, then we’ll see.
    Your line of reasoning then demands that the British, french, Germans, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John Kerry, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, and good ol’ Ted Kennedy were all lying when they said Saddam had WMD and was a threat to peace and stability.
    Unless, of course, even before being elected President, GWB (who everyone says is a complete idiot), was able to outwit all these brilliant Democrats and international intelligence agencies to plant lies about Saddam so he could start a war after he was elected President some two to four years in the future.
    Oh yes, and he got Congressional approval to use force to depose Saddam. So, you going to lock up all those who voted to authorize Bush to take action as well? You should.
    Then there’s the fact that the War Powers Act is an unconstitutional encroachment upon the Executive branch. GWB didn’t need approval, but he got it anyway. Same thing with wasting time with the UN. GHe didn’t need their approval. If Congress had any integrity, they’d just cut off the funding, which is their Constitutional role, and be done with it.
    Of course, Congress has no integrity. Nor balls. So there you go.
    But, oh ya, Bush Lied and people died. That’s what I call Serious Analysis (tongue firmly planted in cheek).

  6. QB says:

    #99 The commonwealth fund study quoted had US data from phone surveys of 137 people with enrolled market coverage (e.g. corporate paid family coverage).

    Chaoulli v. Quebec was a lawsuit, not a study.

    You make some good points on a personal level. Your data is weak.

  7. geofgibson says:

    “Chaoulli v. Quebec was a lawsuit, not a study.”
    I never said it was. Read my copy. I used it as an example of how ‘universal healthcare’ is doled out at the mercy of the Mandarins in government.

    And it doesn’t matter what kind of coverage the Americans had, the point is that the wait times really are longer in Socialized, or single payer, or whatever you want to call it, systems.

    Thank you for the compliment, though.

  8. Li says:

    “You should.
    Then there’s the fact that the War Powers Act is an unconstitutional encroachment upon the Executive branch. GWB didn’t need approval, but he got it anyway.”

    From the U.S. Constitution, Section 8: Powers of the Congress

    “To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water”

    If you love America so much, and you are so desperate to defend her from the liberals (i.e. anyone who believes in such quaint ideas as liberal democracy, human rights and the Constitution), perhaps you could start by not being a Constitution burning fascist.

    You have a lot of words, but you are thus far lacking a) facts b)historical accuracy c) truth and d) the milk of human kindness.

    Really, it seems like you are just functioning to derail conversation here with your unremitting balderdash, so perhaps I should get us back on track: what do you think about McCain’s plan to tax the poor and middle class by making health care plans taxable, while continuing policies that mean that most of the rich pay virtually no, or actually no, tax at all?

  9. #102 – Jeffie

    >>You want to make doctors employees of the
    >>government, fine, you’ll get healthcare the way
    >>you get service at the DMV. Not for me.

    Naw, I’ll get it the way they get it in Switzerland, Germany, and every other civilized nation. And I won’t go bankrupt or die unnecessarily in the process.

    >>As I’ve said to others on this issue of Bush,
    >>put up or shut up. Impeach him already!

    Probably too late for that. I think the International Criminal Court in the Hague is probably a more likely outcome. We may not be able to get him for 7 1/2 years of uninterrupted bungling, but the war crimes thing should be a slam dunk.

    >>Oh yes, and he got Congressional approval to
    >>use force to depose Saddam.

    He got authorisation to use military force as a last resort. Congress was incredibly stupid to think that he would wait until the “last resort” stage. Incredibly stupid. That chickenhawk had been chomping at the bit to invade Iraq since before Poppy’s Supreme Court cabal handed him the 2000 election.

    >>But, oh ya, Bush Lied and people died. That’s
    >>what I call Serious Analysis

    No, it’s just the executive summary. And pretty darned accurate, don’t you think? The gory (literally) details can be found in a million scholarly treatises on the debacle, but to put it in a nutshell, “Bush lied, and people died”. There’s no disputing that.

  10. geofgibson says:

    “Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States”
    President doesn’t need to have Congress declare war to command the military. War was never declared against Iraq, even in 1991. The War Powers Act is still unconstitutional.

    #105 –
    Constitution burning, really? In case you missed my point, I’m all for much more strict adherence to the Constitution.

    Which brings me back to McCain. I disagree strongly with much of his program. McCain/Fiengold is blatantly unconstitutional. His tax plan, however reduces taxes on EVERYBODY, which is as it should be. Obama’s on the other hand, raises taxes on those who do the most to create jobs and wealth in this country, thereby harming the economy and every citizen.

