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Faced with the humiliation of impeachment, former army chief Pervez Musharraf quit as Pakistan president on Monday, having lost political, popular and increasingly even U.S. support.
A career army officer, Musharraf came to power in a 1999 coup, went on to be a close U.S. ally in the war against terror, and narrowly survived al Qaeda-inspired assassination attempts.
His enemies said he betrayed Islam by caving in to U.S. pressure to abandon support for the Taliban government hosting al Qaeda in Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
He also betrayed the Pakistan constitution, putting handpicked judges in place and opposition leaders in jail.
The U.S. government sank more than $11 billion into Pakistan, mostly its military, and expected Musharraf to produce results…
Musharraf ultimately disappointed many who hoped he would lead Pakistan out of political morass and growing religious conservatism.
Now, there’s a tactic the Dems never had the guts to try. Impeach dimbulb and maybe he’d do a Nixon and resign to save his “legacy”?
If only Bush would follow his example !!! Prick Cheney too !!! But, no, they will stay till the last possible moment, squeezing every dollar of WAR PROFITEERING they can out of their “War on Terror” !!! Bush/Cheney “Legacy” = WORST ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY !!!
At least Nixon had the grace, dignity, common sense, and logic to resign when everything was imploding all around him. It’s painfully obvious that expecting our own present fearless leader to have the same qualities would be too much to ask.
I guess son-of-a-Bush wants to cement his standing as “Worst US President Ever®” in the Guinness Book of World Records intact centuries after he’s left office.
“..Impeach dimbulb and maybe he’d do a Nixon and resign to save his “legacy”? ..”
Won’t work but I agree the DEM’s are a bunch of pussy cowards on this.
It won’t work anyway because the GOP will never allow their “brand” to be tarnished – regardless of just how much a loser, liar and criminal this turd of president is.
Furthermore, Bush has no conscience or self respect. He will stay on like a Mussolini and unfortunately, will not follow the same destiny.
I think Bush’s “legacy” will be similar to Emperor Nero’s. Who knows, his legacy may live in infamy as long as Nero’s.
Impeach Bush?
Oh if only they would.
Nice suit. I theorize this is all about Tibet. He was just jealous, fellas.
Who’s angry? I’m just observing and opining.
You guys hate Musharraf, and prefer to have a country that is totally against US? I guess you figure since there’s a Republican President, any leader that acts on behalf of America should be opposed to.
Theres no reason for Bush and Cheney to step down when the Dem’s put impeachment off the table. So, the Democractic Party–less values than the Taliban.
Impeachment should be undertaken even if it fails to get the votes to go forward just as a caution to the next President. From Nixon on, what we have is a President Above the Law because Congress won’t do its job, captured by Party Politics as it has been. In fact, Pelosi should have been impeached the week she said she would not allow it.
“Leaders” are supposed to perform the duties of their office rather than subvert all that is holy to get re-elected.
So who’s controlling the $11B in weapons now?
Bobbo, Pelosi can’t be impeached.
I’d agree with you about the warning to the next president, except I think this Congress would mess it up, and it would serve as an encouragement to the next president.
Is this a fucking joke?
Gilani has been president for months.
How dumb are you mother fuckers?
Bush doesn’t know enough to feel humiliation for his actions. Besides, god told him to …
Even if he got impeached, he’d think his legacy was in tact. Even if he doesn’t get impeached, it isn’t.
Gilani didn’t even win in Forida.
Re: #13 eaze
FYI… Gilani is the Prime Minister, Musharraf was the President.
#15, Lyin’ Mike,
Oh, that is a classic. Good thing I wasn’t drinking something, it would be all over the keyboard and monitor.
Keep this up and I’ll start calling you Amusing Mike.
Re: #16 Wookie
Thanks for that. Can you go in to slightly more depth as I am finding the idea of a prime minister and a president in act in the same country slightly confusing. WTF?
#12–Mike==no impeachment huh? Well–I meant removed from her office as Leader of the House==whats that called?
Anyway–congrats. I think you have it right on impeaching Bush and the incompetence of Congress to do it. Gee, could Pelosi be that far ahead of me? —-Naah. Some things need to be done because its the right thing to do, damn the consequences.
Removed from her office as leader would be called ‘removed from her office as leader’. It would take a majority vote of Dems in the House to do it. Technically she is the Speaker, not the Democratic leader.
Musharraf is a courageous guy. He prevented nuclear war by removing a corrupt government, he crushed Islamic radicals, he survived numerous assassination attempts, he established relations with Israel, and he sided with the US in Afghanistan. He stood up against the mob and paid dearly for it.
We are less safe with him gone.
Bush can be impeached for all the good it would do. Clinton was impeached, but nothing really changed. (Impeached by the House but Acquitted by the Senate).
In Bush’s case it would probably be an exact repeat. Impeached by the House and Acquitted by the Senate. Ergo, business as usual.
Nonetheless, as Bobbo said, the statement should be made.
As far as Musharraf, I have to agree with #21 Billy Bob.
Musharraf tried to become the new sheriff in town and oust the Islamic radicals.
He lost. This is bad news for all of us.
The reason Afghanistan is still at war is because of Pakistan. They are giving safe harbor to the Taliban and supporting these radicals with money, land, safety, much of the army, and secret services.
MARK MY WORDS! Our next “war” won’t be with Iran, it will be with Pakistan.
We cannot pull out of Afghanistan until Pakistan is dealt with.
#22. Did y’all read the story about the CIA taking the Mush govt to task because the ISI (the Pakistani CIA) provided logistical support for the car bombing of the Indian Embassy in Pakistan?
If this guy was so pro-American, why won’t he let the US debrief master nuclear proliferator AQ Khan? Why was Pakistan making tribal truce deals that provided shelter for the Taliban? Why was he taking US anti-terrorist aid and spending on the Pakistani Air Force?
If $10b can’t buy a better ally than Mush, we are better off keeping our money
#6 – Jimmie
>>You guys must be giving up on BHO if you’re back
>>to talking about impeachment.
President Obama is a done deal. Now, time to atone for the sins of the past 7 1/2 years.
Off to the Hague with Dumbya!!
#23, Doug. Exactly! So who is actually in charge of Pakistan?
What I noticed was, since Musharraf stepped down as the head of the military, the military was more brazen about it’s terrorist activities.
As I said, Pakistan is going to be a far worse problem than Iran.
#25. Yep, Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world, hands down. Mush was just fairly good at maintaining the window-dressing to fool mopes like Dubya and his coterie.
Even a dictator like Musharaff knows when to quit apparently. Bush still hasn’t gotten the memo from the American people yet, thank goodness for term limits. Assuming he doesn’t use a presidential directive to stay in office that is…