    And don’t try and pull this ludicrous nonsense about the rich “mostly pay no tax.” IRS data from 2003 show the top 25% of earners pay 83.9% of the tax load. That is unconscionable. YOU go get your facts correct.

  11. geofgibson says:

    “The gory (literally) details can be found in a million scholarly treatises on the debacle, but to put it in a nutshell, “Bush lied, and people died”. There’s no disputing that.”

    Actually, there is. Victor Davis Hansen being one of the outstanding scholars in the field.
    Then there’s Congress, who demonstrated the real liar was Joe Wilson, who fabricated nearly everything other than “sipping tea in Niger”.

    But, rather than putting their money where their mouth is, Liberals get ever more hysterical about GWB, the moron who’s fooled and stumped them from day 1. What does that say about all those Bright Boys and their Ivy League degrees? Well GWB is one of them anyway, and got slightly better grades then John Kerry (who served in Vietnam).

    Give me a break! When will Liberals figure out they’re being played as much by the D’s as by the R’s. At least Cindy Sheehan figured out she was a tool for other’s political ambitions. Too bad they don’t look any deeper.

  12. QB says:

    #104 My pleasure

    I think my point should have been, using an argument from the complainant in a lawsuit is not very persuasive.

  13. geofgibson says:

    #109 –
    “However, the WHO’s study methods were criticized by some analyses. Some argue that Canada has had higher mortality rates for some conditions, such as heart attacks. A recent report by the Congressional Research Service carefully summarizes some recent data and notes the “difficult research issues” facing international comparisons.”

    There’s definitely room for interpretation when it comes to the WHO study.

    And to the contrary, I totally agree with the assertion that college education is government subsidized. It is a huge racket and a moral disgrace when universities with multi-million dollar endowments in the bank are getting tax dollars. No corporate welfare for universities!!

    Doctors aren’t forced to work for free, yet, but that is the end result of government health care. The hospitals which run ERs that are forced to treat anyone, regardless of their willingness to pay is another matter. That’s just wrong.

    Lastly, when health care is paid from tax dollars, then I don’t have the choice but to pay for someone else’s care. That’s not freedom.

  14. Thomas says:

    Actually, war was declared in both Iraq engagements via AUMFs which the Supreme Court has ruled is the equivalent to a declaration.

    > “Bush lied, and people died”.
    > There’s no disputing that

    There is no disputing it is nonsense. Only in a Clintonian dictionary can one construe mistaken military intelligence for a lie.

  15. #112 – Tommie

    >>Only in a Clintonian dictionary can one construe
    >>mistaken military intelligence for a lie.

    The intelligence was there. Dumbya simply chose to cherry-pick the bits of it that supported his immoral and unethical invasion of a sovereign nation.

    Were it not for his despicable and relentless campaign to invade Iraq, no matter what the facts, we could be a trillion dollars richer and 4000+ American kids would still be alive.

  16. bobbo says:

    #112–Thomas==only in a neo-con dictionary can one construe manufactured evidence as anything but a lie.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #107, geof,

    And don’t try and pull this ludicrous nonsense about the rich “mostly pay no tax.” IRS data from 2003 show the top 25% of earners pay 83.9% of the tax load. That is unconscionable. YOU go get your facts correct.

    Great FUD.

    In 2002 the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income.

    You did note though that Li was asking for your opinion on John McCain’s plan to tax the health care plans of poor people.


    Actually, there is. Victor Davis Hansen being one of the outstanding scholars in the field.
    Then there’s Congress, who demonstrated the real liar was Joe Wilson, who fabricated nearly everything other than “sipping tea in Niger”.

    I call bullshit. Would you care to provide some links?

    BTW, who the hell is Victor Hansen?

    BTW, Wilson has been shown correct about everything he wrote about.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #111, geof,

    Doctors aren’t forced to work for free, yet, but that is the end result of government health care.

    In other words they aren’t being forced to work for free. OK, show us ONE country in the industrialized world that forces their physicians to work for free. Remember, the US is the only country without universal health care coverage, so you should be able to find some country that forces their physicians to work for free. C’mon, I know you can do it. You are so forceful in telling us they work for free.

    The hospitals which run ERs that are forced to treat anyone, regardless of their willingness to pay is another matter. That’s just wrong.

    You are right. That is wrong. Hospitals ERs are NOT forced to treat anyone. They must only provide treatment to those with serious injury, illness or in labor and then only to the point of stabilization. They don’t provide care as they would to someone who can pay. Besides, this was one of your points earlier, let the poor use the ERs.

    Lastly, when health care is paid from tax dollars, then I don’t have the choice but to pay for someone else’s care. That’s not freedom.

    It’s an insurance scheme idiot !!! You don’t have any choice but to pay for others health problems now if you have insurance. The same for your car insurance, or home insurance. Only you are not only paying for some one else’s health problems, you are paying large bonuses to the executives and profits to shareholders.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #111, geof,

    A recent report by the Congressional Research Service carefully summarizes some recent data and notes the “difficult research issues” facing international comparisons.”

    OK, and those “difficult research issues” are …? I notice you have yet to credit anyone with your blatant quotes. That is called plagiarism. A form of intellectual theft. So if you want to use the Congressional Research Service then please post a link to their study.

    There’s definitely room for interpretation when it comes to the WHO study.

    Such as … ? Again, you post that someone disagrees with but don’t post what that disagreement is nor do you post a link to the WHO study.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #112, Thomas,

    Actually, war was declared in both Iraq engagements via AUMFs which the Supreme Court has ruled is the equivalent to a declaration.

    OK, where is the Supreme Court Decision legitimizing the Authority for Use of Military Force against Iraq?

    Please note that Richard Pearle, one of the architects of the invasion commented that the invasion was illegal even if it was justified.

    Only in a Clintonian dictionary can one construe mistaken military intelligence for a lie.

    Only an idiot would accept that Bush did not purposely lie to the American Congress and people.

  21. BigCarbonFoot says:

    They’re both such weak candidates that a real candidate would beat either one of them. In the meantime, looking at the choice we are given – we’re screwed.

    Doctors may not work for free in a public system, but they’re not allowed to make significantly more than average either. If you don’t get to make more than others, why go to the effort of being a doctor?

    We’re screwed.

  22. BigCarbonFoot says:

    BTW: Uncle Dave, be careful what you wish for. Real journalism would hurt Obama at least as much as McCain. In fact, I doubt he’d be the presumptive nominee.

  23. geofgibson says:

    #117 –
    Congressional Research Service, “U.S. Health Care Spending: Comparison with Other OECD Countries”, September 17, 2007. Order Code RL34175

    #115 – So those who report 30% of the income pay 53% of the taxes? Still proves that they pay more than their fair share and the class warriors are just tying to screw people who make more money than they do.

    A good summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings that Joe Wilson lied about nearly everything related to Iraq is here:

  24. #121 – Jeff

    >>When you have no choice but to take the healthcare
    >>doled out by the government, then you are a slave to
    >>that government.

    WTF are you talking about??? I don’t know of a single country on earth where you are FORCED to “take the healthcare doled out by the government”.

    The rich ALWAYS have the option of paying for “superior” service either in their home country or abroad.

    The only difference with a system of universal healthcare would be that those who are NOT rich need not die, go bankrupt, or see their lives collapse around them because they can’t get ANY healthcare (yeah, yeah, I know, they can always go the ER, right?).

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #119, BigArseWipe,

    Doctors may not work for free in a public system, but they’re not allowed to make significantly more than average either.

    OK, then post a link where Doctors are forced to work for average pay. Since you always post garbage, I’m not holding my breath waiting.

  26. geofgibson says:

    “The only difference with a system of universal healthcare would be that those who are NOT rich need not die, go bankrupt, or see their lives collapse around them because they can’t get ANY healthcare .”

    The difference is that the government uses its inherent force to take the citizen’s fruit of their labor for the coverage that the Mandarins determine is best.

    Jesus was right, the poor will always be with us. The bell curve is real. Someone will always have more than others and there will always be someone at the bottom getting a raw deal. That is the nature of life. Depriving people of freedom in the attempt, no matter how well intentioned, always leads down the road of tyranny.

    Let people be free to allocate their resources as they see fit. Let doctors, nurses, and scientists practice their crafts as their professions dictate. That is what freedom is all about. If you don’t like it, go move to a society which is less free, but please, stop trying to make this country more dependent upon government and bureaucrats.

    Repeal the parts of the tax code which lead to people receiving insurance through their employers. Repeal Ted Kennedy’s HMO law. More freedom and less government in healthcare is the solution.

  27. geofgibson says:

    Another example of why American’s aren’t buying what Obama’s selling.
    Obama’s Tax Plan is a Welfare Plan:

  28. QB says:

    Americans prefer choice in their health care coverage. That’s why 50 million Americans choose not to have coverage.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #131 “Lets take water or waste removal or fire fighting. Why is that socialized? Why not open that to the free market?”

    Water & waste removal is in many areas. Fire fighting could be as well.

  30. bobbo says:

    #132–Paddy==I’m only aware of water being privatized in South America (forget the country) and fire fighting in Ancient Rome. I don’t think it is working out too well.

    What examples are you thinking of?


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